Michelle Sclafani
Program: M.S. in Geology
Office: Physical Sciences 207E (Halite Pod)
I am a master's student studying how intermittent stream biogeochemistry changes in
response to fire under Dr. Kathleen Lohse. My research project is focused on how a
recent prescribed fire that surrounded an intermittent watershed alters inorganic
nitrogen processing.
Following my B.S. in Geology and a B.S. in Biological Sciences from NC State, I took an
eight year break in the public sector. During my time at the North Carolina Department
of Environmental Quality and City of Raleigh's Stormwater Management, I became
passionate about public service and community engagement. I've enjoyed working with
a diverse set of business and property owners, and applying science into daily lives. My
long-term goal is to pursue a career in land and groundwater management where I can
use scientific investigations to improve responsible decision making processes.
In my spare time I enjoy trail running, camping, gardening, playing cello and
volunteering. I've also liked improving my German so I can stay better connected with my