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Credit by Exam

Please Note:  This document is our best estimate of how specific test scores will transfer to ISU, but this document should not be considered a guarantee of transfer credit awarded. A formal course evaluation will be initiated once an official application for admission has been received and all official transcripts have been submitted. All test scores are subject to department approval and may change without notice.

Advanced Placement Exam - AP

Dept/Subject Area Exam Minimum Score ISU Equivalent Course Credit General Education Requirement Total Credits Granted
Art History 3 or above ART 1100 Partially meets Objective 4 3
Art - 2D Design 3 or above ART 1103   3
Art - 3D Design 3 or above ART 1104   3
Art - Drawing  3 or above ART 1105   3
African American Studies 3 or above ELEC 1XXX   3
Biology 3 BIOL 1100 Partially meets Objective 5 3
  4 or 5 BIOL 1101 w/ lab Partially meets Objective 5 4
Chemistry 3 CHEM 1111 w/ lab Partially meets Objective 5 5
  4 or 5 CHEM 1111 & 1112 w/ labs Partially meets Objective 5 9
Computer Science A 3 CS 1XXX (Critical Thinking Objective) Meets Objective 7 3
Computer Science A 4 or 5 CS 1181 Meets Objective 7 3
Economics (Macro) 3 ECON 2201 Partially meets Objective 6 3
Economics (Micro) 3 ECON 2202 Partially meets Objective 6 3
English Lang. & Comp. 3 or 4 ENGL 1101 Partially meets Objective 1 3
   5 ENGL 1101 & 1102 Meets Objective 1 6
English Lit. & Comp. 3 ENGL 1175 Partially meets Objective 4 3
Environmental Science 3 or above GEOL 1100 Partially meets Objective 5 3
Chinese Language & Culture 3 CHNS 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 4 8
  4 CHNS 1101 & 1102 & 2201 Partially meets Objective 4 and Meets Objective 9 (CHNS 2201) 12
  5 CHNS 1101 & 1102 & 2201 & 2202

Partially meets Objective 4 (CHNS 1101/1102) 

Meets Objective 9 (CHNS 2201)

French Language & Culture 3 FREN 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 4 8
  4 FREN 1101 & 1102 & 2201

Partially meets Objective 4 (FREN 1101/1102) &

Meets Objective 9 (FREN 2201)

  5 FREN 1101 & 1102 & 2201 & 2202

Partially meets Objective 4 (FREN 1101/1102) &

Meets Objective 9 (FREN 2201)

German Language & Culture 3 GERM 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 4 8
  4 GERM 1101 & 1102 & 2201

Partially meets Objective 4 (GERM 1101/1102)

Meets Objective 9 (GERM 2201)

  5 GERM 1101 & 1102 & 2201 & 2202

Partially meets Objective 4 (GERM 1101/1102)

Meets Objective 9 (GERM 2201)

Italian Language & Culture 3 LANG 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 4 8
  4 LANG 1101 & 1102 & 2201

Partially meets Objective 4

Meets Objective 9 (LANG 2201)

  5 Lang 1101 & 1102 & 2201 & 2202

Partially meets Objective 4 (LANG 1101/1102) 

Meets Objective 9 (LANG 2201)

Japanese Language & Culture 3 JAPN 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 4 8
  4 JAPN 1101 & 1102 & 2201

Partially meets Objective 4

Meets Objective 9 (JAPN 2201)

  5 JAPN 1101 & 1102 & 2201 & 2202

Partially meets Objective 4 (JAPN 1101/1102)

Meets Objective 9 (JAPN 2201)

Latin 3 LATN 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 4 8
  4 LATN 1101 & 1102 & 2201

Partially meets Objective 4

Meets Objetive 9 (LATN 2201)

  5 LATN 1101 & 1102 & 2201 & 2202

Partially meets Objective 4

Meets Objetive 9 (LATN 2201)

Spanish Language & Culture 3 SPAN 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 4 8
  4 SPAN 1101 & 1102 & 2201

Partially meets Objective 4

Meets Objetive 9 (SPAN 2201)

  5 SPAN 1101 & 1102 & 2201 & 2202

Partially meets Objective 4

Meets Objetive 9 (SPAN 2201)

History: European 3 HIST 1105 Partially meets Objective 6 3
  4 or 5 HIST 1105 & HIST 1XXX (elective) Partially meets Objective 6 6
History: United States 3 HIST 1111 & 1112 Partially meets Objective 6 6
History: World Modern 3 HIST 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 6 6
Human Geography 3 or above ELEC 1XXX (elective) Partially meets Objective 6 3
Math: Precalculus 3 or above MATH 1147 Meets Objective 3 5
Math: Calculus AB 3 or above MATH 1170 Meets Objective 3 4
Math: Calculus BC 3 or above MATH 1170 & 1175 Meets Objective 3 8
Math: Statistics 3 or above MATH 1153 Meets Objective 3 3
Music Hist. & Lit. 3 or above MUSC 1100 Partially meets Objective 4 3
Music Theory 3 MUSC 1102 & 1103   5
Music Theory 4 or 5 MUSC 1102 & 1103 & 1104   8
Physics: 1 (General) 3

PHYS 1111 w/o lab

Partially meets Objective 5 3
Physics: 2 (General) 3 PHYS 1112 w/o lab Partially meets Objective 5 3
Physics: C (Mechanics Engr.) 3 PHYS 2211 w/o lab Partially meets Objective 5 3
    **Student must enroll in a PHYS lab**   1
Political Science 3 or above POLS 1101 Partially meets Objective 6 3
Psychology 3 or above PSYC 1101 Partially meets Objective 6 3

