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Getting Started: Creating a UCC Catalog Proposal

An Undergraduate Curriculum Council (UCC) Proposal is required for all Undergraduate curriculum and/or course changes.  

Contact the Graduate Council for all Graduate curriculum and/or course changes.

A State Proposal or Letter of Notification is required for all new, discontinuations, name changes, or modifications to all units, programs, degrees, certificates, minors, concentrations, options, etc..  More information is posted under SBOE/NWCCU Program Changes

To add, change or propose a course fee, please follow the instructions and use the forms posted on the Academic Affairs Chair & Director Resources webpage under Special Course Fees

Course fee forms must be submitted to Academic Affairs no later than November 1 to meet the deadlines for approval for the next catalog (e.g. Nov. 1, 2024 for the 2025-26 catalog).  Please contact Michelle Collier (xt. 6311 or michellefranklin@isu.edu) in Academic Affairs if you have questions or need additional information about course fees.

STEP 1:  Request a new Proposal  Fill out this form letting us know what curriculum and/or course changes you want to make to your program (you must be logged in under your BengalWeb user name to access this form).  The form will automatically populate the UCC Proposal Tracking Sheet where you can monitor its progress from creation through approval.

A customized proposal form (Google Doc) will be created manually by the catalog editor, and the Google Doc link will be emailed to the PO with the appropriate catalog sections already entered and ready for the PO to edit. Allow 5-7 business days for your Google Doc proposal form to be created and the link sent.

The Google Doc is the official Proposal document throughout the entire process from creation through final approval and entry into the catalog.  All signatures should be digitally affixed or entered directly on the Google Doc, and all necessary revisions or amendments will be clearly shown on the document.  Please do NOT use DocuSign!  UCC Proposals are working documents, and require corrections, approval dates, and editorial notes be added after approvals and implementation.

STEP 2:  Fill out your Proposal Form.  Work closely with your UCC representative when completing the proposal.  Refer to this Sample Proposal and to the website's Instructions for Completing a Proposal for guidance as you work on the various sections of the proposal.  Only complete proposals, including all impact responses, will be accepted for consideration by UCC. UCC members and their respective college constituencies may be found at UCC Member List.

STEP 3:  Departmental Faculty Discussion and Vote.  Have all your departmental faculty (as defined by Faculty Senate and the Faculty Constitution) review, discuss, and vote on the proposal.  Record the vote results in the appropriate box in Part A, showing the total number of eligible faculty, the number of votes for, votes against, and abstentions.  Indicate how many faculty were not available to vote (e.g. on sabbatical or absent the day of the vote).

STEP 4:  Obtain Signatures and Impact Responses from all affected departments and infrastructure units

Department Chairs/Program Directors and College Deans or their designated Associate Deans must review and approve each proposal before it is submitted.  Signators may use digital signatures or type their names directly into the Google Doc signifying they have reviewed and approved the proposal.  

Email the proposal link to all affected departments and infrastructure units for their for review and sign-off.  All concerns or adverse impacts and responses to those concerns must be recorded at the bottom of Part D in the proposal, and satisfactorily resolved before submitting the proposal to UCC.   

Do NOT use DocuSign for UCC Proposals!   It will delay processing and create a lot of extra, unnecessary work checking for discrepancies with the official Google Doc Proposal!

UCC proposals are Working Documents even after approvals and implementation.  DocuSign does not allow for edits after signing which prevents UCC, the administrative assistant, Academic Affairs, and the Registrar's Office from doing necessary tasks and subsequent edits and editorial notes to the proposal form after the initial college signatures are received.

STEP 5:  Submit Completed Proposal to UCC.  Proposals are submitted by the UCC representative in an email with a link to the completed Google Doc to the UCC's administrative assistant (uccmail@isu.edu).  

Note regarding missing impact responses:  If the deadline is approaching and your proposal is missing a few impact responses, go ahead and submit anyway.  UCC's administrative assistant will help collect those impact responses during processing.   However, do NOT submit without the Registrar's SIS impact response (Student Information System).  The proposal cannot be processed until the Registrar's Office has signed off. 

General UCC Proposal Information

The Google Doc is the official Proposal document throughout the entire process from creation through final approval and entry into the catalog.  All necessary revisions or amendments will be clearly shown on the document.  

Refer to this Sample UCC Catalog Proposal for guidance in completing your proposal.

Refer to these detailed Instructions for Completing a Proposal for guidance on how to fill out each section of the proposal form.

Refer to this Standardized Catalog Formatting guide to see how to list Gen Ed courses, Certificates, Degree Requirements, fill out the Degree Totals table, and the text to include for accelerated Bachelor's to Master's programs in Part C of your proposal form.

Refer to this UCC Proposal Checklist to make sure everything is complete before submitting your proposal.

Registrar and UCC Memo re: post-approval changes:  UCC's Executive Committee and the Registrar have conferred and determined that any change to a catalog proposal after full approval requires another proposal to ensure all subsequent changes are properly vetted, reviewed and signed off by all parties.

Please do NOT use DocuSign for UCC Proposals!   It will delay processing and create a lot of extra, unnecessary work checking for discrepancies with the official Google Doc Proposal!

Monitor the progress of your UCC catalog proposal via this UCC Proposal Tracking Sheet.

State Proposals (both undergraduate and graduate levels) can be viewed and tracked via the State Proposal Tracking Sheet.


DUE DATES for 2026-27 Undergrad Catalog Proposals

April 11, 2025 (or by September 5, 2025 latest for Dec. SBOE):  for any UCC Proposal requiring full State Board (SBOE) approval.  In addition, UCC encourages early submission of proposals not requiring additional approvals.

October 20, 2025:  for all UCC proposals intended for the 2025-26 undergraduate catalog.  Subsequent submissions will be accepted, but while the UCC will make every effort to review all proposals, it cannot guarantee that proposals submitted after October 20 will be reviewed in time for the catalog approval cut-off in mid-November.

Only complete proposals, with all impact responses entered and concerns resolved, will be accepted and processed for UCC's consideration.