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ISU computer science students volunteer to scrub laptops for Idaho students in need

April 23, 2020

POCATELLO – Three Idaho State University computer science students volunteered for United Way of Southeast Idaho and Idaho Business for Education to help scrub donated computers to distribute to Idaho students in need of a device.

Chartwell employee delivering boxes of food snack packs to Benny's pantry.

Bengal Dining and Chartwells Higher Education donate 200 healthy snack boxes as part of the Good Goes Round Campaign

April 21, 2020

Despite the move to online learning, Bengal Dining continues to support students in the local community

Business senior Sophia Perry honored as ISU Outstanding Student Employee

April 17, 2020

POCATELLO – Idaho State University business senior Sophia Perry, double majoring in marketing and management, has been honored as the ISU Outstanding Employee of the Year by the ISU Career Center and Scholarship Office.

Rodeo team and some horses in front of a large barn.

ISU Rodeo Team receives multiple 2019-2020 Rocky Mountain Region awards 

April 17, 2020

POCATELLO – Idaho State University’s Rodeo Team took home multiple awards at the 2019-2020 Rocky Mountain Region Awards, including most improved rodeo and coach of the year.

ISU student Savannah Dorcheus awarded Earl Swanson Memorial Scholarship

April 10, 2020

POCATELLO – Idaho State University student Savannah Dorcheus was awarded the Earl Swanson Memorial Scholarship for the Spring 2020 semester.

ISU’s April Career Path Intern of the Month is Charlotte McBride

April 1, 2020

POCATELLO – Idaho State University’s April Career Path Intern of the Month is Charlotte McBride, a senior pursuing a degree in communication, media and persuasion with minors in journalism, advertising and public relations.

ISU student by stream holding up a rainbow trout.

ISU’s Rachel Brinkley receives American Fisheries Society scholarship

April 1, 2020

POCATELLO – Idaho State University’s Rachel Brinkley received the Idaho Chapter American Fisheries Society’s 2020 Graduate Scholarship at the group’s annual meeting in March.

Display of people attending a ZOOM online meeting

ISU Counseling/Testing Center offers variety of virtual wellness services

April 1, 2020

POCATELLO – Idaho State University Counseling and Testing is offering online drop-in sessions for students and has created a Virtual Wellness Services website focused on helping students manage adjustment challenges related to COVID-19.

People involved with fundraiser

ISU students key in organizing Bannock Virtual BBQ that is raising funds for Idaho Food Bank’s coronavirus relief fund

March 27, 2020

POCATELLO –  Idaho State University students are actively involved with helping to raise funds for the Idaho Food Bank through today’s Bannock Virtual BBQ , that started today, March 27, at 11 a.m. and runs through 6 p.m.

ISU nursing students answering phones at COVID-19 hotline.

Southeastern Idaho Public Health, with assistance from ISU, provides COVID-19 Hotline

March 26, 2020

POCATELLO – Southeastern Idaho Public Health (SIPH), with assistance from the Idaho State University Kasiska Division of Health Sciences and the Medical Reserve Corp of Idaho, has a COVID-19 hotline, 208-234-5875, that the public can call to get answers about the COVID-19 virus.  

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