College Level Examination Program Exam - CLEP

Dept/Subject Area Exam Minimum Score ISU Equivalent Course Credit General Education Requirement Total Credits Granted
Intro. Marketing 50 MKTG 2225   3
Intro. Business Law 50 MGT 2261   3
Intro. Management 50 MGT 1101   3
Info. Sys. & Comp. Applications 50 INFO 1XXX   3
Financial Accounting 50 ACCT 2201   3
French Level I 50 FREN 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 4 8
French Level II 59 FREN 1101 & 1102 & 2201 Partially meets Objective 4  12
German Level I 50 GERM 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 4 8
German Level II 59 GERM 1101 & 1102 & 2201 Partially meets Objective 4  12
Spanish Level I 50 SPAN 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 4 8
Spanish Level II 59 SPAN 1101 & 1102 & 2201 Partially meets Objective 4  12
Spanish w/Writing Level I 50 SPAN 1101,1102,2201,2022 Partially meets Objective 4 16
Spanish w/Writing Level II 65 SPAN 1101,1102,2201,2202 Partially meets Objective 4 16
American Government 50 POLS 1101 Partially meets Objective 6 3
World History 50 HIST 1101 Partially meets Objective 6 3
World History 50 HIST 1102 Partially meets Objective 6 3
Am. History I: Early Colonization 1877 50 HIST 1111 Partially meets Objective 6 3
Am. History II: 1865 to Present 50 HIST 1112 Partially meets Objective 6 3
Intro. Macroeconomics 50 ECON 2201 Partially meets Objective 6 3
Intro. Microeconomics 50 ECON 2202 Partially meets Objective 6 3
Intro. Psychology 50 PSYC 1101 Partially meets Objective 6 3
Intro. Sociology 50 SOC 1101 Partially meets Objective 6 3
Analyzing and Interpeting Literature 50 ENGL 1175 Partially Meets Objective 4 3
College Composition 50 ENGL 1101 Partially Meets Objective 1 3
Algebra 50 MATH 1143 Meets Objective 3 3
Precalculus 50 MATH 1147 Meets Objective 3 5
Calculus 50 MATH 1170 Meets Objective 3 4
College Mathematics 50 MATH 1123 Meets Objective 3 3
Biology 50 BIOL 1100 Partiall meets Objective 5 4
General Chemistry 50 CHEM 1111 w/ lab Partially meets Objective 5 4

ACT and SAT Placement Exam

Idaho State University grants credit for ACT or SAT English placement exams.

ACT Exam Minimum Score ISU Equivalent Course General Education Requirement Credit Granted
English 25-30 ENGL 1101 Partially meets Objective 1 3
English 31-36 ENGL 1101 & 1102 Meets Objective 1 6


SAT Exam 
Minimum Score ISU Equivalent Course General Education Requirement Credit Granted
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing   610 or higher ENGL 1101 Partially meets Objective 1 3



International Baccalaureate Exam Credit

Idaho State University grants credit for International Baccalaureate Exams equivalent to courses with a minimum exam score.

*All exams must be taken at the Higher Level unless otherwise indicated.

Exam Minimum Score (HL) ISU Equivalent Course Credit General Education Requirement Total Credits Granted
Biology 5 BIOL 1101 & 1102 w/ labs Partially meets Objective 5 8
Business & Management 5 MGT 1101   3
Chemistry 5 CHEM 1111 & 1112 w/ labs Partially meets Objective 5 9
Classical Languages 4 LATN 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 4 8
Computer Science (Standard Level) 5 CS 1XXX   3
Computer Science 5 CS 1182   3
English Language & Literature 3 ENGL 1101 Partially Meets Objective 1 3
English Language & Literature 4 ENGL 1101 & ENGL 1102 Meets Objective 1  6
English Language & Literature  5 ENGL 1101 & ENGL 1102 & ENGL 1175 Meets Objective 1, partially meets Obj 4 9
French A 5 FREN 2201, 2202, & 3XXX (upper division elective credit) Meets Objective 9 (FREN 2201/2202) 11
French B 4 FREN 2201 & 2202 Meets Objective 9 (FREN 2201/2202) 8
German A 5 GERM 2201, 2202, & 3XXX (upper division elective) Meets Objective 9 (GERM 2201/2202) 11
German B 4 GERM 2201 & 2202 Meets Objective 9 (GERM 2201/2202) 8
History, American 5 HIST 1111 & 1112 Partially meets Objective 6 6
History, World/European 5 HIST 1101 & 1102 Partially meets Objective 6 6
Mathematics 4 MATH 1143 Meets Objective 3 3
  5 MATH 1160 Meets Objective 3 3
  6 MATH 1170 Meets Objective 3 4
Music Perception & Analysis 5 MUSC 1100 Partially meets Objective 4 3
Physics (Standard Level) 5 PHYS 1111 & 1112 w/o labs Partially meets Objective 5 6
Psychology 4 PSYC 1101 Partially meets Objective 6 3
Social Anthropology 4 ANTH 1100 Partially meets Objective 6 3
Spanish A 5 SPAN 2201, 2202 & 3XXX (upper division elective credit) Meets Objective 9 (SPAN 2201/2202) 11
Spanish B 4 SPAN 2201,2202 Meets Objective 9 (SPAN 2201/2202) 8

To find out more about credit by examination and how it applies to any of the public colleges and universities in the state of Idaho, visit the State of Idaho Transfer Portal website.

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