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Advising Your Student

High school students are strongly encouraged to consult with their high school counselor or the Early College Program staff before enrolling in any courses. Future college application, admission, and intended fields of study should also be considered in their discussion to ensure proper course selection.


General Education and Elective Courses

Some ISU Objective (general education) courses are common to all majors, such as English composition, while other majors have specific requirements that fulfill both general education and a specific degree plan. Students, whenever possible, should take courses that count towards fulfillment of both their general education requirement and a program of study. Degree plans for some majors include a very limited number of elective credits. At ISU, a minimum of 120 credit hours are necessary for a bachelor's degree. For additional information please see General Education Requirements 2022-2023 

Student Responsibilities                       

  • Discuss enrollment options with parent, ECP Staff and/or high school counselor
  • Take ACT/SAT/ ALEKS placement tests if needed
  • Apply to the Early College Program and submit consent form
  • Register online through bengalWeb
  • Apply for Advanced Opportunities funding
  • Pay fees for dual credit courses not covered by Fast Forward through bengalWeb by appropriate deadline NOTE: ISU does not send out bill for registration fees
  • Purchase textbooks and materials, if required.
  • Inform instructor if accommodations are needed - contact ISU Disability Services at 208-282-3599 for assistance
  • Check ISU email regularly for announcements
  • Study - It is recommended that you study 2-3 hours a week outside of class for every 1 credit hour registered


Registering in DualEnroll


New Students

Create a DualEnroll Account

For New ISU Dual Credit Students

Creating your DualEnroll account is the initial step in enrolling for Dual Credit courses. It's crucial for applying for admissions and registering for courses.

  1. Visit ISU DualEnroll to create your account, isu.dualenroll.com
  2. Fill out the required information, marked with a red asterisks, then click Create Account
  3. You'll receive either a text message with an activation code or an email with a link to confirm your account. You must confirm your account before you can proceed. If using email, be sure to check your junk and spam folder for the email from noreply@dualenroll.com
  4. Complete the Student Application form; complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk and click the update button after completing each step. Completed steps are listed in green under Application Steps.

Note: Your confirmation email doesn't complete the course registration process.

Register for a Course

You register for a course(s) after establishing your DualEnroll account.

  • On the "Courses" tab search for your specific course - use the filters on the left-hand side of the screen to narrow your search
  • Select your course then click on the Title Course hyperlink
  • You will be directed to the "Course Detail page
  • Locate "Available Sections" and select your desired section
  • Click "Register"

Follow the above steps for each course you plan to take. Course registration can take up to two days to be processed.

After you Register

After registration for an ISU course in DualEnroll, you will receive an email or text confirming your enrollment. You can view and print your class schedule in MyISU.

First-time students will receive an extra email from iam@isu.edu to claim your MyISU account.


Returning Students

Login to DualEnroll

Login to your DualEnroll account and follow these steps to finish course registration.

  • Visit isu.dualenroll.com
  • Login to your existing DualEnroll account
  • After you have logged in your will be directed to the course registration page

*You only need to create an application once, please avoid creating another account.

Register for a Course

  • On the "Courses" tab search for your specific course - use the filters on the left-hand side of the screen to narrow your search
  • Select your course then click on the Title Course hyperlink
  • You will be directed to the "Course Detail" page
  • Locate "Available Sections" and select your desired section
  • Click "Register"

Follow the above steps for each course you plan to take. Course registration can take up to two days to be processed.

After you Register

After registering for an ISU course in DualEnroll, you will receive an email or text confirming your enrollment. You can view and print your class schedule in MyISU.

Course Prerequisites

Early College Program students who wish to take a college-level biology, English, chemistry, math, or physics course need to have completed a qualifying prerequisite test score in order to register for the course. Placement can be satisfied with either the prerequisite course or an ACT, SAT, or ALEKS (Math) test score. Passing placement scores need to be submitted to the Early College Program prior to registering for the course.



ACT Score

SAT Score – New


BIOL 1101

17 (Math)

460 (Math)

30 (Math)

CHEM 1101

19 (Math)

500 (Math)

46 (Math)

ENGL 1101

18 (English)

26 (Writing/Language)


ENGL 1102

25 (English)

32 (Writing/Language)


MATH 1143

23 (Math)

560 (Math)

46 (Math)

MATH 1144

27 (Math)

640 (Math)

61 (Math)

MATH 1147

23 (Math)

560 (Math)

50 (Math)

MATH 1153

23 (Math)

560 (Math)

46 (Math)

MATH 1170

29 (Math)

680 (Math)

71 (Math)

PHYS 1111/1113

27 (Math)

640 (Math)

61 (Math)


