Self-Paced, Online Courses

The Albion Center for Professional Development at Idaho State University offers a growing catalog of 100% online, self-paced K-12 professional development courses for teachers, administrators, and educators nationwide. Please read the following information before registering for any course.
- Courses are $55/credit. There are no course fees.
- You do not have to be admitted to Idaho State University to take our professional development courses.
- Courses are transcribed as graduate level, non-degree, semester credits.
- There is a limit of 30 credits per semester, and we do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades. You can then Request a Transcript at no cost.
- Important! It is your responsibility to ensure that our courses will be accepted by your state and/or district for certification renewal and salary advancement. The Albion Center for Professional Development does not offer refunds and this policy must be acknowledged when you register.
To find instructions on how to register for multiple courses at once, please refer to our FAQ. (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Assessment Courses
This course is designed to build an understanding of effective classroom assessment techniques. Emphasis on the psychometric properties of classroom assessments (reliability, validity, and absence-of-bias) will support teachers' educational practices and their ability to select appropriate assessment techniques. Participants will reflect on their own classroom assessments, identifying areas of improvement and developing effective assessments for examining students' understanding of classroom topics. The course provides educators with the tools to help align their instruction and assessment to improve student success in the classroom.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42262
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Meet the Course Creator: Ali Mondt
The history and purposes of academic grading have led academia to conflicting expectations and approaches both on the part of teacher and student. In many cases, grades have come to represent something other than accomplishment of course objectives, often resulting in a discouraging experience for those who grade. Different perspectives will be provided against the backdrop of current practices so that teachers and institutions can consider potential improvements to said current practices.
Note:We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42300
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Randy Simonson
This course will explore the concepts of assessment and how it can accelerate learning. Students will access prior knowledge of assessment to synthesize resources in determining the applicable definition of the term "assessment". Students will read about the impact a classroom culture for assessment-capable learning has on student ownership and motivation to learn. Lastly, Students will be asked to make connections from their own experiences using a practitioner lens of assessing student learning.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42312
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Kelli Rich
Creative Courses
This course is meant to educate general educators who do not teach art how to infuse art into their curriculums, regardless of subject matter and grade level. This course will give teachers the tools to get started with art from basic supply information to classroom routines and best practices. We will explore how art enhances students' learning, knowledge retention and engagement through the analysis of research across subject matter, student ability and grade level in order to design lessons that meaningfully weave art and design into lessons that can be used within your classroom.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42376
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Meet the Course Creator: Hannah Butcher
This course will teach basic graphic design principles to be applied to everyday applications. It is intended to help the non-graphic designer improve visual communication through knowledge that spans from color usage to placement and page layout. The course includes practical design guidelines and exercises to give you a chance to put these new skills into practice. By improving your understanding of how to use graphic design, you will know how to spark intrigue and improve communication through your everyday output of physical and virtual documents.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42284
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Meet the Course Creator: Shannon Marx
The purpose of this professional development course is to provide pedagogical approaches and curricular structure in media arts education for visual arts, technology, or any content teacher who wishes to provide their students opportunities to learn about and through media arts.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42298
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Meet the Course Creator: Emily O'Keefe
This course explores how technology can be used in the music classroom. Some examples will be focused specifically on how to engage student musicians with technology, while others will be designed to support working music teachers. Videos and articles will also be included to support the ever-growing field of music technology as it applies to the classroom. Lastly, learners will take a look at the next steps and careers in music technology.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42356
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Meet the Course Creator: Zane Kaiser
In today's digital world, it is becoming more and more important for teachers to become digitally literate and provide classroom experiences that are engaging for students both in the physical and virtual classroom. This includes knowing how to create visually appealing content as well as teaching students these concepts to use in their work. This course is a review of the elements of art and how a teacher should use and incorporate the elements in their course materials to promote engagement as well as helping students use them as a means of expressing understanding. The elements of art include line, shape, form, space, value, color, texture, and type.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42318
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Meet the Course Creator: Spencer Christensen
The purpose of this professional development course is to help you understand the principles of design. Understanding these principles will help you create more engaging content that will increase student learning (especially those who are more visual learners). This will also help you in assessing student work that is creative in nature as you will have guiding principles on which to base your assessments. Lastly, the course will help you be more creative!
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42321
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Meet the Course Creator: Spencer Christensen
The purpose of this professional development course is to introduce the drawing-to-learn as a learning framework that can support life science learning when implemented with intention and direction. Effective drawing activities frame drawing as a learning process to incorporate observation and communication. Educators will be guided through designing and implementing drawing activities that fit their needs, class level, and learning goals. Educators and students need no prior drawing experience. From mind maps to observational drawings, this course will introduce various, adaptable drawing activities with suggestions for modification.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42336
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Meet the Course Creator: A.M. Rasmussen
This professional development course provides practical strategies and methods of implementing movement and music in the K-12 classroom that are flexible and modifiable for various ages and class levels. Movement and music are aspects of education that are not often addressed when planning a curriculum. Brain research and educational studies have shown that movement and music play a critical role in cognition and comprehension.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42326
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Meet the Course Creators: Dawn Fitzpatrick, John Fitzpatrick
English/Literacy Courses
The purpose of this professional development course is to learn about how, what Paulo Freire calls, “the banking model of teaching,” keeps students at a disadvantage, compared to learners who are being guided to learn through the “problem posing” model of education. The problem posing model allows opportunities for learners to show evidence of their thinking and learning on the highest level of Bloom's Taxonomy. This professional development course will provide educators with a bank of cognitive learning strategies that can enhance independent literacy skills among learners with diverse attention needs.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42252
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Meet the Course Creator: Valenciá De’La Clay-Bell
The purpose of this professional development course is to provide participants the opportunity to learn in-depth about reading and writing disabilities, with a special focus on dyslexia. The first module of the course begins by introducing the topic of dyslexia as well as the Idaho-related laws/rules, standards, and recommended practices related to dyslexia. The following modules build upon one another, starting with a review of skilled reading and writing basics, followed by in-depth information on learning disabilities and dyslexia.
This course meets the professional development and recertification requirements for the State of Idaho as per Idaho Code 33-1811.4(a-c).
