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PharmD/MBA Program

The College of Business and College of Pharmacy at Idaho State University offer a joint PharmD/MBA program for students interested in earning both degrees. Students enrolled in the PharmD program may earn an MBA degree with approximately one summer and one year of additional course work. Program requirements and curriculum substitutions are described on the College website.

During the two years of prepharmacy course work, the student should take:

  •  ECON 2201 - Principles of Macroeconomics (Partially satisfies General Education Objective 6)
  •  ECON 2202 - Principles of Microeconomics (Partially satisfies General Education Objective 6)
  •  ACCT 2201 - Principles of Accounting I
  •  ACCT 2202 - Principles of Accounting II

Students opting for the dual degree program will follow the traditional PharmD curriculum. Completion of the following courses can be used to satisfy six hours of electives required for the PharmD degree: MBA 6610, MBA 6611, MBA 6613, MBA 6614, MBA 6615. In order for these courses to count as professional electives, they must be taken while enrolled in the PharmD program, typically during the third professional year in the PharmD program and the summer preceding that year.

Throughout and following the professional PharmD program, the student must complete, MBA program requirements which include satisfactory completion of MBA-I and MBA-II core courses.

Upon completion of all required MBA classes, students must complete the MBA oral exam.

Students interested in the combination PharmD/MBA should work closely with the MBA Program advisor to ensure they are meeting all requirements for this program.

Job opportunities:

  • Administrative, leadership, management pharmacy positions in hospitals, state and federal health care agencies
  • Administrative, leadership, management positions in pharmaceutical industry
  • Administrative, leadership, management positions in managed care

Duration of the program:

  • Completion of the MBA portion of the program requires approximately one additional year of study. Some of the PharmD courses are used to complete the MBA requirements.
  • Program offers flexible accommodations for students with or without business degrees

PharmD/MPH Program

The objective of the PharmD/MPH dual degree program at Idaho State University is to prepare pharmacy professionals who can effectively combine clinical expertise with population health knowledge to advance public health initiatives and enhance community impact. With strategic course sharing and flexible scheduling options, this joint program allows students to earn both degrees concurrently or complete the MPH within approximately one year after the PharmD. The program is designed for motivated students seeking to expand their career opportunities in public health, health system leadership, and population health management. By combining the face-to-face PharmD curriculum with the fully online MPH program, students develop unique expertise in both individual patient care and broader public health and pharmacoepidemiologic research, preparing them for advanced practice roles in government agencies, healthcare systems, and community health organizations. Students must have completed 120 credits at the undergraduate level before applying to the program and are encouraged to speak with an advisor as soon as possible in their P1 year.

Link to graduate catalog https://coursecat.isu.edu/graduate/college-of-health/community-and-public-health/pharmd-mph/

PharmD/PhD in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Program

The objective of the Pharm.D. / Ph.D. dual degree program at Idaho State University College of Pharmacy is to train qualified biomedical and pharmaceutical scientists for academic, industry, or government positions in the relevant scientific field. This program is intended for highly qualified applicants and is designed to reduce the total time needed for completion of the two degrees while maintaining the high standards of the individual programs.  It is intended to increase the number of highly trained clinician-scientists that can operate at the interface of basic science clinical research to facilitate a rapid translation of medical innovation into patient care.

Link to catalog https://coursecat.isu.edu/graduate/college-of-pharmacy/pharmd-ms-phd/

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