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Policies and Procedures

General Reservations Requirements

Reservations booked through Scheduling and Event Services must adhere to all applicable State and federal laws, as well as University and Scheduling and Event Services policies and procedures. By reserving space through Scheduling and Event Services, the sponsor agrees to these terms and accepts full responsibility for the meeting or event. The event sponsor also agrees to allow Scheduling and Event Services to post their event information on the website and digital displays owned and operated by the Student Union.


The Scheduling and Event Services Office serves internal and external guests as a qualified planning partner in creating and achieving purposeful and memorable events that reflect the mission of Idaho State University to, “engage students through learning and research opportunities that improve the intellectual vigor, cultural vitality, and health of our communities.”

Scheduling and Event Services provides scheduling for the Pond Student Union, Student Recreation Center, Rendezvous Center (non-academic spaces), Quad Lawn, and Hypostyle areas including services and equipment for a wide variety of educational, cultural, and recreational activities, enabling campus and community organizations to produce successful events.

The Scheduling and Event Services office is staffed with knowledgeable personnel who are eager to assist with event planning.


Usage Statement

The Pond Student Union and Rendezvous Center (non-academic spaces) are primarily used for student services, programs, and activities. This usage is subject to:

  • The use of the property for civil defense purposes or in the event of a State or national emergency.
  • The unanticipated need of the State to meet the demands of the educational objectives of Idaho State University.
  • When not in use for student purposes, Union facilities are available for use by campus and community groups.
  • Outside groups must provide programs and services that provide a direct benefit to the students of Idaho State University consistent with the mission of the University.
  • Failure to comply with the following facility use policies and guidelines will result in forfeiture of scheduling privileges for the semester.



Scheduling priority is as follows: 

  1. Mission Critical / Presidential University wide events including: New Student Orientation, Bengal Visit Day, Bengal Family Weekend, Homecoming, State Board of Education, Employee Appreciation, etc. Reservations may be made up to five years in advance.  
  2. Student Organizations, ISU Departments and community - Reservations may be made two years in advance.
  3. Grandfathered events such as the Holiday Fair, Potato Conference Black Snake Debate, Women’s Basketball Crab Feed, etc.  
  4. Students
  5. Community & Public Events


Resolution of Conflicts

In the Pond Student Union, the Scheduling and Events office is designated as the office responsible for identifying potential conflicts, such as when noise or crowds from one activity interferes with another activity. The Scheduling and Events office will assist in finding a resolution to the conflict.


Event Registration for Student Organizations

As per the requirement of the Student Leadership and Engagement office, student organizations must fill out the required Event Registration form. This form must be signed by the Scheduling and Event Services office no later than five (5) days in advance of the event. Failure to do so will result in the event being canceled. Your reservation is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation via email.


Online Event Registration Form for Campus and Community

The online event registration form for campus and community members must be submitted no later than five (5) days in advance of the event. Failure to do so will result in the event not being scheduled. Your reservation is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation via email.


Facility Scheduling Agreement

All groups scheduling meetings and activities must sign the Facility Use Agreement prior to using the facility. The agreement specifies that:

  • All University co-sponsors of an event are responsible for the event, management, and costs, subject to any liability associated with the event.
  • All community groups must sign a Facility Use Agreement form and abide by the requirements of the FUA.
  • All persons or groups using the Pond Student Union must abide by Idaho State University policies regarding the use of the facility.
  • Approval for the use of the facility is subject to availability and in conformity with University policy.
  • The Pond Student Union reserves the right to rescind space previously confirmed if the facility is needed by the University President for university purposes.
  • The Pond Student Union reserves the right to impose limits on time, place, manner, and/or size of an event.
  • The Pond Student Union will terminate facility reservations during an activity if it is determined that damage is resulting from its use, or that activities are taking place which endanger the health or safety of other persons.
  • Activities scheduled may not interfere with the operation of the university or infringe negatively on the surrounding community.
  • Events must be conducted in a manner consistent with existing laws and university policies.


Facilities Rental Rates

The Pond Student Union Building operates with rental rates under 5 usage categories: Campus Department, ISU Student Club & Organization, Off-campus Non-Profit, Off-campus State and Government, and Off-campus For-Profit. For a full fee schedule, see section below.