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42261
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Amanda L. Eller
The writing skills learned in elementary school are foundational to success in later years and adult life. What are the foundational writing skills elementary students learn, what are some engaging strategies for teaching these skills, and what are some activities to support growth of these skills? This course will answer these questions and give you a more well-rounded view of writing in elementary school. Topics to be covered include parts of speech, sentence writing, writing mechanics, the steps of the writing process, the 6+1 traits of writing, narrative writing, expository, and persuasive writing.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42268
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Meet the Course Creator: Shannon Ament
This course addresses all the English Learner Professional Development Quality Standards, provides teachers a foundational knowledge of first and second language acquisition and literacy development, explores tools and strategies for selecting curriculum materials, making literacy and content more accessible to English learners, and discusses equitable assessments that better support English learners for success in the classroom. This course may fulfill the mandate for teachers in Colorado.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42271
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Meet the Course Creator: Shu-Yuan Lin
We know teaching children to read is critical to academic success but what are the building blocks to teaching reading? In this course teachers will develop in-depth understandings of the building blocks of reading and explore strategies for teaching these building blocks. Topics to be included include phonemic/phonological awareness, phonics, sight words, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Also, included is a bonus module on writing as it's an important next step and important to overall literacy.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42277
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Meet the Course Creator: Shannon Ament
Through the completion of each module, educators will learn/review best practices of instruction and assessment in literacy as related to current research. This includes phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary development, and the writing process. The first module contains introductory and background material. Then the four modules aligned to Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Standards I-IV each have an instructional section and an assessment. This course is designed to meet the intent of Idaho Code §33-1207A and will provide practical application of the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Standards and Idaho’s Comprehensive Literacy Plan. This course has been created to allow those seeking Idaho teacher certification to demonstrate meeting the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Standards requirements for initial certification for those completing an alternative-route program or for those coming in from out of state in the following Idaho Standard Instructional Certificate endorsements: Elementary All Subjects (K-8); Blended Early Childhood Education/Early Childhood Special Education (Birth-Grade 3); Blended Elementary Education (K-8) / Special Education (K-8 or K-12); Early Childhood Special Education (PreK-3); Exceptional Child [Special Education] Generalist (K-8 or K-12); English as a Second Language (K-12); Others as may be required by the State.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42338
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Amanda L. Eller
The purpose of this professional development course is to give participants the knowledge and tools they need to implement more phonics into their classroom. First, participants will be given the research behind the need for phonics instruction. They will then use that knowledge to discover the different parts of phonics and all the skills that embody that general term. Lastly, participants will find strategies and activities that they can incorporate into their classroom and possibly be a leader for phonics instruction in their school.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42291
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Meet the Course Creator: Emily Smith
This course is designed to help participants understand the science behind reading to help close the gap for students performing below grade level. Participants will receive specific strategies and programs that will help them improve their student's reading skills. Targeted reading intervention provides students with an opportunity to increase reading, writing, test-taking, and study skills at their instructional level. Students must develop foundational skills before proficiency can be achieved.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42303
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Meet the Course Creator: Justine Cook
Through the completion of each module, educators will learn or refresh their understanding of the best practices in content literacy as related to current research. This includes advanced fluency, vocabulary development, comprehension, and the writing process. The first module contains introductory and background material. The modules aligned to Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Standards II and IV each have an instructional section and an assessment. This course is designed to meet the intent of Idaho Code §33-1207A and will provide practical application of the Literacy Standards and Idaho’s Comprehensive Literacy Plan. This course has been created to allow those seeking Idaho teacher certification to demonstrate meeting the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Standards requirements for initial certification for those completing an alternative-route program or for those coming in from out of state in the following Idaho Standard Instructional Certificate endorsements: Secondary Content Areas (Grades 5-12 or 6-12); Content for All Grades K-12 (e.g., Music, Physical Education, Health Education, Art); Career Technical Education; others as may be required by the State.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42308
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Amanda L. Eller
This course provides a foundation in the elements of nature writing. Students will examine historical and contemporary authors while ascertaining their place in the professional writing community. A focus on environmental writing, literary techniques, and styles relevant to the field will prepare students for their own exploration into nature writing. Relevant readings and instruction in all major sub-genres including memoir, personal essay, fiction, poetry, hybrid, and experimental work. Students will discover a new appreciation for the natural world and the effect nature has on one’s writing. Students will conclude the course with a well-developed understanding of the techniques of nature writing and skills to enter the professional writing community.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42375
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Meet the Course Creator: Colleen Marie Berry
Exceptionalities And Disabilities
As learning disabilities are more easily identified in the inclusive classroom, it's becoming more important than ever for educators at every level to become knowledgeable of how to meet the learning needs of every student. This course is designed to help educators understand and meet the needs of students with learning disabilities of all kinds. In this course, educators will examine current laws, common learning disabilities in the classroom, and pertinent information on how to accommodate students with learning disabilities. In addition, you'll develop strategies for creating a positive classroom culture that encourages academic success and a desire to learn.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42234
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Meet the Course Creator: Aubrey Eldredge
This professional development course aims to give an overview of Gifted and Talented students. It will define what Gifted and Talented means and how Gifted and Talented students can be identified. Additionally, it will determine the different social/emotional and academic needs of Gifted and Talented students. This course will allow participants to gain knowledge of twice-exceptional students. Lastly, it will supply classroom strategies that can assist Gifted and Talented students.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42282
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Meet the Course Creator: Haley Mahler
The purpose of this professional development course is to provide support for new special educators in order to provide them with the tools they need to be successful in this challenging field. Participants will learn the basics of special education practices including the varying programs offered within the special education spectrum, special education laws, and the various types of educational disabilities. They will also gain an understanding of how to effectively create and develop an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), and administer/interpret an educational assessment. Participants will engage in hands-on activities and discussions in order to collaborate in developing educational plans that best meet the needs of their students. In addition, participants will take a deep dive into the instructional piece in order to examine how to differentiate instruction to reach and teach all learners and exceptionalities. This course will provide participants with a diverse toolkit of strategies needed to navigate the challenging but rewarding world of special education.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42270
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Meet the Course Creator: Aaron Jaffey
The purpose of this professional development course is to provide the appropriate knowledge and resources to teachers and professionals by selecting and implementing the best scientifically-based research practices. This includes knowledge and resources on instructions and interventions that meet the needs of all students in school settings across different levels of the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework and align with the student's Individualized Education Program. Participants will learn to differentiate MTSS, Response to Intervention (RtI), and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), use problem-solving processes, choose and evaluate interventions, and collaborate with professionals and parents.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42289
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Celal Perihan
This professional development course is designed specifically for educators who seek to understand and effectively support twice exceptional (2e) students. This course will define twice exceptional as well as explain how students may be identified as twice exceptional. Participants will gain valuable insights into the unique needs of these students and develop practical strategies to meet the social and emotional needs of twice exceptional students. In addition, this course will provide strategies to meet the academic needs to twice exceptional students.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42383
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Meet the Course Creator: Haley Mahler
