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Financial Conflicts of Interest (COI)

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U.S. Federal regulations require that institutions have policies and procedures in place to ensure that employees disclose any Significant Financial Interests (SFI) that may represent an actual or potential conflict of interest in Sponsored Projects. Idaho State University (ISU) recognizes its responsibilities as a public institution to encourage synergistic relationships between its employees and the public and private sectors as an important component of its research, instructional, and service activities.

Meeting Financial Conflict of Interest requirements at ISU requires the following steps:

The University’s Conflict of Interest in Sponsored Projects (COISP) policy requires faculty members, students, and all who are acting, or planning to act, as Key Personnel on Sponsored Projects to annually disclose whether or not they have a Significant Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) in Sponsored Projects.

After Disclosure, the University can make an informed judgment about each case and require appropriate oversight, limitations, or prohibitions on the activity.


ISU defines “key personnel” as those listed on a Cayuse proposal as the Lead Investigator (LI), Principal Investigator (PI), and Co-Principal Investigator (co-PI).  The LI and PI certify conflicts of interest when they submit a proposal through Cayuse. Co-PIs will receive an email asking them to certify conflicts of interest.

COI certification takes place when a lead PI, PI, and co-PI submit a proposal for external funds through the Cayuse system. In the system, individuals are asked to certify whether or not they have a significant financial conflict of interest to declare. 

Certain federal funding agencies (currently, NIH, NSF, DOE, and NASA) require that ISU have a COI certification process. At the time of award, the LI, PI, and co-PIs on these projects will be sent an additional COI survey to complete. 

Click this link to access the COI survey. 

The COI modules can be reached using your ISU email account on the CITI website. 

Follow these steps:
1. Register for CITI online training. (www.citiprogram.org)
2. In the “Select Your Institution or Organization” drop-down box type "Idaho State University".
3. Create your own Username and password; then select the COI Learner Group
4. Then you will select Question 5 for the COI Curriculum.  ALSO GO TO QUESTION 8 AND SELECT “NOT AT THIS TIME.”
5. Research Outreach & Compliance is automatically notified when you successfully complete a course.

Do you have Questions about the COI training requirement?

Contact Tom Bailey, Research Compliance Coordinator at coisp@isu.edu or (208) 282-2179.

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