Stipend information and log Collaboration Strand syllabus Credit Registration Editable IPLP
Clearly articulate learning goals and standards walls |
Just in Time: Building Background Knowledge and Progressions |
No Meeting IPLP Reflection Update Goals (no meeting) |
Vocabulary Development |
Creating Engaging Tasks |
Giving Students Greater Responsibility |
Formative Assessment and Feedback |
Let's Get Messy! |
June 4 Reflections & Celebrations |
Stipend information and log Collaboration Strand syllabus Credit Registration Editable IPLP
Clearly articulate learning goals and standards walls |
Just in Time: Building Background Knowledge and Progressions |
No Meeting IPLP Reflection Update Goals (no meeting) |
Vocabulary Development |
Creating Engaging Tasks |
Giving Students Greater Responsibility |
Formative Assessment and Feedback |
Let's Get Messy! |
June 4 Reflections & Celebrations |
October | November | January | February | April | May
- Goals: At the workshop you created goals (either on your IPLP or separately). Please remember to document at least 6 hours of implementation and reflection on your goals.
- Collaboration Cycles: This year's focus will be on formative assessment and how to actively involve students in the learning process.
January → Collecting Evidence
Choose one (1) of the following to read/watch/listen.
- Article: Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics Through Formative Assessment in Instruction
- Podcast: Make Math Moments - Episode #322: How Shifting Assessment Practices in Math is Your Gateway to Improve Achievement
Watch Video (No video)
October → Establishing Goals To Focus Learning
Choose one (1) of the following to read/watch/listen.
- Article: Math Without Mistakes
- Podcast: The Formative Five: An Interview with Skip Fennell
Watch Video (No video)
Wednesday, October 9th 2024
4:00 pm- 5:30 pm MST
- Establish Learning goals to Focus Learning
- OR
- Implement a Formative 5 technique
May → Let's Get Messy
Choose one (1) of the following to read/watch/listen. Then complete a double-entry journal.
- Article: Why Doesn't Everyone Teach Real Mathematics?
- Podcast: Math is Figure-Out-Able with Pam Harris Ep 196: Look Fors for Students
- Article/ Podcast: Jo Boaler On the Limitless Mind and Learning Math That Matters
- Repeat Podcast: Episode 43: Learning in the Fast Lane with Suzy Pepper
Watch Video (15:23)
Select 2 prompts to respond to in your journal.
If you're using these monthly meetings for your IPLP, this pre-session work could be one of your Action Steps/ Activities. One of the pre-session activities is responding to journal prompts... this could be your artifact for this activity.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
5:00 pm- 6:30 pm MST
Please submit documentation for each requirement. If you have everything all in one document, just submit it once under Log & Reflection.
- Activity Log & Reflection (example)
- Goals: At the workshop you created goals (either on your IPLP or separately). Please include the reflection.
- Monthly Meeting Taking Action Expectations: Each month there were implementation expectations following each meeting. Please submit your reflections from these for each meeting.
April → Formative Assessment and Feedback
Choose one (1) of the following to read/watch/listen. Then complete a double-entry journal.
- Article: Math Without Mistakes
- Article: From Performance to Learning: Assessing to Encourage Growth Mindsets
- Podcast: Formative 5 - Assessment
Watch Video (31:31)
- Select 2 prompts to respond to in your journal.
If you're using these monthly meetings for your IPLP, this pre-session work could be one of your Action Steps/ Activities. One of the pre-session activities is responding to journal prompts... this could be your artifact for this activity.
Pick one task for tonight's work. Move to grade level breakout room (for support/ collaboration to discuss ideas).
Task 1- Reflect on formative assessment in planning
- How will you communicate student learning expectations for this lesson?
- When and how will students receive feedback for their contributions? How/ when will students provide you feedback?
- What responsibilities do you students have for assessing each others’ learning?
- How will formative assessment be used to monitor student progress?
- How will formative assessment be used to determine the effectiveness of the lesson?
Think small shifts: How can I think of assessment as an everyday component of what I do to plan and teach?
Task 2- Implement a Formative 5 technique
- Questions to guide your planning
- What technique will you try?
- What are the different ways students might respond?
- When will you implement the technique?
- How will you leverage your students’ thinking?
- How will you provide feedback?
March → Giving Students Greater Responsibility
- Choose one (1) of the following to read/watch/listen. Then complete a double-entry journal.
- Watch Video (8:16)
- Select 2 prompts to respond to in your journal.
If you're using these monthly meetings for your IPLP, this pre-session work could be one of your Action Steps/ Activities. One of the pre-session activities is responding to journal prompts... this could be your artifact for this activity.
Pick one task for tonight's work. Move to grade level breakout room (for support/ collaboration to discuss ideas).
Task 1- Examine your Instructional approaches
- This task involves some honest reflection. Consider how your current practices may or may not support productive struggle In your classroom. What could you shift or try this week?
- Think small shifts: direct instruction to part cooperative learning groups? Gradual release style to whole group task
Mathematics Teaching Framework
Implementing Standards for Mathematical Practices
2022 Mathematics Standards - Reference for Curricular Materials
Task 2- Modify Tasks for Productive Struggle
- Look at your upcoming week or unit. How can you modify tasks to support productive struggle? The goal Is to Increase student thinking!
- Start small: look at some questions for your next lesson, can you modify one problem? How will that affect your classroom discussion? How will that compliment our teaching practices?