Based on the high frequency of Attention- deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), educators will likely have at least one student with ADHD per class, if not more. Few educators receive training on this neurological disorder, which can lead to great frustration among the teacher, student and student’s parents. However, with insight into this condition, educators can unlock the superpowers of the ADHD brain and can greatly affect the student’s learning experience and sense of self. The purpose of this course is to equip you as an educator to understand the ADHD brain and specific ADHD informed tools for affected students’ social, emotional, and academic growth.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42328
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Meet the Course Creator: Allie Sever
Leadership Courses
This course introduces the basic management strategies discussed in CHAMPS a Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management (2nd edition). The purpose of this professional development course is to help teachers identify the strengths and weaknesses of their current classroom management plan. Participants will deepen their understanding of strategies that can improve unwanted behaviors in the classroom leading to less disruptions and more fluent learning.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42243
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Meet the Course Creator: Nichole Neill-Garza
This course is designed to provide extra tools for current or aspiring academic coaches, teacher mentors, cluster chairs, department heads & supervisors to help enable novice teachers reach their fullest potential. For those that are aspiring, this can be used as a window to see what you can expect in your new potential role. Your educational bag of tricks will be jam packed with creative as well as detail oriented ideas that will be helpful in the success for those willing to learn. Additionally, this course can be taken & utilized by educators to help them be aware of the types of advice they can seek out from the aforementioned leadership group.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course number: EDUC 5598P-42199
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Meet the Course Creator: Kirt Thomason
This course will focus on the role of mastery-based feedback for supervision and evaluation in Idaho. Participants will develop competency in Idaho’s Framework for Teacher Evaluations and explore assessment literacy as it relates to gathering accurate evidence. This course satisfies administrator certificate renewal requirements in Idaho. This online course is also open to any administrator or teacher seeking PD credit, whether to satisfy the requirement or not.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42064
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Emma Wood
The purpose of this professional development course is to equip educators with the essential tools and strategies to add to an existing classroom management plan, including SEL and inclusion strategies. Each of the tools we look at in this course will help to create a positive and conducive learning environment for students. This course includes instruction into possible triggers of undesired behaviors and how to address those in typical and neurotypical students. Through a series of 8 modules, participants will explore key components such as social-emotional learning, inclusive practices, positive communication, and empathy, all of which are integral to fostering a supportive classroom community.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42339
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Meet the Course Creator: Emily Smith
This course is designed to equip current and aspiring school administrators with the essential knowledge and skills needed to lead educational institutions with impact and excellence. This course will provide participants an opportunity to delve into the core principles of leadership, emphasizing the creation of a positive school culture and climate. From developing a compelling vision for the school to fostering collaboration, effective communication, and data-driven decision-making, participants will gain practical insights and strategies. Participants will explore the critical role of instructional leadership, supporting professional development, and navigating challenges with adaptability and resilience. Throughout this course participants will not only enhance their leadership capabilities but also learn to contribute to the overall success and well-being of their school community.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42264
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Meet the Course Creator: Nichole Neill-Garza
The purpose of this professional development course is to recognize that learning is the acquisition of information, knowledge, and skills. The process of learning is an ongoing process that takes place throughout life, formally in the classroom, and informally through experience. In this course, you will explore the assumptions of adult learning theory, the principles of practice, and investigate the differences between pedagogy and andragogy. Practical strategies and methods of application will be offered, with approaches for modifications.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42274
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Meet the Course Creator: Dawn Fitzpatrick
This course is designed to explore ethical behavior and leadership principles to refine critical thinking and decision-making skills. Participants will examine different types of leadership interactions and how they can be influential to individual relationships. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore the process of ethical decision-making as future leaders in education. By understanding leadership principles and ethical behaviors, teachers can build and maintain stronger relationships with their students by determining the best practices of leaders in education and how they make ethical decisions. Educators can also reflect on personal, social, and ethical behaviors to reinforce positive ethical decisions.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42294
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Ali Mondt
This course is designed to equip educators with the essential knowledge and skills needed to effectively mentor and coach new teachers. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the developmental stages and needs of novice educators, enabling them to tailor their support to maximize instructional effectiveness. Through the course modules, participants will explore and apply strategies to foster reflective coaching skills, promoting continuous professional growth among new teachers. Additionally, the course will address common challenges faced by new and struggling teachers in establishing positive classroom environments. Participants will analyze these challenges and develop practical solutions to support novice educators in creating conducive learning atmospheres. As a result of this course, participants will investigate various tools and techniques to enhance their mentoring efforts, ensuring that new and struggling teachers receive the guidance they need to improve their practices. By the end of the course, participants will be well-prepared to support the next generation of educators in their professional journeys.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42385
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Meet the Course Creator: Andrea Jaffey
Being an administrator comes with a lot of responsibility as ultimately, a school’s success is dependent on the effectiveness of its administration. While there are many different facets to administration, there are three parts that ensure a school operates efficiently and prioritizes student needs. In this course, participants will identify the day-to-day operations that occur, which include providing a safe, secure learning environment and overseeing daily activities. In part two, participants will learn how administrators support, guide, and train teachers to make instructional decisions for their students that yield the greatest impact. In the third and final part of this course, participants will examine how administrators build positive relationships with parents to foster a strong home/school connection.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 1
Cost: $55
Course number: EDUC 5598P-42349
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Meet the Course Syllabus: Melissa Lingenfelder
Math Courses
In this class, you will learn how to foster a culture of belonging and inclusion in your rural math classroom. Discover strategies that encourage all students, including those from historically marginalized groups, to feel safe enough to actively participate and share their mathematical thinking. This class goes beyond traditional methods, providing insights into safeguarding and affirming positive math identities and an often-absent sense of belonging among your native, immigrant, special education, and LGBTQ+ students. Drawing on strategies of restorative practices, you will learn how to respond to discriminatory student comments in ways that build relationships, reduce shame, and restore dignity to all your math learners, while still maintaining the focus on your daily math learning goal. This class is perfect for teachers in classrooms with multi-age learners and diverse math levels, and will also examine low-prep differentiation and discourse strategies that incorporate student voice and choice.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42248
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Meet the Course Creator: Beth Runciman
The mathematics skills students learn in elementary school are foundational to success in later school years and adult life. What are the foundational math skills elementary students learn, what are some engaging strategies for teaching these skills, and what are activities teachers can use to build these skills? This course will answer these questions and give you a more well-rounded view of math in elementary school. Topics to be covered include: Place Value, Operations (addition/subtraction, multiplication/division), Geometry, Fractions, Measurement, Counting Money, and Basic Facts!
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42266
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Meet the Course Creator: Shannon Ament
“Integrating SEL to Boost Achievement in Secondary Math Classrooms" is a professional development course designed for educators teaching grades 6-12. This two-credit course emphasizes the critical role of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in enhancing academic achievement in mathematics.
Module 1, "SEL and Academic Achievement," explores the research linking SEL competencies with improved student outcomes. In Module 2, "SEL in the Context of Secondary Math Education," participants will delve into the specific challenges and opportunities of applying SEL in math instruction. Module 3, "Integrating SEL into Existing Math Curriculum," offers practical strategies for embedding SEL into daily lessons, student assignments, and assessments both formative and summative. Module 4, "Professional Development and Teacher Well-Being," focuses on the importance of educators' own SEL skills and self-care practices. Module 5, "SEL and Identity," addresses how SEL supports the development of students' personal and academic identities, particularly in diverse classroom settings. Finally, Module 6, "SEL and a Classroom Culture of Belonging," provides tools to foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment.
