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Employment Opportunities

February 3, 2020

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Film, Panel Discussion to explore “Anthropocene: The Human Epoch” Feb. 20 at ISU

January 31, 2020

POCATELLO – A free screening of the film  “Anthropocene: The Human Epoch” and a panel discussion on how human beings have had an impact on the environment will be held at 7 p.m. Feb. 20 in the Idaho State University Pond Student Union Wood River Room.

English Professor Alan Johnson publishes novel "Family Plot"

January 31, 2020

Idaho State University English Professor Alan Johnson has published the mystery novel "Family Plot" that is set India.

Professor Pearson in mountains with glacier in the background

Petroleum Experts donate MOVEModeling software worth more than $2.5 million to Idaho State University Geosciences department

January 31, 2020

POCATELLO – Petroleum Experts Limited has donated the equivalent of more than $2.5 million in oil and gas-industry software for use by the Idaho State University Department of Geosciences that will be used by ISU researchers working on a National Science Foundation grant and for teaching of advanced graduate-level geosciences courses.

College of Education Dean Finalist Open Forums

January 30, 2020

Strengths- Where are we now?

January 30, 2020

Headshot of Melody Weaver

Idaho Rural Health Association Welcomes President-Elect Melody Weaver

January 30, 2020

Join us for the next PIE Workshop - Syllabus Creation 101 with Karen Appleby

January 30, 2020

ISU Football Signing Day at Juniper Hills CC - Feb. 5

January 30, 2020

Study about Clavicles Published in Forensic Anthropology

January 30, 2020