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Two students study a skeleton in the ground

New Undergraduate Certificate in Forensic Sciences Begins this Fall at Idaho State University

August 22, 2022

Since eighth grade, Kailey Pease has known that she wanted to help figure out the puzzle of people’s lives through forensic work. 

Employment Opportunities August 22

August 22, 2022

Omar Raudez Appointed NSO Director

August 22, 2022

Enrollment Management is pleased to announce the appointment of Omar Raudez to the Director of New Student Orientation role, effective Aug.8. 

Yellowstone National Park digital collection now available

August 22, 2022

In celebration of Yellowstone National Park’s 150th anniversary this year, the Eli M. Oboler Library has launched a digital collection that brings together a selection of photographs, postcards, correspondence, publications, scrapbooks, and other archival materials from nineteen different collections housed in the Special Collections and Archives department at Idaho State University.

ISU's TRIO McNair Scholars Program Earns $1.3 Million Grant

August 22, 2022

Idaho State University’s TRIO McNair Scholars Program has been awarded a five-year $1.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to support ISU TRIO McNair Scholars as they prepare to continue their education by moving onward into doctoral programs.

A group of students stand outside a building.

ISU Physical Education Students Gain Hands-on Experience at 2022 SHAPE Conference

August 22, 2022

In August, six students within Idaho State University’s Human Performance and Sport Studies Department (HPSS) received a special grant from the Idaho State University College of Education to attend the 2022 Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) Montana/Idaho Conference in Missoula, Montana.

Political Science Students and Professors Publish Chapters in Book on Classroom Simulations

August 18, 2022

Doctor of Arts in Political Science students, James Pascali and Jonathan Blakeman, have recently published a chapter in a book about simulations in the political science classroom. The chapter, titled, "To Veto or Not to Veto: A Simulation of Presidential Decision Making" was co-authored with political science professors, Dr. Kellee Kirkpatrick and Dr. James Stoutenborough.

Student walking on campus

Updated COVID-19 Guidelines for Fall 2022

August 18, 2022

On August 11, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention streamlined its COVID-19 guidance, shifting the focus to individuals assessing their own level of risk.

Raiden Hunter, a C-SURF participant, works on a project at Idaho State University.

Department of Chemistry Wraps Successful Summer Research Season

August 18, 2022

Another summer of student research is in the books for the Idaho State University Department of Chemistry. The end of July marked the close of two of the department’s ongoing summer research programs for undergraduate and high school students.

Degree Works Upgrade Now Available

August 17, 2022