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Archive Policies

For additional information about archiving policies or for help with backing up course materials contact the ITRC.

Moodle ISU Courses

  • Moodle ISU courses are available to instructors until 4 weeks from the start of the same term two years later. (i.e., Fall 2016 courses will no longer be available after the fourth week of the Fall 2018 term.)
  • We strongly recommend backing up your courses and downloading the backup files to your computer at the end of each semester. Faculty are responsible for storing course materials.
  • Please delete backup files from Moodle ISU after downloading. This will help to manage storage space and keep Moodle ISU running smoothly. The ITRC may delete excess backup files if needed.

Course Evaluations       

  • Course evaluations are removed 45 days after the end of the term.

Zoom Cloud Storage

  • Users can keep their videos on Zoom Cloud Storage for the duration of the semester. Recordings are set to auto-delete after 250 days when initially recorded. For example, a cloud recording created on Aug 23, 2021 would be deleted on January 20, 2022. If a user has made a recording that they want to keep indefinitely, It is recommended to move a copy of desired recordings to Google drive.
  • Users are free to delete unwanted recordings at any point during the semester. Users will receive an email notification from Zoom <no-reply@zoom.us> 7 days before the cloud recording is going to be permanently deleted from trash.


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