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Idaho Digital Learning Alliance

The Early College Program has partnered with Idaho Digital Learning Alliance (IDLA) to offer General Education Objective courses through our College of Education.  These are also introductory courses for those who are interested in pursuing a degree in education.  In order to register for dual credit courses offered through IDLA, students must be admitted as an Early College Program student and register for the course with Idaho State University and IDLA.

Register for ISU Courses in Dual Enroll

  • Create a Dual Enroll Account
    • Go to https://isu.dualenroll.com and click on CREATE MY ACCOUNT.
    • Complete the New Student Registration form. Provide all information including a login name and password. All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. You must provide either an email or cell phone number to create the account. If a cell phone is used, standard text message rates will apply.
    • Once you click REGISTER, you’ll receive either a text message with an activation code or an email with a link to confirm your account. You must confirm your account before you can proceed with the registration. If using email, be sure to check your dunk and spam folders for the email.
  • Complete the application steps. Completed steps are listed in green under Application Steps, and the current step is shown in orange. Complete all required fields which are marked with an asterisk and click the update button after each step. Note: Parent contact information cannot be the same as the student contact information. If your parents are having a problem with the consent, you can click on Resend or Change contact under the Steps column, update the parent contact information, and/or resend the consent link to your parent.

 Register for classes

  • Click on the Courses tab to review the list of available courses. Click on the course name to see the detailed class description and available sections. Be sure to chose the appropriate section for your IDLA instructor.
  • When you’ve made your decision on a course and section, click the REGISTER button to start the registration process. If the course you have selected has prerequisites, you will be prompted to continue with the registration if the prerequisites are met or to choose a different course.
  • You may choose to: Select another course, view registration status, or logout.
  • You will receive an email from ISU letting you know when your registration is complete or if more information is needed from you.


 IDLA-ISU Orientation:

Learn how to access your IDLA course information, register for dual credit with ISU, and what students benefits are available.

IDLA-ISU Orientaiton Video


Course Information

EDUC 1110 - Education and Schooling in the U.S.  (3 Credits)

Survey of historical, sociological, and political issues related to public education and the system of schooling in the U.S. Partially satisfies Objective 6 of the General Education Requirements.

EDUC 2201 - Development and Individual Differences (3 Credits)

Examination of human development/individual difference as a basis for reflecting on learning. PREREQ: 26 credits completed, 2.75 GPA; "C" or higher in ENGL 1101.

EDUC 2204 - Families Community Culture (3 Credits)

Examination of interactions among school, family, community, and culture as a basis for reflecting on the social contexts of learning.  Satisfies Objective 9 of the General Education Objectives.

EDUC 2295 - Field Practicum (1 Credit)

Introduction to fieldwork in education. Fieldwork experiences may include individual and small group tutoring, presentations, involvement in Future Educators associations and service learning.  Emphasis on teaching strategies, learning styles, and methods of instruction.

For more information about education programs offered at Idaho State University please visit www.isu.edu/education/


DHS 1110 Intro to Health Professions (3 Credits)

Introduction to health professional programs including an overview of roles and responsibilities of medical, nursing, pharmacy, and allied health professions as well as admissions requirements.


HCA 2210 Medical Terminology and Communication (2 Credits)

This course is intended to be an introduction to the language of a medical vocabulary system. It includes structure, recognition, analysis, definition, spelling, pronunciation, and combination of medical terms and prefixes, suffixes, roots, and combining forms.


For assistance with the application and/or registration process please call the Early College Program office at 208-282-6067.


Registration Information

IDLA Courses - Spring 2025 Semester

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