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Research Integrity


Research Integrity means:


  • the use of honest and verifiable methods in proposing, performing, and evaluating research
  • reporting research results with particular attention to adherence to rules, regulations, guidelines, and
  • following commonly accepted professional codes or norms.


Research Integrity and Compliance offers Responsible Conduct of Research Training to all ISU researchers.  Principle Investigators, Graduate Students, and Undergraduates are welcome to attend.   

  • A monthly RCR Seminar Series provides in-person discussion based training.  Eight 1 hour seminars are held throughout the calendar year.  Different topics are covered each month and attending all sessions will meet NIH, NSF, and USDA requirements for RCR training.
  • Online RCR training is available via the web based Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) system.  Visit the ISU CITI Training web site for more details.  Completing CITI online training will meet the NSF and USDA requirements for RCR training.  NIH does not accept RCR training that is conducted primarily online.

Contact the ISU Research Integrity Officer at (208) 282-2618 for questions regarding Responsible Conduct of Research Training.


Research misconduct is specifically defined by the federal government as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results (42 CFR 93).  ISU is required by law to follow a clearly defined investigation and reporting process when fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism occurs.

Honest errors and differences of opinion are not considered research misconduct.

Non-compliance with an ISU Research Policy or federal research regulation is a serious matter that can have significant consequences.


Anonymously report research misconduct or non-compliance by phone at (800) 461-9330 or online at the Idaho State University Compliance Reporting website.  Both reporting methods are available 24 hours per day and 7 days per week.

You may also contact ISU's Research Integrity Officer.

Chuck Rizzo, Director of Research Integrity & Compliance

(208) 282-2618


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