  • Campus Department or Division: Members of the University faculty and staff for University sponsored events receive a 100% discount on room charges. University reservations will be assessed a conference or audiovisual fee as needed. If a technician is required an additional hourly fee will be added.
  • Student Club & Organization Usage: Student groups which are registered with the Student Leadership and Engagement Center for the current academic year receive a  100% discount on room fees. Student clubs and organizations will incur an audiovisual fee if needed. An additional usage fee could be applied to large student club and organization events.
  • Education & Non-Profit: A group which is not part of campus but holds a non-profit tax designation will receive a 50% discount.
  • State & Government: Any state or government group will receive a 25% discount.
  • For-Profit: No discount.



Should a University group choose to co-sponsor an event with a non-University group, a representative from the University group must act as the primary/sole contact for the event (making the reservation, providing the details, etc.) In addition, in order to receive the University rate, the invoice must be paid through a University Department index. Outside invoices for University sponsored events will not be allowed. The sponsoring group will also be financially responsible for any damages which may occur.


Reservation Authorization for Student Organizations

To be authorized to make a reservation, all clubs & organizations must be currently registered and have a valid club index code with the Student Leadership and Engagement Center. The Scheduling and Event Services Office encourages the current club President and/or Advisor to make reservations.


Deposit and Contracts

On-campus departments must provide an index code when making a reservation. All non-campus affiliated groups must provide a non-refundable 50% deposit within 48 hours of making the reservation.. If a deposit is not made, the reservation will be canceled. The remaining balance is due 30 days after being invoiced. In addition to the deposit, all non-campus affiliated groups are required to fill-out the approved University contract, found here. All reservations will be canceled if contract and required supporting documentation is not submitted to the Scheduling and Event Services office within seven (7) days of reservation.


Cancellations and No-Shows

Sponsoring groups or organizations may cancel or change their reservations within 48 hours advance notice. Any group that does not notify the Scheduling and Event Services office at least 48 hours prior to cancellation will incur a $50 cancellation fee.  A reservation is considered a no-show if group members have not utilized the reserved area within 30 minutes of the scheduled reservation. Please review the no-show policy below:


Campus Affiliated Groups - Student Organizations

  • The first no-show will result in the student organization receiving a written notice of warning from the Scheduling and Event Services office, with a copy to the Student Leadership and Engagement center and/or the organization’s advisor.
  • The second no-show will result in the organization losing its scheduling privileges for a period of 8 academic weeks. During the 8 week suspension, no reservations will be approved and current reservations will be forfeited. Resets every academic semester.

Campus Affiliated Groups - Departments/Offices

  • Departments that do not cancel a reservation within the 48 hour window will be charged fees incurred with the reservation.

Non-Campus Groups

  • All non-campus groups that do not cancel a reservation within the 48 hour window will be charged all fees incurred with reservation.

Amplified Sound

Amplified sound is permitted within designated areas of the Pond Student Union, Rendezvous Center and Outdoor Spaces. Amplified sound is defined as voice, music, or any sound increased by electronic devices. Amplified sound must be approved in advance. Public performances with amplified sound shall refrain from the use of foul language. The Pond Student Union has the right to require amplification systems to be turned down or off if it is determined the sound level presents a disruption to services, students, or other events. Amplified sound on the Quad and Hypostyle areas may only be used between 11:30 am-1:00 pm and 5:00 pm-11:00 pm.


Study Spaces

The Pond Student Union and Rendezvous Center provide a combination of collaborative work areas, and public services areas. Scheduling and Event Services does not reserve dedicated study spaces in advance, though some areas are available to use as study spaces. These spaces are subject to daily availability and can be reserved on a day-to-day basis. Meeting room spaces may only be used by reservation. If groups are using open meeting rooms without a reservation, they will be referred to the Scheduling and Event Services office.


Reservable Spaces

Most areas within the Pond Student Union Building and Rendezvous Center are available for reservations by registered ISU clubs & organizations, university departments, and non-university groups. Reservation requests for meeting rooms, tables, event spaces, Quad Lawn and Hypostyle areas can be submitted through the Scheduling and Event Services website or by calling the Scheduling and Event Services office at (208) 282-2297.


Food and Beverages

All food sold and provided on campus must be supplied by Bengal Dining. For more information about Bengal Dining and their services, please visit: https://dineoncampus.com/isu/


Adherence to Regulations, Policies, and Laws

All other applicable University, federal, state, and local regulations, policies, and laws will apply to use of the Pond Student Union facilities.