This course will equip educators with the knowledge and skills to create a math classroom where students thrive emotionally and academically.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42398
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Meet the Course Creator: Beth Runciman
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42297
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Meet the Course Creator: Angie Godfrey
The fundamental principles and procedures of statistical analysis are introduced in this course. Basic concepts including probability, random variables, and sampling distributions are covered before moving on to more complex concepts like hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and multi-group analysis. Students will learn how to examine educational data using statistical software and come to meaningful conclusions. The significance of successfully evaluating and conveying statistical results, both orally and in writing, will also be emphasized in the course. The use of statistical analysis in education and educational administration will be demonstrated to students through case studies and practical exercises. By the end of the course, students will be able to critically assess statistical arguments and data-based claims and have a thorough introduction to statistical theory and its applications in an educational setting.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42310
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Meet the Course Creator: Jacob Hubers
The purpose of this professional development course is to define math intervention and become familiar with the components of effective math intervention and instruction. Students will explore ways to structure math intervention blocks and instruction, and investigate ways to assess and identify students for math intervention. The learner will compare effective ways to progress monitor students, and learn how math intervention fits into the MTSS process. The learner will explore best practices while gaining practical strategies to use for math intervention geared towards grades K-2.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42313
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Meet the Course Creator: Jessica Canjar
Welcome to "Supporting Multilingual Learners in Mathematics," a dynamic course designed for educators committed to providing equitable math instruction for all classroom learners. Mathematical proficiency requires students to be conceptually and procedurally fluent. The standards call for students to make sense of mathematical concepts through oral and written language. This course will address how to support multilingual learners by first learning how the brain acquires a second language and connecting that research to practices and instructional strategies that foster deep mathematical understanding and sense-making.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42316
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Meet the Course Creator: Heather Palumbo
This course will explore topics related to neuroscience and the development of number sense from preschool to adolescence. Students will learn how working memory and the importance of meaningful experiences in math class contributes to deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Students will reflect on a variety of instructional practices centered on the development of number sense to learn complex mathematical operations. Students will learn why meaningful mathematics experiences that are exciting and relevant with purposefully planned lessons support the Idaho Content Mathematics Standards.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42317
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Kelli Rich
This course will delve into the significance of spatial reasoning in elementary mathematics. The aim is to help students understand the value of meaningful experiences in math class, which can lead to a deeper level of conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts. Through an exploration of various instructional practices, the course will focus on the development of spatial reasoning skills to facilitate learning of mathematical concepts. Additionally, the course will examine how spatial reasoning and visual mathematical models align with the Idaho Content Mathematics Standards.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42319
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Kelli Rich
Mental Health Courses
This professional development course will help you gain understanding of trauma responses and dysregulation that present as behaviors. You will learn about a variety of research-based programs that can be used in classroom management practices to help build resilient learners. This course is broken into six Modules. You will acquire knowledge about the brain and its functions and about trauma responses and dysregulation in the brain (fight, flight, freeze) as well as how they may present as behaviors in Module 1 and 2. Next, you will learn about six different research-based programs and some of the recommended strategies that can be used in classroom management to help build resilient learners in Modules 3-5. Finally, you will learn more about classroom integration of varying program components in Module 6.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42240
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Meet the Course Creator: Shantel Delonas
As teachers, it can be difficult to understand others' emotions and our own emotional reactions to others. Our emotions are the brain’s manifestation of our bodily perceptions of the world around us. These perceptions are based on our past experiences that are organized as concepts that guide our actions and give our sensations meaning. This course challenges traditional notions of pre-programmed emotional states and explains the profound insights into the complexity of human emotions. Through engaging videos and real-world examples, participants will understand emotional processing as a tool for deepening the connection between a teacher and their peers or students. Participants will learn the fundamentals of how human emotions are made and the ways in which emotions are generated, regulated, and influence human actions. By understanding human emotions, teachers can build and maintain stronger relationships with their colleagues and students by reflecting on the actions that arise from individuals' past experiences.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42269
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Ali Mondt
This 8-module Suicide Prevention course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and compassion needed to effectively address and prevent suicide. Grounded in evidence-based practices and expert insights, the course covers a comprehensive range of topics, from understanding the complexities of suicide to implementing intervention and postvention strategies. These modules offer a dynamic blend of theoretical concepts, real-world experiences, and practical communication techniques, ensuring participants develop a holistic understanding of suicide prevention.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42315
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. William Lane
Every year children enter classrooms with a higher likelihood of childhood trauma. Incarceration, divorce, abuse of all forms, and children's mental health issues are just the tip of the iceberg of trauma that teachers are dealing with on a daily basis in their classrooms. In this course, participants will learn to identify various traumas that affect learners in today's classrooms. Participants will learn to develop specific behavior strategies and plans to help learners suffering from childhood trauma, so they can be successful learners in the classroom.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42323
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Meet the Course Creator: Nichole Neill-Garza
This Youth and Mental Health course will provide teachers, administrators, and teacher educators with information regarding mental health and its impact on children and adolescents. Educators will be introduced to the importance of mental health in the P-12 setting. They will understand the history of mental health and the disorders affecting young people including mood disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, trauma and more. Educators will learn about the professions and systems that provide counseling, mental health treatment, and diagnoses. School policies and procedures will also be discussed as they relate to mental health and collaborating with mental health professionals.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42329
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. William Lane
Miscellaneous Courses
This professional development course helps educators design a self-care routine and carry it out during a 4-week implementation period. Choosing, monitoring, and evaluating the use of self-care practices is empirically proven to mitigate the chances of experiencing “burn out” or other factors to the workload required to teach learners with diverse needs. This self-paced online course is designed for educators to curate a personalized self-care intervention that can support their professional goals by enhancing experiences during personal time.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42236
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Meet the Course Creator: Valenciá De’La Clay-Bell
The purpose of this professional development course is to study the effective implementation of small groups within a classroom. Using research behind building small groups and how to implement them effectively, you will leave this course with a plan for building and implementing effective small group instruction within your classroom.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42238
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Meet the Course Creator: Mandi Tompkins
This course provides a thorough exploration of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) with a focus on creating positive school cultures. Participants will explore the core components of PBIS, learning how to integrate its principles into daily classroom routines to promote positive behavior. This course covers classroom PBIS, offering insights into teaching and reinforcing expected behaviors. Additionally, participants will become familiar with data-based decision-making within the PBIS framework, exploring methods for collecting and analyzing data to inform interventions. Tiered interventions will be addressed focusing on Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3, and providing strategies for implementing and reinforcing positive behavior expectations at different levels. Lastly, this course examines the crucial role of family and community engagement in PBIS, offering students insights into effective strategies for involving parents and the community. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to create inclusive, supportive, and positive learning environments through the implementation of PBIS principles.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42239
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Meet the Course Creator: Aubrey Eldredge
The Community Schools strategy is gaining a lot of momentum as an effective way to support communities that have long been underserved. What is a Community School though? There is a saying within the Community Schools movement that, "If you've been to one community school, you've been to one community school." Each Community School should be different based on the unique needs of that community. That being said, there are certain foundational concepts to be explored such as: what a community school is, the four pillars of a comprehensive community schools strategy, the needs assessment process, shared decision-making teams, government policy, and the stages of development. This course will help you understand the fundamentals to become a Community Schools Champion!
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42244
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Meet the Course Creator: Shannon Ament
This professional development course aims to make the increasingly difficult work of classroom management a little easier. By focusing on building relationships, creating community, and adopting a growth mindset, you will have fewer management issues in your classroom. Teachers who are successful classroom managers can focus on meaningful learning and find joy in their work. Focusing on high-impact, proven strategies can help you get there.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42334
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Meet the Course Creator: Gina Gardner
This course covers the key design elements and teaching practices of Project Based Learning (PBL). Teachers will learn how to align projects with curriculum standards, challenge students to solve real-world problems, and foster inquiry, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The course will also cover assessing and providing feedback, coaching and classroom management strategies, ways to scaffold learning for student success, and facilitating effective reflection practices. By the end of the course, teachers will have a deep understanding of PBL and will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to design and implement effective PBL projects in their own classrooms.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42256
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Meet the Course Creator: Megan Snader
The contemporary classroom asks more of teachers than ever before. Academic content must be taught alongside equally important competencies such as social-emotional skills, problem solving, critical thinking, self-regulation, and learning dispositions. When taught discretely, this can become an overwhelming task. But when intentionally integrated they become a synergistic and mutually supportive curriculum. This is where cooperative learning truly shines. As one of the most widely studied instructional techniques, cooperative learning addresses content alongside other curricular competencies, allowing teachers to effectively cover multiple standards simultaneously. Unfortunately, cooperative learning is often tried and dismissed because it does not seem to work for a particular developmental range, population, or subject area. This is often due to a misapplication of the technique. This course will explain the philosophical underpinnings and walk participants through the necessary components of cooperative learning. Participants will see examples of what works, what doesn't, and why. If you are looking for a fun way to cover a diverse curriculum while keeping students engaged and learning, this course is for you.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42263
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Charles Igel
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42272
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Meet the Course Creator: Emily Castrova
Over the past decade, there has been an increase in research pertaining to how students learn best, which has dispelled many previous conceptions of how students learn and study. This course is intended to update educators’ understanding of various elements of learning. Four broad categories will be covered during this course including: study strategies, knowledge acquisition, learning considerations, and educational resources. Within each of these categories, educators will explore various topics such as memory, learning styles, establishing a growth mindset, myths about learning, and how a student’s personal life may impact their learning. Educators who take this course can expect to read research articles, engage with online resources, and take quizzes to demonstrate their knowledge of the course materials.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42273
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Meet the Course Creator: Christina Franklin
Learners in this course will develop the skills to effectively guide K-12 students through career exploration, tailoring strategies to fit different developmental stages from elementary through high school. They will learn to integrate assessment tools, collaborative projects, and technology into career guidance programs, enhancing their ability to inspire students and prepare them for future educational and career opportunities.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42278
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Meet the Course Creator: Neucasha Greene
The purpose of this professional development course is to help teachers understand, find, and apply for grants to fund supplies, training, and other initiatives for the enhancement of their individual classroom, school, or entire school district.
