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Steps to Graduation

 Please visit the website link above for full details.

  • Apply Online at: https://my.isu.edu

  • Graduation applications must be submitted no later than Friday of midterm week of the semester in which you plan to graduate.

  • For those wishing to graduate in August, applications must be submitted by the last day of the Spring semester.

  • Caps and Gowns information packets are available at the following locations: the ISU Bookstore, Registration and Records, and the Graduate School. For other information concerning caps and gowns, contact the ISU Bookstore at (208) 282-3237.

Undergraduate Students

  • Submit application for graduation online through MyISU. Click on the Academic Tools, then click the Apply to Graduate link under the Graduation Planning channel. A non-refundable $20.00 graduation application fee per degree and application is required.

  • The online graduation application for each semester will be available via MyISU until Friday of mid-term week each semester and until the last day of Spring semester for August graduation.

Graduate Students

  • Final Program of Study must be turned into the Graduate School one semester prior to intended graduation (Dates and Deadlines).

  • Submit application for graduation online through MyISU. Click on the Academic Tools, then click the Apply to Graduate link under the Graduation Planning channel. A non-refundable $20.00 graduation application fee per degree and application is required.

  • Oral Examination (non-thesis and dissertation/thesis) must be held no later than 3 weeks prior to graduation. (see Dates and Deadlines). A written notification of the exam must be submitted to the Graduate School no later than one week prior to the exam.

  • Comprehensive written exam deadlines vary by department, but must be completed before final oral defense (see Graduate Catalog).

  • Thesis/dissertation copies in substantially final form should be in the hands of the examining committee at least 2 weeks prior to the date scheduled for the oral examination. New Thesis/Dissertation Manual (Effective for May 2018 Candidates and Beyond)

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