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Course Evaluations in Moodle ISU

General Procedures

Since the Fall 2008 semester, course evaluations can be offered using Moodle ISU. The tool, called "Feedback" is used to create course evaluations that are easily accessible to students within their courses. The Feedback tool gives the designated course evaluation coordinator full control over setting up, distributing, and collecting results for their respective department and calculating the results as students submit the evaluations.       

This is not your only evaluation option. You may also choose to use Qualtrics to collect, store, and analyze your survey results. For more information please review About Qualtrics or contact the helpdesk at 282-HELP or help@isu.edu 

Department Chair Procedures

The Course Evaluation Coordinator Request Form needs to be submitted by the department chair (or their designee) with the contact information of the individuals selected to be the evaluation coordinators. This form needs to be re-submitted if the coordinator's information changes.

Once the request is processed, then the coordinators will be able to administer the course evaluations in Moodle ISU.

Instructors will need to make sure all of their course sections are visible to students to ensure that the course evaluations will be available.

Course Evaluation Coordinator Procedures       

Each semester a new request needs to be submitted by the course evaluation coordinator using the Course Evaluation Request Form (limited to three per semester). Once the new, empty course evaluation is created, we will send a confirmation email to the coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for the initial setup and distribution of the evaluation. At the end of the semester, coordinators are responsible for downloading the data after the evaluation closes. Course evaluations will be removed 45 days after the end of the semester.


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