At the end of this course you should be able to:
- Understand what grants are and how they can help with funding needs.
- Find available grants to fit your needs.
- Begin preparing your project for the application process.
- Write a grant to fund your project.
- Understand the grant period after an approved grant.
- Complete a final grant report.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42283
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Meet the Course Creator: Shannon Marx
The purpose of this professional development course is to explore the educational philosophies, theories, and practices that have developed from the past to the present. It covers the contributions of key philosophers and reformers, examining how they have influenced educational systems and other institutions. Educators will also learn about the pivotal moments of education in history and the underlying ideologies that have shaped education throughout the ages. Some major topics will include the purpose and scope of philosophy throughout history, classical education, Medieval and Renaissance education, Enlightenment educational philosophies, Industrial & Progressive Era education, 20th Century educational theories, contemporary issues challenging the history and philosophy of education, and the future directions of education. This course is ideal for educators, administrators, and anyone interested in the history and philosophy of education, aiming to apply these insights to enhance their professional practice and influence future educational developments.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42285
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Meet the Course Creator: Matthew Baker
This course is designed to deepen educators' understanding of effective learning and instructional strategies for addressing students’ diverse learning styles. Participants will examine and reflect on how to teach academic concepts to meet the student's individual needs and foster student success in the classroom. The course also provides reinforcement of classroom techniques and methods that can be applied to support student learning through evidence-informed pedagogical ideas and methodologies. Individuals who take this course can reflect on the teaching strategies most suited for the current level of knowledge of the students, the concepts being taught, and the student's learning stage.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42287
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Ali Mondt
This professional development course helps educators apply transformative learning theory, proven to be effective in urban districts, to address diverse learning needs by reflecting on both their instructional actions and their learners’ responses/engagement/outcomes. Reflecting on how a lesson was delivered and received is an act that should be aligned to goals and completed daily in order to impact social and academic growth among learners. This self-paced online course is designed for educators to gain a toolbox of daily strategies and tools for reflecting on lessons and determining the most appropriate action steps to take after reflecting. Video recording tools, critical-thinking protocols, and the Danielson framework will be used to analyze, reflect, and act on the social and academic findings in daily lesson videos.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42305
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Meet the Course Creator: Valenciá De’La Clay-Bell
The purpose of this professional development course is to empower educators with a comprehensive understanding of restorative practices and provide them with the tools necessary to integrate these principles into their classrooms. Through eight modules, you will delve into the fundamental concepts of restorative practices, gaining practical insights and strategies for creating a supportive learning environment. This course focuses on addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) scores within the context of restorative practices, equipping educators with diverse ways to handle each student's needs.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42306
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Meet the Course Creator: Aubrey Eldredge
In this professional development course, participants will embark on a comprehensive journey exploring the philosophy, science, and practices of human flourishing. Drawing from diverse disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and sociology, this course is designed to equip professionals with the tools and insights necessary to enhance their well-being, foster positive work environments, and contribute to societal development. Through eight engaging modules, participants will learn to cultivate holistic success encompassing physical, psychological, and emotional health, in addition to professional achievement.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42348
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Meet the Course Creator: Barbara Wood Roberts
Ask most people what were the toughest years of their life: the answer is often the three years of middle school. This period of time is one of the biggest emotional challenges for students, which makes teaching during the middle school years especially challenging. This course aims to provide educators with strategies and best practices for reaching the middle school learner. This course will dive deeply into instructional best practices tailored to middle school students. Student-centered instruction and strategies for integrating technology to meet the needs of all learners will be examined. In addition, participants will explore case studies, reading selections, and videos on techniques to promote a positive middle school classroom environment. By the end of the course, participants will leave with strategies they can utilize right away to reach and teach all students and build an environment to foster growth and success.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42320
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Meet the Course Creator: Andrea Jaffey
Physical Education Courses
This course is designed to help coaches and athletic administrators in the recognition, treatment, and ultimately prevention of common injuries associated with sport participation. It will introduce you to the basic care, prevention, evaluation, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Additional guidance is provided to help coaches learn basic athletic taping techniques.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42241
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Caroline Faure
Part one of a three-part professional development program on creating safe sporting experiences. In part one, participants will first learn research supported strategies to develop a moral community in physical activity/sport settings. Next, participants will gain awareness of bullying and abuse common in sport settings, and learn tools to create a positive and safe sport culture. Finally, participants will comprehend and apply the laws and legal responsibilities required of those working in physical activity/sport settings.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42249
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Meet the Course Creators: Dr. Elaine Foster, Dr. Karla Judge, Dr. Dani M Moffit
Part two of a three-part professional development program on creating safe sporting experiences. In part one, participants will first learn research supported strategies to develop a moral community in physical activity/sport settings. Next, participants will gain awareness of bullying and abuse common in sport settings, and learn tools to create a positive and safe sport culture. Finally, participants will comprehend and apply the laws and legal responsibilities required of those working in physical activity/sport settings.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42250
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Meet the Course Creators: Dr. Dani M Moffit, Dr. Elaine Foster, Dr. Karla Judge
Part three of a three-part professional development program on creating safe sporting experiences. In part one, participants will first learn research supported strategies to develop a moral community in physical activity/sport settings. Next, participants will gain awareness of bullying and abuse common in sport settings, and learn tools to create a positive and safe sport culture. Finally, participants will comprehend and apply the laws and legal responsibilities required of those working in physical activity/sport settings.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42251
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Meet the Course Creators: Dr. Karla Judge, Dr. Elaine Foster, Dr. Dani M Moffit
The purpose of this professional development course is to explore some of the many legal issues surrounding coaches and sport administrators in the school setting. This course will explore the law as it relates to sport in each of the following areas: Tort (including risk management planning and negligence), Constitutional protections, discrimination (including due process requirements and guidance related to drug testing athletes and also allowing religious prayer), Title IX, legal issues in athletic health care, emergency action planning, Safe Sport, and hiring considerations.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42296
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Caroline Faure
Psychological Skills are an underutilized repertoire of skills that can be used to enhance personal and athletic performance. This class will teach High School Coaches what psychological skills are, how they can embed them within their coaching, and how those skills can transfer to students and personal achievement for their athletes. After taking this course, coaches will have a better understanding of: 1) What psychological skills are and how they work, 2) Agents of behavioral change (self-efficacy), 3) Cognitive mechanisms of performance enhancement, 4) Real-world applications of psychological skills to the coaching profession.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42301
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Michael Konrad
The purpose of this professional development course is to help coaches, athletic administrators and teachers with the identification and management of sport-related concussion. A variety of concussion assessment tools are provided. Additionally, this course covers important Return to Learn information to assist classroom teachers who work with students recovering from concussion and other forms of traumatic brain injury.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42304
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Caroline Faure
This course is designed to educate physical educators and coaches about overtraining in sports, which can lead to poor performance, injury, and burnout. The course will cover the signs, symptoms, and behavior patterns of overtraining and the principles of deloading and recovery to prevent overtraining-related injuries. Participants will gain an understanding of the gross mechanisms of chronic injury, including physiological, biomechanical, neurological, psychological, and emotional factors. Based on current best practices through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and Level 1 Evidence, this course will equip coaches with the knowledge and tools to recognize signs and symptoms of overtraining and promote lifelong exercise, while also fostering better academic outcomes for student athletes. The course will also promote general health education around sleep, nutrition, self-advocacy, and stress management for student athletes.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42373
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Meet the Course Creator: Tayler Elizondo
Psychology Courses
Have you ever felt frustrated by a student's lack of engagement or at wits end with chronic behavior issues? Often challenges such as these arise from a misalignment between what the student is being asked to do and what they are developmentally capable of. If so, you are not alone. More often than not, education programs do not sufficiently train their graduates on the practical aspects of child development. If these experiences sound familiar, Applied Child Development is the course for you.