Course Deadlines 2021-2022


Semester High Schools

Fall 2021

ECP Application Deadline


ECP Registration Deadline


Advanced Opportunities Request Deadline for fall/year-long courses                  


ECP Last day to drop without W and not be assessed a fee


ECP Last day to withdraw from semester long courses, no refund                  


ECP Last day to withdraw from year-long courses, no refund


Spring 2022

ECP Application Deadline


ECP Registration Deadline


ECP Last day to drop without W and not be assessed a fee


Advanced Opportunities Request Deadline for spring semester courses               


ECP Last day to withdraw from semester long courses, no refund


Trimester High Schools

Trimester 1

ECP Application Deadline


ECP Registration Deadline


Advanced Opportunities Request Deadline for courses beginning first trimester    


ECP Last day to drop without W and not be assessed a fee


ECP Last day to withdraw from first trimester courses, no refund


ECP Last day to withdraw from first/second trimester courses, no refund    


ECP Last day to withdraw from year-long courses, no refund


Trimester 2

ECP Application Deadline


ECP Registration Deadline


ECP Last day to drop without W and not be assessed a fee


Advanced Opportunities Request Deadline for courses beginning second trimester


ECP Last day to withdraw from second trimester courses, no refund


ECP Last day to withdraw from second/third trimester courses, no refund


Trimester 3

ECP Application Deadline


ECP Registration Deadline


ECP Last day to drop without W and not be assessed a fee


Advanced Opportunities Request Deadline for third trimester courses                   


ECP Last day to withdraw from third trimester courses, no refund


Summer ECP Courses

ECP Application Deadline


ECP Registration Deadline


ECP Last day to drop without W and not be assessed a fee                                  


ECP Last day to withdraw from summer courses, no refund



On-Campus Courses

ECP Registration Deadline - Fall Semester


ECP Registration Deadline - Spring Semester


ECP Registration Deadline - Summer Semester                   

Two weeks prior to start of course

Withdrawing from a Course

Students who have medical, academic, or personal reasons can choose to withdraw from an Early College Program course before the withdrawal deadline. Students withdraw from a course by logging into their BengalWeb account and clicking the add/drop classes link under the Academic Tools tab.  A screen will come up that list each course being taken in that semester. The student will select “withdraw” from the drop down box for the respective course, and click submit changes. When a student withdraws from a class a “W” will be placed on their transcript and will not count toward their GPA. However, there is no tuition refund for withdrawn courses and it may affect their Advanced Opportunity funding.

If a course is offered over a two trimester or year-long period, students must be enrolled in all trimesters or semesters in order to earn the dual credit. If they transfer out at the trimester/semester please let them know that they need to withdraw from the ISU course so they do not receive a failing grade. Please also notify students who are failing the class at mid-term of their option to withdraw from the course.   


Advanced Opportunities

Students in grades 7-12 attending a public school in Idaho have an allocation of $4,125 to use toward the cost of overload courses, dual credit courses, or college credit bearing exams. In order to receive funding students must create a Fast Forward account, turn in a participation form to their counselor, be registered for the course with ISU, and request funding by the appropriate deadline. For additional information please visit https://advancedops.sde.idaho.gov/.  Some school districts will have the students request their funding and others will request on behalf of the student.  Please check with your counselor to see the preferred method for your school district.


Associate Degree

Early College Program students who meet the degree credit requirements and have a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.0 or higher are eligible to graduate from Idaho State University with an Associate of Arts in General Studies. To be eligible a student must:

  • Complete a total of at lest 60 credit hours including:
    • 37 General Education Objectives Credits
    • 15 Major Requirement Credits
      • 6 additional credits from College of Arts and Letters
      • 9 additional credits from General Education Requirements from College of Arts and Letters, Business, Education, Science and Engineering, or the Division of Health Sciences (restrictions: COT, ACAD, and physical activity courses: DAAC or PEAC)
    • 8 additional Elective credits, from across the university, as needed to meet the 60 total credits.
  • At least 15 credits must be resident credits (credits earned at Idaho State University for ISU bearing courses)
  • Have an overall ISU cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.0
  • Have a completed and cleared degree audit
  • Submit graduation application by March 15
  • Submit Transcripts from other colleges to the Registrar’s office

Students should work closely with their high school counselor and the Early College Program staff to make sure all requirements are fulfilled.  Students can use an Associate of Arts in University Studies Degree Map to keep track of courses.

Academic Integrity   

It is important to remember that Early College students are also Idaho State University students and will be held to the academic policies of the university, including academic integrity and dishonesty policies. ISU college credits and grades earned will be recorded on permanent college transcripts.         

Academic integrity is expected of all students. Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, is unacceptable. Please see ISU's Policies and Procedures on Student Conduct for more information.   

CHEATING is using or attempting to use materials, information or study aids that are not permitted by the instructor in examinations or other academic work.      

PLAGIARISM is representing another person's words, ideas, data or work as one's own.



The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) grants privacy rights to any student enrolled in a college-level course regardless of their age. ISU shall obtain written consent from students before disclosing any non-directory information from their educational records. Students wishing to restrict release of directory information should submit a Non-Disclosure Declaration to the university. Please refer to our Registrar's FERPA website for additional information.       


Transferring ISU Credits

Credits earned at Idaho State University can be transferred to other colleges and universities and may be applied toward degree completion. All Idaho institutions of higher education, as well as most accredited colleges and universities accept ISU credits. Students are encouraged to consult with the institution of their choice regarding the transferability of credits earned, prior to registering for the course. The Registrar's Office at other institutions have transfer guides available to see how ISU courses will transfer to their school. To see how your credits will transfer to other Idaho institutions visit the Course Transfer Guide When transferring to another institution, students are required to submit all transcripts, regardless of grade received.

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