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About Staff Council

Staff Council is an organization at Idaho State University representing all classified and non-classified employees, independent of other organizations. As representatives elected by you, the staff employees of ISU, Staff Council represents your interests and is the voice for all staff at ISU. Staff Council remains committed to working together with the administration, faculty and students for the betterment of Idaho State University. Staff Council meetings are held once a month, except during the summer when no full council meetings are held.

Staff Council Behaviors & Action Plan

Staff Council Behaviors & Action Plan 

Hello Idaho State University staff,

Welcome to another great year as an ISU Bengal! I am both excited and honored to serve as your Staff Council President for the 2023-2024 academic year. I love being part of an organization that wants to make a positive difference in the lives of students and the communities we serve. The many positive impacts ISU makes are because our university is filled with people who care and recognize that they have the ability to positively change the world around them. Every day, I love coming to work and am proud to be a Bengal.  

I have come to learn that with change also comes the opportunity to grow and become better, stronger, and ultimately more resilient. So as we face changes and challenges this year, I hope we are reminded of the incredible and supportive teams that surround us.

This year the ISU staff will be given multiple opportunities to have their voices heard on significant and long-term developments. The university is working on the creation of a University’s Master Plan and continues to make efforts to progress our strategic plan. This year we will also hire the 14th President of ISU and be part of a new chapter of ISU’s history! I encourage everyone to educate themselves about these opportunities around campus and to engage in the discussions to  have your voices heard. Each voice and perspective matters. 

Lastly, I want to mention just how proud I am to work alongside the many amazing members of your Staff Council this year. If you haven’t had an opportunity to engage with one of them during an event or throughout your day, please connect with them. Your Staff Council representatives are dedicated individuals working together to find ways to celebrate your achievements and connect you to resources and information that benefits you, so please utilize our team of passionate experts!

Yours in service,

Jessy Sears

President, Staff Council 2023-2024

Staff Council meetings are run by Robert's Rules of Order and governed by bylaws written in 2010 after COPE and CEC combined as one unit. The bylaws have been modified and we are currently using the 2018 version.

The Bylaws Committee role is to keep the bylaws and legislative regulation for staff council current and updated.

Staff Council Representative: Jena Lords, Jessy Sears, Lisa Wise, and Veronica Garcia

Staff Council Bylaws