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Jennings Leavell poses in an arid wilderness with his cute dog

Jennings Leavell

Program: M.S. in Geology

Office: Physical Sciences 238 (Flourite Pod) or Gale 408


I am a MS in Geology student in Dr. Lohse’s Lab, and an aspiring biogeochemist and watershed scientist. I intend to pursue a PhD next on the path to a career as a professor or researcher. 

My MS thesis research focus at ISU is phosphorus' biogeochemical response to a prescribed burn in an intermittent stream system. This project was developed and implemented in conjunction with other students, collaborators, and the NSF RII Track 2 AIMS project. I am also broadly interested in nutrient biogeochemistry, chemical fate, intermittent stream hydrology, and scientific outreach to primary and secondary students and educators.

I earned my BA in Chemistry and minor in Philosophy from Bowdoin College (2018). Between academic programs, I was an intern for the Mote Marine ecotoxicology research lab, an analyst for an environmental analytical lab in Salt Lake City, and held various service industry jobs. See my CV for more details.

Outside of work, I am an avid music-enjoyer and outdoors person. I love climbing, skiing, running, and camping in the mountains of southeast Idaho and throughout the Mountain West, usually with my dog, Sage, in tow.

CV: Jennings Leavell CV 20240916