February → Creating Engaging Tasks and a Positive Learning Environment
Please complete the following three (3) items):
- Choose one (1) of the following to read/watch/listen. Then complete a double-entry journal.
- Video: Five Principles of Extraordinary Math Teaching|Dan Finkel
- Video: The 8 standards of Mathematical Practice
- Podcast: Mentoring Mathematicians|Pam Harris
- Article: 3 Ways to Build a Positive Classroom Culture Using Rich Math Tasks
- Book: Learning in the Fast Lane
- Chapter 7 p. 118 - 132
- Watch Video (13:06)
- Select 2 prompts to respond to in your journal.
If you're using these monthly meetings for your IPLP, this pre-session work could be one of your Action Steps/ Activities. One of the pre-session activities is responding to journal prompts... this could be your artifact for this activity.
- Implement Goal Action Items
- Complete February Collaboration Exit Ticket
- Sign Up for Idaho Standards Academy
- Next Month Pre-session email 2/20 - “Giving Students Greater Responsibility”
- It’s so important to do the pre-session work!!
- Next monthly meeting date 3/5 @5pm
- Teacher Stipend Requirements/ Tracking
Goal Action Item: Pick one task for tonight's work
Task 1- Implementing Standards for Mathematical Practice in the classroom
- Take time to read over the resources below on how to Implement Standards for Mathematical Practices
- Look at the Teacher and Student Actions/Responsibilities on the Observation Tool
- Discuss ways of when/how you will implement this task in your class
- Implementing Standards for Mathematical Practices Resource
- Standards for Mathematical Practices Observation Tool
- Achieve the Core - Coherence Map
- Tools for Teachers - Idaho
- Mathematical Practices Posters
- Setting Up Positive Norms in Math Class - youcubed
- Mathematical Practices Look Fors Student Behaviors
Task 2- Finding Rich Mathematical Tasks
- Look through the resources provided below or some of you own to find math tasks to use with your curriculum.
- Compare the task with the Implementing Standards for Mathematical Practices Resource
- Is the task a rich task? Which Mathematical Practice would it align with?
- Plan when/how you will implement this task in your class
January → Vocabulary Development
Please complete the following three (3) items):
- Choose one (1) of the following to read/watch/listen. Then complete a double-entry journal.
- Podcast: Just in Time Vocabulary vs Key Words
- Article: Build Strong Math Vocabulary Skills Using These Simple Strategies
- Article: What’s the Big Deal About Vocabulary (Middle School Focus)
- Article: For ELLs: Vocabulary Beyond the Definitions
- Book: Learning in the Fast Lane
- Chapter 5 p. 76 - 93
- Watch Video (7:29)
- Select 2 prompts to respond to in your journal.
Please complete the three (3) pre-session activities. It is our goal to have the Zoom session on Jan 9 be focused around collaboration, discussion, and planning of Vocabulary Development and Just in Time Learning.
If you're using these monthly meetings for your IPLP, this pre-session work could be one of your Action Steps/ Activities. One of the pre-session activities is responding to journal prompts... this could be your artifact for this activity.
December → IPLP Reflection and Goals
Please complete the following three (3) items):
- Choose one (1) of the following to read/watch/listen. Then complete a double-entry journal.
- Watch Video (0:0)
- Select 2 prompts to respond to in your journal.
No in-Person Session this month.
November → Just in Time: Building Background Knowledge and Progressions
Please complete the following three (3) items):
- Choose one (1) of the following to read/watch/listen. Then complete a double-entry journal.
- Podcast: The first part of the podcast is the teacher describing in detail her specific situation. At 19:00 they get into what to do to help - Make sure you listen carefully from that point on.
- Article: Fixing or breaking students
- Book: “Learning in the Fast Lane” Chapter 1 p. 6 - 10
- Watch Video (14:22)
- Select 2 prompts to respond to in your journal.
Implement Goal Action Items
Task 1- Using the Achieve the Core Coherence Map
- Select the grade level standard(s) you will teach
- Determine the focused prerequisite standard (skills) students will need to be prepared to meet the grade level standard
- Find resources to use to teach Just in Time Intervention to students
- Achieve the Core Coherence Map
- Idaho Content Standards
- 2022 Mathematics Standards - Reference for Curricular Materials
- Tools for Teachers - Idaho
Task 2- Using the Connections Playlists from
- Select the grade level standard(s) you will teach
- Determine the focused prerequisite standard (skills) students will need to be prepared to meet the grade level standard
- Find resources to use to teach Just in Time Intervention to students
October → Learning Goals and Standards Walls
Please complete the following three (3) items):
- Choose one (1) of the following to read/watch/listen. Then complete a double-entry journal.
- Podcast: Learning in the Fast Lane with Suzy Pepper Rollins
- Read: Learning in the Fast Lane (book), Chapter 2 Standards Walls
- Read: Questioning Essential Questions
- Watch Video (9:26)
- Select 2 prompts to respond to in your journal.
Implement Goal Action Items
Task 1- Build a Standards Wall
- Pick a unit
- Identify priority standards
- Breakdown learning targets and key vocabulary
- Create standards wall digitally or chart paper
Math Content Standards
Math Standards Progressions
Task 2- Unpack the Standard Template 1
- Join assigned breakout room
- Pick a topic/ standard
- Work through “Unpack the standards template”