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Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The IACUC is responsible for:

  • Ensuring compliance by ISU personnel and its facilities with federal regulations and national standards regarding use of animals in research or education

  • Review and prior approval for all activities involving animals, either at ISU facilities or in the field under ISU direction

  • Regular inspections and reviews of the University’s animal program and facilities

Note: IACUC members must meet certain qualifications based upon experience and expertise, as required by federal regulations. The Committee reports to the “Institutional Official,” or “IO,” who is either the University President or his/her designee. The Vice President for Research (VPR) has been designated to fulfill this role.  The VPR appoints the IACUC members.

What is Required for IACUC Project Approval?



ISU Researchers/Instructors wishing to use living animals for research or instruction, must be familiar with the pertinent ISU procedures and coordinate with the IACUC.

(image source: animalia.bio)

  • Complete Animal Use CITI Training
  • Who? Each Investigator, all co-investigators & students on their research team
  • When? Prior to submitting a protocol for IACUC review

One or more of these CITI Training modules for IACUC protocols based on the research being proposed:

(Note: A proposal cannot be fully approved until all personnel on it have completed the necessary CITI modules)

  • Researchers - 6 modules @ approx. 3 - 6 hrs. to complete
    • For PIs on an IACUC Protocol/Conduction Animal Research
  • Students Working with Animals - 5 modules @ approx. 2.5 - 6 hrs. to complete
    • For Students working on an IACUC protocol/Conducting Animal Research
  • Wildlife Research - 1 module @ approx. 30 - 60 min. to complete
    • For Faculty & Students Conducting Field Research with Animals
  • Species Specific Modules - Variable (must be completed for each species listed on a protocol)



The IACUC must approve your protocol before any work is performed.

The IACUC is authorized to suspend any activity involving the use of animals which is not being conducted according to accepted standards, applicable laws, regulations and/or institutional policies.


Note: Protocols are due to anmlcare@isu.edu by the close of the business day of each deadline. (this time is used by the IACUC to review protocols prior to the scheduled meeting) The IACUC meets monthly during the academic year and as needed during the summer.

Submission Deadline Meeting Date
Jan. 1 Jan. 13
Feb. 1 Feb. 10
Mar. 1 Mar. 10
Apr. 1 Apr. 14
May 1 May 12

The IACUC reviews any specific concerns or complaints about ISU’s animal care/use. 

  • The ISU Animal Facility has both an Animal Facilities Manager, and an Attending Veterinarian, who, in cooperation with IACUC, provide guidance and assistance regarding proper and humane use of animals.
  • The Guide for Animal Care and Use of Laboratory Animals is the standard that is followed for all animal research in the U.S.  The Office for Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) and the USDA-APHIS are also rich sources for information relating to animal research.
  • AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2020 Edition (NOT-OD-20-143)

IACUC Contact

Sandy Anthony, Committee Coordinator

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