The purpose of this professional development course is to provide you with an applied understanding of three key areas of child development: cognitive, metacognitive, and social-emotional. Understanding the developmental trajectories in these critical areas will allow you to provide an evidence-based classroom environment and learning experiences that meet your students where they are.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42254
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Charles Igel
The purpose of this professional development course is to provide educators with the necessary skills and strategies needed to successfully implement a trauma based discipline approach in their classroom. Participants will be able to reflect and analyze their own classroom culture, and identify changes that need to be made.
This course introduces and familiarizes students with Dr. Becky Bailey's Conscious Discipline program. Implementing this program will help develop relationships with students that in turn improve the cultures of classrooms.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42245
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Meet the Course Creator: Justine Cook
Cognitive psychology is the study of how people think and learn. Understanding principles of cognitive psychology can help teachers to design more effective instruction. This course explains various concepts from the field of cognitive psychology and how they apply to teaching. With this information (along with some concepts drawn from other fields), specific recommendations are given that can guide teachers' lesson planning, in-class teaching, and use of assessment.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42260
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Meet the Course Creator: Kevin Butler
Welcome to "Fostering a Growth Mindset in Teachers and Learners," a dynamic and transformative course designed for educators and school leaders who are committed to fostering a positive mindset in their classrooms and schools. This course focuses on the positive impact a growth mindset has for school communities. Through a combination of insightful discussions, engaging activities, and real-world applications, participants will not only gain a deep understanding of growth mindset principles but will also learn how to integrate these principles into their teaching practices. This course equips participants with the knowledge, strategies, and practical tools to instill a growth mindset in learners, teachers, and entire school communities.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42276
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Meet the Course Creator: Nichole Neill-Garza
Practicing mindfulness assists all individuals. When practicing mindfulness in education, teachers must recognize their emotional patterns while proactively regulating how they behave and respond appropriately. Mindfulness in education provides many positive benefits such as increased attention and focus, achieving effective emotional regulation, the ability to empathize and take perspective, decreased stress, and many others. Research discovers that mindfulness correlates with better academic performance and provides a better environment. Professionals who take this course will develop valuable methods within the classroom.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42299
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Meet the Course Creator: Krystal Tanzer
This course utilizes behavioral principles of psychology to explain food decision-making, exploring both internal and external phenomena which may affect eating behaviors. First, this class will define the construct of health and identify foods which constitute a healthy diet. Second, this class will introduce behavioral principles of operant and classical conditioning to explain food decision-making in everyday environments. Lastly, this course will explore the role of diet culture in western societies, identifying negative health outcomes that may stem from dieting and introducing evidence-based alternatives to facilitate healthy decision-making. Please note: This course has information about eating disorders and some resources include age-restricted videos on YouTube.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42302
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Meet the Course Creator: Sierra Baca-Zeff
Social-emotional learning (SEL) is a course that determines the importance of five core skills that promote self-awareness, self-management, social development, and overall individual growth. The process of SEL is for one to develop specific social and emotional skills that are vital in everyday life. Students will understand the competencies throughout the course and apply the knowledge to their education and all areas of life.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42309
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Meet the Course Creator: Krystal Tanzer
The purpose of this professional development course is to introduce educators to the concepts of engagement and motivation in the classroom. The overarching goal of this course is to begin to solidify a more accurate definition and philosophy of the concepts of engagement and motivation through the lens of Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Two of the most popular words used in educational theory tend to be the least understood and have resulted in many students being mismanaged and taught to disengage.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42314
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Meet the Course Creator: Jacob Hubers
This course is intended to give high school psychology teachers a better understanding of the seven perspectives of psychology. Each perspective of psychology is a lens into human behavior. This course encourages teachers to develop an eclectic understanding of human behavior, so multiple perspectives are encouraged. Each perspective in this course will be introduced and taught in a practical manner. This ensures that the teacher will leave this course with resources and manipulatives to use in their classroom. Make psychology fun!
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42322
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Michael Konrad
Science Courses
Adopting the Next Generation Science Standards across states has reinvigorated teachers to give K-12 students practice in defining their science realities. Using a 3-Dimensional Framework consisting of Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas, students today have greater access to building skills in science that will encourage them to find fulfillment in their science investigations. At the same time, the curriculum distributed by major publishers generally needs more relevance and familiarity that students need to engage in scientific inquiry fully. Providing students opportunities to investigate and understand the places and phenomena that mean the most to them offers more students the chance to find success in science. This course establishes the necessity of providing relevant science curricula to students and then asks educators to develop strategies to integrate relevant science investigations, highlighting local and familiar phenomena to the region where the educator teaches.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42247
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Edmond B. Walsh
The elementary science curriculum has evolved dramatically over the last few decades. Students are expected to know much more than facts, but ways to engineer solutions to complex scientific problems. What are the foundational science content elementary students learn and what are the best teaching strategies and activities to use to help students understand this content? Next Generation Science Standards Topics to be covered include Forces and Interactions, Ecosystems, Earth's Systems, Earth's Place in the Universe, From Molecules to Organisms, Energy, Human Impacts on Earth, and Engineering Design.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42267
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Meet the Course Creator: Shannon Ament
This course will introduce students to the principles of associative conditioning and choice behaviors. Basic concepts include classical conditioning and operant conditioning which are introduced before delving into choice behavior. Classical conditioning will include the three learning phases (acquisition, extinction, and spontaneous recovery) while explaining how different stimuli (neutral, unconditioned, conditioned) produce responses (conditioned or unconditioned). Additionally, operant conditioning will include the three learning phases mentioned beforehand; however, this will also introduce reinforcements (reinforcements/punishments) and reinforcer schedules (ratio/interval) and the resulting responses in behavior. Lastly, to extend conditioning, this course will include motivating operations which can change the value of reinforcers which relate to changes in behavior. Educational environments can benefit from behavioral understanding of choice and increase wanted behaviors.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42290
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Meet the Course Creator: Alam Alvarado
