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Bold path forward

Bold Path Forward

At Idaho State University, we're embarking on an exciting journey together – the Bold Path Forward.

The Bold Path Forward is an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to actively participate in shaping the trajectory of Idaho State University. It's a platform for us to come together, share our insights, and chart a course that reflects our values, aspirations, and ambitions.

Your voice matters. Through the Bold Path Forward, you have the chance to contribute directly to the decision-making process, ensuring that the needs and aspirations of our faculty, staff, and students are heard and acted upon. Together, we’ll chart a bold and inspiring path forward for Idaho State University.

How to Get Involved


Attend a forum with President Wagner to share your ideas, suggestions, and concerns. Whether it's about academics, campus life, or administrative processes, your input matters, and he wants to hear from you.

College and Unit Meetings

All units and colleges will have a listening session over the summer and into the fall semester. Details on dates and times will be shared at a later time. Please check back for more information.