Outdoor Spaces 

The Scheduling and Event Services Office schedules the following areas: Outside Hypostyle, the Amphitheater, the Rotunda, the Quad, the Rugby Field at Bartz Field, and Cadet Field.


Water Usage and Needs

All water usage requires approval from the University Facilities Grounds Department at (208) 282-4086. The Scheduling and Event Services Office does require confirmation of approval from Grounds to confirm reservation.


Tables, Chairs & Tents/Canopies

Tables, chairs, tents and canopies are permitted in outdoor areas. Tables and chairs are reserved through the Scheduling and Event Services Office and University Facilities Grounds Department. Long tent spikes and long-term usage are not allowed. Use of tents/canopies, if staying up overnight, require approval from University Grounds at (208) 282-4086.


Slip N Slides

Slip N Slides may only be used in designated outdoor areas with prior approval from the Scheduling and Event Services Office, University Facilities Grounds Department, and General Counsel. Times and location of the Slip and Slide activity must be clearly defined before approval may be granted. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in a forfeiture of scheduling privileges for the remainder of the semester.


Ice Blocks

The use of ice blocks is permitted in designated outdoor areas, but organizations must first receive approval from the Scheduling and Event Services Office, University Facilities Grounds Department, and General Counsel. The event must be scheduled and coordinated with these departments to ensure the safety and proper organization of the activity. Times and locations of the event must be clearly defined before approval may be granted. Organizations that do not comply with these guidelines will face a forfeiture of their scheduling privileges for the remainder of the semester.



Fire is not allowed in any outdoor area.


Candle Light Usage

Candlelight usage is permitted outdoors.

  • Candles must be placed in a secure and confined holder, such as a cup or candlestick holder.
  • Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to handle real candles but may use battery-operated candles.
  • Candles must be completely extinguished and collected by the event organizer after use.
  • The disposal of used candles on University property is strictly prohibited and must be disposed of properly off-site.

By following these safety precautions, candlelight usage can be enjoyed in a responsible and safe manner.


Car Smashing

Car Smashing is allowed in the amphitheater and only after approval from the Student Organization Coordinator, if applicable, and General Counsel. Precautions, including, adequate tarping, safety gear, and complete clean-up, are required for any event of this nature. If safety precautions are not met and maintained, the event will be canceled.


Dunk Tank

Dunk Tanks are allowed in designated areas and only after approval from the Student Organization Coordinator, if applicable, and General Counsel. Organizers must also get approval from the Scheduling and Events Services Office. Outdoor water usage must be scheduled with the University Facilities Grounds Department, (208) 282-4086.



Races are allowed in outdoor areas. Scheduling and approval of course is required. Scheduling and Event Services reserves the Hypostyle, Amphitheater, Rotunda, Quad, Barts Field and Cadet Field. Races wishing to have courses run outside these areas will need to coordinate with the University Facilities Department, General Counsel, Public Safety, Pocatello Police and Fire Department.



Blow-Up toys, tents, and courses are allowed in designated outdoor areas. All blow-ups must be scheduled with the Scheduling and Event Services office as well as approved by the University Facilities Grounds Department.



Chalk on sidewalks is allowed and must be 20 feet away from any building entrance. No chalk is allowed in front of the Administration Building. Chalk is not allowed on any front-facing concrete or on steps. Paint of any kind is prohibited.

Event Set-Up

Set-up requests must be submitted online at Request A Space, by phone at (208) 282-2297 or in person at least two (2) working days prior to the event. Any large change must be requested at least five (5) working days prior to reservation. Failure to do so will result in a change fee or may not be granted. When making a reservation please identify a room preference, type of set-up and expected number of attendance.  Furniture and other equipment in the room may be moved, within reason, to suit the needs of the event organizers.


Post-Event Clean-Up 

All spaces should be left as they were found at the beginning of the reservation. All personal items should be taken at the conclusion of the reservation or they will be disposed of by the Pond Student Union personnel. Any room and equipment damage or excessive cleanup will be assessed a cleaning fee reflected on the final invoice.


