Frequently Asked Questions
What should I bring to my NSO Session?
Please bring the following items to your NSO session.
- One form of photo ID (license, Star card, passport).
- A laptop or tablet (if possible). Computer Labs will be available for those who need it.
- Comfortable shoes.
- If you are attending orientation in-person, bring copies of your transcripts to your advising session.
Is Orientation Mandatory?
Yes. New Student Orientation is required of all incoming first-year students. NSO is designed to support the academic and social transition of our newest Bengals into the ISU family.
Will I complete class registration at New Student Orientation?
In-person attendees will complete their registration with an advisor on the day of orientation. For those students attending a virtual NSO, you will be asked to schedule an appointment with your advisor.
What do I do if I need special accommodations?
You can request special accessibility services or meal requirements through our office at (208) 282-2100.
What if I cannot attend New Student Orientation?
Please contact our office with any questions at (208) 282-2100.
Can I bring parents and guests?
Yes! Parents and guests are welcome to attend orientation. Parents, friends, and family play a very important role in helping you be successful in your college career.
Where do I get my Student ID Card?
Plan to get your Bengal ID card at NSO. Virtual attendees can pick up their ID cards after the event. If you were not able to get your Bengal ID in person go to the Campus Connection website to order your Student Bengal ID, students may request their Bengal ID online and submit a photo that meets our requirements.
It is very important to keep this card for the entire time you attend ISU as it serves as your library card, activity card, and meal card. Replacement cards cost $20.00.
How do I get to campus?
The campus locations are as follows. Parking is free during the in-person New Student Orientation events.
Pond Student Union Building 215
921 S 8th Ave Stop 8125
Pocatello, ID 83209
Pocatello Campus Map
Idaho Falls
Sam Bennion Student Union Building
1784 Science Center Drive
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Idaho Falls Campus Map
ISU Meridian Sam and Aline Skaggs Health Science Center
1311 E. Central Drive
Meridian, ID 83642
Meridian Campus Map
Idaho State University Twin Falls
College of Southern Idaho, Hepworth Building
315 Falls Avenue
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Twin Falls Campus Map