Dr. Laticia Herkshan
Dr. Laticia Herkshan (Doctor of Arts, 2022; MPA, 2021; MA, 2018; BA, 2016)
Dr. Laticia Herkshan (Doctor of Arts, 2022; MPA, 2021; MA, 2018; BA, 2016): Geoscience Outreach and Recruitment/Indigenous STEM Education Researcher, Idaho State University https://www.linkedin.com/in/laticia-herkshan-da-mpa-07ba8a252/ My name is Laticia Herkshan, I am a 2016, 2018, 2021, and 2022 graduate of ISU’s Political Science department. I received my bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate in Political Science as well as a Master of Public Administration. Overall, I had a really positive and rewarding experience in the Poli Sci department. I was fortunate enough to make connections with many POLS professors and peers. I was afforded a diversity of learning and teaching experiences as a student. I really attribute my success to my advisors from the department and their willingness to support me through the topics and approaches to research that I wanted to pursue. The professors in the POLS department guided me toward learning, research, professional and personal development opportunities that prepared me for not only getting through my degree programs, but also for a career. Now, in my professional career, I get to apply the knowledge and interpersonal and analytical skills I acquired as a student. More importantly, I am able to work in a fulfilling role that is both meaningful and challenging. I am grateful for the opportunity I had to be involved in such a supportive and inspiring environment.