Dances & Late Night Events

The maximum number of guests may not exceed 800 in the ballroom based on the room setup. The Pond Student Union Building closes at 10 pm Monday - Friday and 9 pm Saturday. Any event which ends later than closing time must receive prior approval and will be charged a $100 minimum building access fee. Overnight events are NOT permitted.



Decorating and the removal of decorations must occur during the event’s reservation time. Smoke, fog, and bubble machines are not permitted. Use of candles, oil lamps, or incense is not permitted. Additionally, confetti and glitter are not permitted. Only sticky-tack may be used to hang signage.  All other decorations must be free-standing. Nothing may be hung from the

ceiling unless done by professionals who are in contact with the Scheduling and Event Services office. The use of rubber cement, cellophane tape, nails, paint, duct tape, or other material that might damage building surfaces is not allowed. 


To ensure public safety and guard against property damage, entrances and exits must be kept free of obstacles and must remain unlocked. 


Any questions regarding decorations should be referred to the Scheduling and Event Services office at the time the reservation is made. All display materials must be removed immediately following the event.


Banner placements may be reserved through the Scheduling and Event Services office. Banners can be hung outside the Mail Center and Bengal Theater entrances as well as the Outdoor Adventure Center stairwell and above the entrance to the Hypostyle hallway.

  1. Events advertised on banners must take place at the Pond Student Union, Rendezvous, or on Campus.
  2. Banners must be of professional quality.
  3. Banners cannot exceed 3’ x 6’ or 6’ x 10’ in size and must bear the name of the sponsoring organization.
  4. Banners will be displayed for a maximum of seven days and limited to one banner per organization.
  5. Finished banners should be delivered to Pond Student Union 215.
  6. All banners will be taken down the day after the event and held for THREE days post event. After three days, banners will be thrown away.


Orange Magnetic Boards

Any item posted on the orange magnetic boards within the Pond Student Union and the Rendezvous building must follow the posting policy (section below) and submit the online form. Magnets are provided for posting on boards. No tape, tack, or other materials may be used for hanging materials. To request additional magnets, contact the Scheduling and Event Services Office, (208) 282-2297, Pond Student Union 215.


Digital/TV Displays

The Pond Student Union provides TV’s and Digital displays throughout the building. All electronic materials must be approved through the Student Affairs Marketing department in order for materials to be shown. Student Organizations and Academic departments can use the link below to submit materials for approval, isu.edu/studentaffairs/student-affairs-marketing/.


A-Frame Policy

A-Frames are reserved, but not provided by, the Scheduling and Event Services office. A-Frames are reserved for “day of” only and for events sponsored by Idaho State University, Student Organizations and/or departments. A limited number of spots are available throughout the school year at designated locations. Events advertised on A-frames must take place at the Pond Student Union, the Rendezvous, or on Campus. The poster(s) must promote an event sponsored by Idaho State University, Student Organizations, and/or University departments.


Posting Policy

The Pond Student Union provides space for publicity materials at designated areas of the Pond Student Union and Rendezvous for recognized campus organizations and events. The Pond Student Union adheres to guidelines set by the Office of Marketing and Communications.


To post items in the Pond Student Union and Rendezvous, the following guidelines must be met:


Written Materials/Posters

  1. Written materials/posters may be posted ONLY in the approved areas of the Pond Student Union and Rendezvous which include the orange magnetic boards, located on the First and Second floor of the Pond Student Union and at the bottom of the staircase near the food court in the Rendezvous. Magnetic boards are designated for ISU-affiliated materials only. All other printed material on those boards will be removed.
  2. Events advertised on posters must take place at either the Pond Student Union, the Rendezvous, or on Campus.
  3. Materials may be posted no earlier than ten (10) days prior to the event. 
  4. All written material submitted by campus affiliated groups must be of direct interest to the mission of the University and be socially responsible. Pond Student Union personnel may take materials down that do not meet this criteria. 
  5. All written material must include: the name of the sponsoring group or company, ISU department or organization, location of event, date, time, and cost of the event, if applicable. Orange Magnetic Board posters are not to exceed 11”x17” inches size. A-Frame posters are not to exceed 30” x 40” inches.
  6. Posting on doors, glass areas, bathroom stalls, vending machines and windows in the Pond Student Union and Rendezvous Building is not allowed.  
  7. Posters without an event date or time must be stamped by the Scheduling and Event Services office prior to posting. 
  8. Pond Student Union personnel will remove all materials past their event date.

