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ISU Events, Jan. 14-26

January 14, 2008

ISU Bengal Dancers farewell performance set Jan. 14

January 10, 2008

Jan. 21 march to honor memory of Martin Luther King Jr.

January 10, 2008

Craters of the Moon winter ecology workshop set Jan. 12-13

January 7, 2008

ISU professor emeritus produces national PBS series on TV’s formative years

January 7, 2008

ISU signs agreement with Indian engineering university

January 7, 2008

ISU pharmacy students plan 15th annual fundraiser for local youth

January 4, 2008

ISU to host National Dance Association workshop Feb. 8-9

January 3, 2008

2008 Human Rights Celebration set at ISU Jan. 15-29

January 3, 2008

IMNH continues armchair traveler series with Dr. Roger Boe

January 3, 2008