ISU students key in organizing Bannock Virtual BBQ that is raising funds for Idaho Food Bank’s coronavirus relief fund
March 27, 2020

POCATELLO – Idaho State University students are actively involved with helping to raise funds for the Idaho Food Bank through today’s Bannock Virtual BBQ , that started today, March 27, at 11 a.m. and runs through 6 p.m.
By 11:30 a.m. today the group, led Kendra Rone State Farm Insurance in Chubbuck, had already had $4,000 in cash donated and orders for about 250 of the 500 to-go $15 barbeque meals provided by the Sand Trap restaurant that will be delivered by first responders.
To order a meal, visit or call Rone’s office at 208-637-8090.
“100 percent of the proceeds go to the Idaho Food Bank for its coronavirus relief fund,” said Spaletta, an ISU communications student who helped organize the event. “We wanted to provide an avenue allowing people to donate to their community,” he said.
Spaletta is an ISU Career Path Intern working in the Rone State Farm Insurance Chubbuck office. He conceived of the idea and is helping with today’s event. He also credited other ISU students and staff who have helped with this fundraiser, including Zac Gaume, an ISU public relations student; ISU student Jason Vesser who is taking photos and video of the project; and Joey Gifford, ISU graphic design specialist who designed the event’s flyer.
Multiple other sponsors and the North Bannock and Chubbuck firefighters have contributed to the event.