Steps to Graduation
How to Apply to Graduate
Geosciences Graduate Handbook
Thesis/Dissertation Instructions
Ph.D. Graduation Instructions with forms
Please visit the website link above for full details.
Apply Online at: https://my.isu.edu
Graduation applications must be submitted no later than Friday of midterm week of the semester in which you plan to graduate.
For those wishing to graduate in August, applications must be submitted by the last day of the Spring semester.
Caps and Gowns information packets are available at the following locations: the ISU Bookstore, Registration and Records, and the Graduate School. For other information concerning caps and gowns, contact the ISU Bookstore at (208) 282-3237.
Undergraduate Students
Submit application for graduation online through MyISU. Click on the Academic Tools, then click the Apply to Graduate link under the Graduation Planning channel. A non-refundable $20.00 graduation application fee per degree and application is required.
The online graduation application for each semester will be available via MyISU until Friday of mid-term week each semester and until the last day of Spring semester for August graduation.
Graduate Students
Final Program of Study must be turned into the Graduate School one semester prior to intended graduation (Dates and Deadlines).
Submit application for graduation online through MyISU. Click on the Academic Tools, then click the Apply to Graduate link under the Graduation Planning channel. A non-refundable $20.00 graduation application fee per degree and application is required.
Oral Examination (non-thesis and dissertation/thesis) must be held no later than 3 weeks prior to graduation. (see Dates and Deadlines). A written notification of the exam must be submitted to the Graduate School no later than one week prior to the exam.
Comprehensive written exam deadlines vary by department, but must be completed before final oral defense (see Graduate Catalog).
Thesis/dissertation copies in substantially final form should be in the hands of the examining committee at least 2 weeks prior to the date scheduled for the oral examination. New Thesis/Dissertation Manual (Effective for May 2018 Candidates and Beyond)