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Frequently Asked Questions About Idaho Residency

I just received notification that I have been accepted at ISU, however, I have been classified as a non-resident student and must pay non-resident fees. I have lived here for two years. What can I do to have this changed?

Your residency status is based on the information provided on ISU’s admissions application. Should verification of this information result in a change of this determination, a student’s residency status will be changed and reflected in the final bill for tuition.

I was initially an out-of-state resident. However, I have been attending ISU for two semesters, have lived here for more than 12 months, and am still being charged as a non-resident. How do I get this changed?

The fact that you have lived here for over 12 consecutive months does not automatically qualify you as an Idaho resident. You must additionally show that you have established residency in Idaho. To do that, you must complete the Idaho Residency Determination Worksheet, attach the necessary documentation, and have the Worksheet notarized. You then turn it into the Residency Officer at the Office of the Registrar.

I have received notification for jury duty and was told that I am now considered an Idaho resident. When I received my Idaho driver’s license, I was also informed that I am an Idaho resident. Why doesn’t ISU consider me an Idaho resident?

There is no standard definition between the Idaho service providers, i.e., the judicial system, Department of Motor Vehicles, etc., regarding what constitutes an Idaho resident. ISU is governed by the Education Code, specifically Idaho Statute 33-3717B.

Where do I find the Idaho Residency Determination Worksheet?

The Idaho Residency Determination Worksheet (IRDW) can be accessed here. It is in a pdf format that can be printed and completed offline. Unfortunately, the fact that the form must be notarized means that you are unable to complete this process online. The Idaho Residency Determination Worksheet is also available in the Office of the Registrar.

Once I turn in the IRDW, how long should it take to find out if I have been approved for Idaho residency?

The response time is relatively quick. If there are any questions or if additional information is required, you will be contacted by either telephone or e-mail. Otherwise, you should expect to receive a decision (via mail at the address provided on the IRDW) within three to five business days.

What is a “bona fide domicile?”

A “bona fide domicile” is a legal term used to describe an individual’s permanent home, i.e., the place where the person intends to remain and expects to return to if visiting elsewhere for short periods of time (less than 30 days). Likewise, “continuously resided” refers to being physically present in Idaho for 12 consecutive months without absences totaling more than 30 days.

My husband is in the National Guard but assigned to a neighboring state’s unit. Could I use his National Guard status to qualify for in-state tuition?

Armed forces is defined as United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard; it does not include National Guard from states other than Idaho and other reserve forces.

My parents provide at least 50% of my financial support but they did not list me as a dependent on their most recent Idaho State Income Tax form. Can I still use them for purposes of establishing Idaho residency?

You must provide proof that you are financially dependent upon your parent(s)/legal guardian(s) in order to use their Idaho residency. This is accomplished through providing a copy of their latest Idaho tax form listing you as a dependent. If you are not listed as a dependent on your parent(s) Idaho income tax form but believe that you receive at least 50% of your financial support from them, please contact the Office of the Registrar for further information.

I have an Idaho Driver’s License but it was only issued two months ago. May I use it as one of the five documents required to show residency?

Any of the documentation which you provide (with the exception of the Idaho tax return) must have been issued at least 12 months previously. The object of this documentation is to demonstrate that you have lived in Idaho for the past 12 months. So, for example, a bank statement from the previous month only shows that you lived in Idaho last month – what is needed is a bank statement from a year ago. The same is true for an Idaho Motor Vehicle Registration, Idaho Voter Registration, Idaho Driver’s License, lease, tax statement, etc.

I have received the Western Undergraduate Exchange scholarship (WUE) for the past two years but am no longer eligible. What do I need to do to change my residency so I would now qualify for in-state tuition?

WUE has been classified as financial assistance provided by another state or agency and, therefore, you cannot count the time while you were receiving WUE towards establishing Idaho residency. What that means is that you have to live here for 12 continuous months after no longer receiving the WUE before being eligible for reclassification.

I have been out of Idaho for the past 24 months on a church-related assignment. Can I still qualify for residency for tuition purposes?

As long as you were a resident of Idaho before you left on your assignment and did not change your residency while away from Idaho, you would most likely still be considered an Idaho resident. However, you would still need to provide documentation (as contained on the IDRW) that you were a resident before leaving the state.

I missed the deadline for turning in my documentation. If my Worksheet is approved now, can I get a refund of the difference between the resident and non-resident tuition?

Decisions regarding residency status will not be retroactive. You have ten days after the start of the semester to submit your supporting documentation. After that 10th day, state law mandates that you can no longer qualify for in-state tuition for that semester. In other words, no money will be refunded.

What if I have submitted the Worksheet with its attached documentation and my residency appeal is denied. What recourse do I have?

If you feel that your personal circumstances are such that it would alter the decision of the Residency Officer, you have the right to make an appeal to the Residency Appeals Committee. You must submit a written request (including whether you would like a personal interview) to Hala Arraj Abou Registrar and Residency Appeals Committee Chairperson, 921 S. 8th Avenue, Stop 8196, Pocatello, ID 83209-8196. If you do not agree with the decision of the Residency Appeals Committee, you may appeal further by submitting a written request to the President of ISU. The final recourse is a referral by the ISU President to the Idaho State Board of Education. The decision of the State Board of Education is final and binding on all concerned parties except as provided in Section 33-3717 of the Idaho Code.

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