Room Capacities

Attendance at events or gatherings shall not exceed posted room capacity limits. The Pond Student Union, Bennion Student Union and Rendezvous Center, will follow all state and university regulations governing room capacities. All groups are required to abide by University and Pond Student Union policies and related procedures.


Extended Building Hours Usage

The Pond Student Union operates M-F 6:30am-10pm throughout the academic year. Events extending beyond these hours will require a request at least two weeks prior to the date and the following fees will apply.


$50 each hour outside the operating hours, with at least a two (2) hour minimum. For more information regarding Dances or Late Night events please see the Dance & Late Night Policy.


Free Speech Areas

The University is committed to ensuring that all persons may exercise the constitutionally protected rights of free expression, speech, assembly, and worship. The time, place, and manner of exercising speech and advocacy are subject to campus regulations that shall provide for noninterference with University functions and reasonable protection to persons against practices that would make them involuntary audiences. The University has a special obligation to protect free inquiry and free expression. All persons may exercise the constitutionally protected rights of free expression, speech, and assembly on University grounds generally open to the public. However, such activities must not interfere with the right of the University to conduct its affairs in an orderly manner and to maintain its property, nor may they interfere with the University’s obligation to protect the rights of all to teach, study, and fully exchange ideas. Physical force, the threat of force, or other coercive activities used to subject anyone to a speech of any kind is expressly prohibited. 


For more information please visit isu.edu/expression/.


Hazardous or Flammable Materials

Hazardous or flammable materials must not be used or stored in offices, meeting rooms, or within the building at any time for any reason. Per State of Idaho fire code, candles or any open flame are not permitted in the facilities. 



Per ISUPP 9000:

No person shall have in his or her possession any Firearms or Dangerous Weapons while on University property. Exceptions to this policy are set forth in ISUPP9000 subparts B and C.


Bicycle, Scooters, Skateboards, Hoverboards

Riding bicycles, scooters, skateboards or hoverboards is not allowed in the Pond Student Union, Bennion Student Union or Rendezvous Center. Such items should be locked up in designated areas outside the buildings. No skateboarding is permitted under the Hypostyle or in the Rotunda. Violators will be referred to Public Safety.



The safety of minors is of utmost importance to Idaho State University and, therefore, all members of the University community and third parties utilizing University Facilities to act in accordance with ISUPP10510.  This policy does not apply to general public events where the parent/legal guardian of the minor is expected to provide protection and supervision of the minor, or where the minor is on campus but not participating in a sponsored event. 


Those scheduling events on campus are advised to review ISUPP10510 to familiarize themselves with the requirements for minors on campus.


Idaho State University is committed to ensuring that students, faculty, staff and community members are able to participate fully and equally in the University’s programs and activities within the bounds of maintaining safety, health, and security standards in regards to animals.


Service animals are allowed within the Pond and Bennion Student Union and Rendezvous Complex, as outlined by ISU Disability Services. Individuals with disabilities may be accompanied by their service animal on any premises or in any facility at Idaho State University where members of the public or participants in services, programs or activities are allowed to go including in University housing. The University may inquire about service animals to determine whether an animal qualifies as a service animal. As a place of public accommodation ISU may Inquire: if the service animal is required because of a disability; and what work or task the service animal has been trained to perform. (Idaho Law 56-704A)


On limited occasions animals may be permitted in the Pond Student Union, Bennion Student Union and Rendezvous for University events provided the impact of having the animal(s) on campus has been evaluated and the Events Coordinator has approved the event and animal attendance in advance.


After Hours Office Access/Lockout

The Pond Student Union personnel are not authorized to open any office even if proof of employment is shown. In such instances, the requestor would need to contact Public Safety at (208) 282-2515.


Building Access

The Pond Student Union operational hours throughout the academic year are Monday-Friday, 6:30 am-10:00 pm, Saturday 8:00 am-9:00 pm and closed Sundays.  Summer hours are Monday-Friday 6:30 am - 10:00 pm, Saturday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm (1st floor only) and closed Sundays. The University observes all Federal holidays. If a Federal holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, observance will fall to the following Monday. All hours, and change of hours, will be posted on the Pond Student Union, and Bennion Student Union websites. The Pond Student Union shall not issue keys to non-Pond Student Union or unauthorized Idaho State University personnel regardless of need or convenience.