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Schedule Type and Class Instruction Definitions


Schedule Type Code

Schedule Code Description

Definition of Instruction


Fully Online - No set meeting time

Fully Online course

  • Coursework delivery via: web, email, and/or message boards in online forums such as Moodle, Google groups, etc.
  • Course is most often delivered using Moodle.
  • Courses are NOT time or place dependent


Blended - reduced in class time

Reduced in person seat time

  •  A combination of face-to-face classroom combined with online days that do not require a student to be in a certain place at a certain time.

 For example, a three-credit course meets only Monday and Wednesday in a classroom (for an hour each class period) and then equivalent material is delivered online in place of a Friday class (33% of the class is online).


Standard Classroom

Standard Lecture in the Classroom



Lab or Studio

  • Class requires specialized equipment in the classroom.


Online Fee Program

Fully Online Course.  Only department specified academic courses can utilize this schedule type.


Mostly Online - Moodle

The majority of the course is online but may require up to five in person meetings.



Dissertation, Thesis, Practicum, Rotations


Fully Online with set meeting time

Fully Online course via Zoom with set meeting times

  • Online course where students and faculty are together at the same time (mountain standard MST) and will be using the Zoom platform for instruction and class discussions.


Dedicated Video Conf Classroom

Video Conference Network


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