The 3-Dimensional Framework of science instruction adopted by the Next Generation Science Standards places Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) on equal footing with Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), though many teachers still teach using a disciplinary focus to examine science phenomena. This course uses Science and Engineering Practices to orient curriculum creation for K-12 science educators, ensuring teachers provide students ample opportunities to practice the range of skills science professionals find most effective in creating verifiable answers to scientific questions. By the end of the course, teachers will have found effective means for providing students practice in: 1) Asking Questions and Defining Problems, 2) Developing and Using Models, 3) Planning and Carrying out Investigations, 4) Analyzing and Interpreting Data, 5) Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking, 6) Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions, 7) Engaging in Argument from Evidence, 8) Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42295
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Meet the Course Creator: Dr. Edmond B. Walsh
This course aims to increase scientific literacy while introducing education professionals to the core ideas of scientific investigation. The course covers a variety of topics, including the nature of science, the scientific method, scientific reasoning, and scientific communication. Students will participate in practical exercises, case studies, and discussions throughout the course to help them better understand the scientific method, how scientific information is produced, and how it can be applied in education and education administration. Additionally, students will learn how to assess arguments and supporting data, as well as how to differentiate between trustworthy and questionable information sources. The emphasis of the course will be on the value of scientific literacy and how it can be utilized to make informed decisions on broader issues in education. Additionally, students will learn how to critically assess the social and cultural consequences of scientific information as well as the ethical issues that are inherent in scientific research.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42307
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Meet the Course Creator: Jacob Hubers
This course will take you on a journey through the fascinating history of scientific illustration, where art and science intersect to create something truly powerful. By uncovering how these two fields have worked hand in hand over the centuries, you'll walk away with practical tools to bring cross-curricular opportunities into your teaching, making learning more dynamic, engaging, and impactful for your students. Through carefully curated articles, videos, and case studies, you’ll not only gain foundational knowledge but also develop a deeper understanding of how information is conveyed through both artistic and scientific lenses. We'll show you how art and science outside the classroom share a symbiotic relationship that can be modeled to enrich any educational program, offering new ways to spark your students' curiosity.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42360
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Meet the Course Creator: Joe Bliss
Sociology Courses
This course utilizes behavioral principles of psychology to enable students to set and maintain goals. This class will first introduce the concept of SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) before teaching introductory principles of behavioral psychology, including operant and classical conditioning. Finally, this class will integrate these behavioral principles with SMART goals to better aid individuals in goal achievement.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42237
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Meet the Course Creator: Sierra Baca-Zeff
This is a professional development course to help educators understand how to build civics education into their class curriculum. First, participants will focus on the need for civics education including new research and laws about civics education. Second, participants will be able to identify how media and equity are important factors in civics education. Participants in this course will also be able to access resources leading to various student-centered approaches including civil discourse and civic learning in action. By the end of this course, participants will have a better understanding of civics education including resources and activities to apply in their own classrooms, as well as opportunities for young leaders to actively participate and engage in civics education.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42242
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Meet the Course Creator: Kristina Horton
This course will provide social studies teachers of all grade-levels with strategies they can use to make their classroom engaging and student-centered. Emphasizing active student participation and engagement, this course will explore various methods and approaches that allow students to take ownership of their own learning. Teachers will explore inquiry-based instruction and collaborative learning techniques that will promote historical thinking skills, and foster a deeper level of understanding of social studies instruction. This course will also delve into how instructional technology can be utilized in social studies classrooms to promote a higher-level of engagement. Ultimately, this course aims to provide teachers with the skills and strategies to allow their students develop a passion for social studies and become civic-minded young adults.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42346
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Meet the Course Creator: Aaron Jaffey
This course aims to help K-12 educators explore considerations related to teaching students of diverse backgrounds. Educators who take this course can expect to learn evidence-based practices and pedagogical research pertaining to BIPOC students, LGBTQIA+ students, students with accessibility considerations, and students of varying socioeconomic statuses. Educators who take this course can expect to read research articles, engage with online resources, take quizzes, and explore their own biases which may affect their teaching practices and inclusion of various cultures. Educators will also learn strategies to advocate for students of diverse backgrounds on an individual and institutional level.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42246
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Meet the Course Creator: Christina Franklin
A student's zip code should not determine their outcome in school. However, when analyzing high-stakes testing, it is evident that there is a significant difference in scores between students living in poverty and students living in middle to upper-class neighborhoods. In this course, you will identify the counties and surrounding areas in Maryland with significant poverty rates and examine the correlation between those schools and ESSA/MCAP scores. In part two, participants will research the five pillars of The Maryland Blueprint to determine how it will improve the quality of education for students who live in high-poverty areas. The third and final part of this course will examine the resources and policies of Maryland to determine how they support educators, parents, and students who work and live in high-poverty areas.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42337
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Meet the Course Creator: Melissa Lingenfelder
The social studies skills students learn in elementary school are foundational to success in later school years and to becoming productive citizens. What are the foundational social studies skills elementary students learn, what are some engaging strategies/lessons for teaching these skills, and what are some activity and project ideas for teaching social studies? This course will answer these questions and give you a more well-rounded view of social studies in elementary school. Topics to be covered include Civics, Culture, Geography, Economics, U.S. History, U.S. Government, National Symbols in the U.S., and U.S. Holidays!
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42384
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Meet the Course Creator: Shannon Ament
This course will focus on first understanding the struggles that today's students face and how they impact learning in the classroom. Secondly, educators will understand how to create a positive learning environment and its importance. This course will help educators to form positive relationships with students, parents, and community members. You will also learn about the importance of these relationships as they correlate to student success. By the end of this course, you will have several strategies that will help you form and maintain these positive relationships with all stakeholders.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42275
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Meet the Course Creator: Michele Gorman
The purpose of this professional development course is to equip educators with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to teach the Holocaust effectively, while also addressing broader themes of justice. Drawing on historical events and the concept of the Wassmuth Center's Spiral of Injustice, participants will draft a unit on the Holocaust for their students. By the end of this course, educators will have developed the beginnings of a unit plan that not only teaches the historical context of the Holocaust but also uses the Spiral of Injustice as a guiding framework to foster critical thinking, empathy, and social responsibility in their students.
