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Become a Dual Credit Instructor

The Early College Program at Idaho State University invites applicants from qualified high school instructors to teach university-level courses at their high school. As adjunct instructors with ISU, you will have the opportunity to teach college-level courses and support students in getting a head start on their college degree.  Adjunct faculty will also implement the university curriculum and follow University policies in regards to learning outcomes and student assessment.

A stipend for high school instructors will be provided.  This stipend is meant to cover the additional duties added onto the instructor's overall workload.  Instructors in the West Ada School District will have their stipends paid to the school district to be used toward classroom support and professional development opportunities. 


High School Instructor Qualifications

The appropriate academic departments must annually approve all Idaho State University courses offered on a high school campus. In order for high school instructors to be considered for ISU adjunct/affiliate faculty status they must meet the same adjunct/affiliate qualifications as those met by all ISU adjuncts within the academic department. Most Academic departments require adjuncts to hold at least a Master’s degree in the content area of the course requested. For courses that are currently being offered for dual credit you can view our list of Required Adjunct Criteria by Course. Please contact the Early College Program office with questions.


Application Process

Applicants must submit an Early College Program High school Adjunct and Course Request Form to the Early College Program Office. A course request application is considered complete when accompanied by the following:

        Application Checklist

  • Course Request Form (with signature from building principal)
  • Current Resume' or Curriculum Vitae
  • Personal Teaching Philosophy Statement (College Level Instruction)
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation (The English Department requires 3 letters)
  • Transcripts (unofficial are OK until approved, then official needed)


Submission Deadlines

Time Frame

Materials to be Submitted by High School Instructor

Fall - July 1

Spring - Nov. 1

Submit application materials for new instructors/new courses. (High School Adjunct and Course Request Form, curriculum vitae, and copies of all college transcripts)

Upon Approval of Course

Submit W4, I9 and PARTS Forms


Attend Mandatory New Course Orientation


Upon approval, instructors will work with department to develop an approved syllabus and review textbook(s) guidelines. 

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