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Gear up Idaho


GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) started in 1999. This national discretionary grant program funded by the US Department of Education is designed to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. GEAR UP provides six-year grants to states and partnerships to provide services at high-poverty middle and high schools. GEAR UP grantees serve cohorts of students beginning no later than the seventh grade and follow the cohort through high school. GEAR UP funds are used to provide early intervention postsecondary preparation services and scholarships to students who participate in the program.



GEAR UP Idaho focuses on early intervention strategies to assist students in becoming academically prepared for meeting the standards necessary for high school graduation, and in providing them with the readiness skills necessary for success in college. GEAR UP students are encouraged to take a common college and work-preparatory curriculum, which includes additional and/or more rigorous math, English, and science courses.


GEAR UP Idaho is currently the only program focused on addressing the growing gap between family income and the costs for postsecondary education in Idaho. It supports professional development for teachers in order to raise the level of academic rigor in the classroom, and provides a substantial scholarship to eligible students who complete the program. GEAR UP Idaho provides outreach services to increase parent involvement and postsecondary financial planning services to families.

Learn more about GEAR UP Idaho at: https://nextsteps.idaho.gov/program/gear-up/



Idaho State University’s Early College Program Office supports GEAR UP Idaho by providing a rich variety of academic and student services to students. Some of the events that we host for GEAR UP students include Tech Expo, Youth Summit, and individualized campus visits.  At Gear Up Idaho you can:

  • Attend an information session about Idaho State
  • Take a campus tour
  • Meet current students
  • Eat on campus
  • Learn more about specific departments on campus

Each visit is unique to the request and needs of each high school.  When planning a campus visit please submit a GEAR UP Visit Request Form.


Contact Information

Suzanne Peck

(208) 282-3904


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