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High School Instructor Course Timeline


Time Frame

High School Instructor Submits/Facilitates


Attend Mandatory Teacher Training Workshop.  The workshop will be held the Wednesday before ISU fall semester starts.

First Weeks of Class

English, chemistry, math and physics instructors make sure students have met course pre-requisite. Facilitate COMPASS placement testing if needed.  Provide copies of official test scores from ACT, SAT or COMPASS for all students registering for college credit.

Inform new ECP students about application process

Coordinate registration visits with Early College Program staff

Review class list through BengalWeb with your students prior to payment deadlines


Instructor notifies students with Mid-Term grades of “D” or “F”. Advises students about withdrawal deadlines and procedures in order to avoid low grades on their college transcript.

End of Class

Course and instructor evaluations are completed by students

Submit student grades through BengalWeb. See important dates for appropriate grading times.


Submit next year's course times to ECP including semester/trimester and class start and end dates.

Submit course syllabus to Academic Department for approval, make sure add/drop and withdrawal deadlines are on the syllabus. Note:  Syllabus must be approved on a yearly basis.

Submit Approved syllabus to ECP prior to start of course.  

June - August

Receive copy of liaison report and course evaluations


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