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Undergraduate Research Opportunities and Information

Announcements and updates

The Office for Research Integrity and Compliance sponsors research opportunities for undergraduate students through a variety of collaborations and events.

Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research (ICUR) 2024

Will be held July 17-18 at Boise State University.



STEM Undergraduate Student Funds 

The Office for Research has limited funds available for Higher Education Research Council (HERC) for students academic conferences to present their research. These funds are available to all STEM majors, including: students in natural sciences, social sciences, and health sciences. 

Proposals for the Higher Education Research Council (HERC) Have been extended to November 1, 2023. 

The State Board of Education (SBOE) awarded ISU to support STEM undergraduate research projects during the upcoming academic year 2023-2024. The funds will be awarded to six labs or research projects, with the selection based on proposals. A maximum of $8,000 will be awarded to single lab (or project) for the academic year. Funds must be expended by June 1, 2024. 

For additional information or instructions on the grant requirement, please contact Sonia Martinez at 208-282-1323 or email her at soniamartinez@isu.edu


Idaho State University is an institutional member of the Council on Undergraduate Research. 

           The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), founded in 1978, is a national organization of individual and institutional members representing over 900 colleges and universities. CUR believes that faculty members enhance their teaching and contribution to society by remaining active in research and by involving undergraduates in research, and students succeed in their studies and professional advancement through participation in undergraduate research. 


Research Opportunities- Click here


For more information on undergraduate research at ISU:

Sonia Martinez, Director, Undergraduate Research & Outreach
 soniamartinez@isu.edu or call 208-282-1323