This course is delivered in partnership with the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42397
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Meet the Course Creator: Wassmuth Center for Human Rights
This course will help you to understand external factors that often impact student behavior in the classroom. Understanding the 'why' behind the misbehavior will strengthen you as the educator and address disruptive behavior in the classroom. Modern strategies for managing disruptive behavior will be discussed, including Positive Behavior Intervention Systems, Social Emotional Learning, and identifying school-based resources for educators as well as students.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42324
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Meet the Course Creator: Michele Gorman
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of the intersection between poverty and education. Participants will begin by examining the definitions, statistics, and real-world impacts of poverty on child development and learning. The course then delves into the psychological effects, focusing on stress and trauma, and the essential role educators play in supporting mental health. Strategies for building resilience and fostering a growth mindset in students are covered, alongside techniques for creating a supportive, inclusive classroom environment. The course also addresses academic challenges specific to children in poverty, offering differentiated instruction strategies and methods for enhancing motivation. Finally, participants will engage with family and community collaboration strategies, policy understanding, and advocacy, culminating in practical applications through case studies and the development of personalized action plans.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42350
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Meet the Course Creator: Mike Herman
STEM Courses
This course is an overview of STEM education for elementary teachers. It reviews each component of S.T.E.M. and will increase understanding of what is meant by Integrated STEM Education. Through eight modules teachers engage in learning experiences that will increase understanding of organizing concepts for thinking about and using Integrated STEM teaching and learning in the classroom. Participants will learn about the interdependent nature of STEM and other subjects such as English Language Arts and Social Studies and explore ways to integrate other subjects into Integrated STEM learning. They will learn about the high-value strategies that are integral to using and planning Integrated STEM experiences for students. Teachers will have the opportunity to engage with and evaluate examples of integrated STEM lessons/units developed by other teachers and will be guided through the development of their own Integrated STEM lesson/unit. Participants will have formative, self-assessment opportunities that revolve around learning, questions, and developing an understanding of Integrated STEM and how to get started with richer and more effective student learning experiences.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42265
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Meet the Course Creator: Georgia Boatman
This course is intended for K-12 educators looking to begin or enhance a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) program by providing the tools, and resources needed to incorporate art and design within a STEM curriculum. Learners will gain the knowledge needed to transform their STEM program into a robust STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) program. The course begins with a history of art in STEM, and the importance of artistic thinking in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. The course will also include information on how art enhances critical thinking, abstract problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and communication within STEM/STEAM courses. The course wraps up with an exploration of existing STEM programs, STEAM best practices, resources for makerspaces, and strategies to introduce art into your own STEM classroom.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42286
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Meet the Course Creator: Hannah Butcher
The purpose of this professional development course is to help elementary teachers looking to incorporate engineering design and STEM into their pedagogy. Engineering design, an integral part of STEM education, is an engaging, hands-on method focused on problem-solving, perseverance, and integration of content. It is also a ripe environment for developing interpersonal skills like communication and collaboration. As such, this course will present engineering design as the central vehicle for learning rather than a fun add-on to a lesson or unit. Learners will understand what engineering design looks like at the elementary level, how to plan meaningful engineering projects for students, and how to guide students through the process.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42311
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Meet the Course Creator: Nathan Lammers
Technology Courses
This course will explain how AI chatbots work, how they are designed, and how to use prompt engineering to get the most out of them as an educator. Participants will be introduced to an easy-to-follow framework for prompting that enhances the output when using this powerful technology. Use cases will be demonstrated and provided as takeaways to enhance teaching practice.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42235
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Meet the Course Creator: Ed3 DAO
This course introduces educators to the practice of creating high quality assessments with the support of Artificial Intelligence. Participants will learn how to align assessment outcomes, create effective assessments, and provide rapid and useful feedback using AI tools. The course combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, ensuring that educators are equipped to implement AI-driven strategies on assessment effectively in their classrooms.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42257
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Meet the Course Creator: Ed3 DAO
Technology serves a wide range of purposes in the classroom. From increasing student engagement to facilitating a classroom learning environment, technology can be used to create dynamic lessons that foster student engagement. One seamless way to integrate technology into the classroom is through educational apps. Educational apps open the world to possibilities in the classroom. Students and teachers will have the ability to interact, collaborate, and create both inside and outside the classroom. This course will provide teachers with an array of educational apps that can be used in their classroom, as well as ways to integrate them into their instruction.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42279
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Meet the Course Creator: Aubrey Eldredge
In this course, you'll explore cutting-edge Generative AI techniques to enhance teacher productivity and creativity, streamline administrative tasks, and create engaging learning materials for your students. You'll gain hands-on experience with various AI tools, while also learning how to navigate the ethical landscape of Generative AI for responsible and informed decision-making. This course is in partnership with Ed3 DAO.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42280
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Meet the Course Creator: Ed3 DAO
In the digital age, media literacy and critical thinking are essential for navigating the vast information landscape. Media literacy enables individuals to critically engage with media content and understand its influence. Critical thinking involves skillfully analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to guide belief and action. In this course, participants will learn to: Access and critically evaluate different types of media sources. Analyze the influence of media messages on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Apply rational, skeptical, and unbiased analysis to evaluate information. Utilize AI tools to enhance media analysis and critical thinking processes. The primary objective of this course is to empower educators with the knowledge and tools to foster these essential skills in their students, leveraging AI to create dynamic and engaging learning experiences. Participants will explore the integration of AI in analyzing media literacy, understanding biases, and enhancing critical thinking, preparing them to guide students in becoming informed and critical consumers of media.
This course is delivered in collaboration with Ed3 DAO.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42332
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Meet the Course Creator: Ed3 DAO
In today’s evolving educational landscape, classroom management requires more than just addressing behavior—it demands a restorative, relationship-focused approach that fosters positive and lasting change. This course empowers educators to transform their classrooms into environments where learners thrive through proactive, restorative, and positive strategies. By incorporating AI, educators will discover innovative ways to enhance these strategies, creating a responsive and inclusive learning environment for all. This course empowers educators to create thriving learning environments where learners feel valued, engaged, and motivated to succeed. By the end of this course, you'll have a robust toolkit of innovative, AI-supported strategies to cultivate a positive classroom ecosystem where learners take ownership of their actions, develop crucial social-emotional skills, and thrive academically. Join us in reimagining classroom management for the 21st century, where technology and human connection work in harmony to bring out the best in every learner.
This course is delivered in collaboration with Ed3 DAO.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42396
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Meet the Course Creator: Ed3 DAO
This course introduces educators to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodologies. Participants will learn to leverage AI tools to enhance student engagement, facilitate personalized learning experiences, and improve project outcomes. Combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications, this course equips educators with the skills and mindset to amplify PBL experiences with AI effectively in their classrooms, fostering a dynamic, student-centered learning environment. Participants will learn to apply AI in creating immersive real-world connections, design environments that empower students to become self-directed learners, and implement reflective practices using AI as a thought partner. By developing strategies for showcasing learning and planning for future trends, educators will connect best practices and prepare their learners for success in a rapidly evolving world.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42281
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Meet the Course Creator: Ed3 DAO
This professional development course aims to allow teachers to become more effective educators and gain new resources to make teaching more meaningful. Technology is a powerful tool, especially in today's world. The benefits of using apps in education are simple. It encourages life-long learning and brings real-world experience into the classroom. Today's school systems promote diverse activities, where technology can play a critical role. It provides teachers with ways to get creative and more interactive while giving them access to innovative resources. Apps can directly target the psychology of a student and assist in understanding information from differing perspectives. Technology revolutionizes the learning process and assists individuals in building competencies for the future.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 2
Cost: $110
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42288
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Meet the Course Creator: Krystal Tanzer
The metaverse is a new and exciting virtual world where students and teachers can engage in immersive learning experiences. In this course, we will explore the potential of the metaverse for teaching and learning, and discuss strategies for using this technology to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. This course is in partnership with Ed3 DAO.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42293
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Meet the Course Creator: Ed3 DAO
This course is specifically designed for K-12 educators working in remote learning environments who seek to enhance student success by incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles and technology into their instruction. Recognizing the challenges and diversity of learners in remote settings, this course addresses the gap in available resources by offering eight comprehensive learning modules. These modules will guide educators in understanding and applying UDL strategies to create more inclusive and effective remote classrooms. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with practical tools and techniques to support the diverse needs of their students, ultimately increasing engagement and achievement in the remote learning environment.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42354
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Meet the Course Creator: Julie Naegal
Artificial Intelligence is the illuminator of many learning paths. The purpose of the course is to help educators use artificial intelligence (AI) to support the diverse and variable needs of all learners. The course is based on the framework of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which is a people-first design approach that guides the creation of learning experiences that are accessible and engaging for everyone.
The course is suitable for educators from different levels and contexts, as it provides flexible
options and supports for learning. The course also encourages collaboration and feedback
among participants, as well as self-reflection and evaluation. This course is delivered in collaboration with Ed3 DAO.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42325
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Meet the Course Creator: Ed3 DAO
The purpose of this professional development course is to equip educators with a deep understanding of Web3 technologies and their practical applications in education. From blockchain for secure credentialing to the role of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations in school governance, participants will explore a range of topics that directly impact instructional pedagogy, school design, and systems of education. By the course's end, educators will be ready to integrate Web3 tools and concepts into their educational strategies and systems.
Note: We do require you to be enrolled in the course for two weeks before the course is completed. Upon completion of the course, please give us 14 business days to submit your grades.
Credits: 3
Cost: $165
Course Number: EDUC 5598P-42327
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Meet the Course Creator: Ed3 DAO