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Pharmacy Careers highlights student methodology for drive up flu shot clinics

Student pharmacists and nurses prepare paperwork during a drive up flu shot clinic
MERIDIAN - May 17, 2021
Idaho State University student pharmacists, along with Get Immunized, Idaho, hosted a drive-thru flu shot clinic on Saturday, October 3, from 10am to 5pm in Meridian and again on November 20 in Pocatello. Approximately 650 people received flu shots in Meridian, including Idaho Governor Brad Little and First Lady Teresa Soulen Little, who were first in line. In Pocatello, over 100 shots were given.

Flu shots were available to anyone over six months of age (the insurer was billed when applicable). Get Immunized, Idaho is a team of parents, community members and experts whose mission is to create a healthy Idaho through immunizations. ISU students from the College of Pharmacy, School of Nursing and Department of Physician Assistant Studies were on hand to administer the shots, direct traffic and screen for COVID-19.

Pharmacy Times and Pharmacy Careers featured student pharmacists Elise Capson, Dora Aguayo, James Parrish and Caden Alder, along with Dr. Kevin Cleveland and Dr. Renee Robinson in an article written primarily by students. The article explains the methodology of setting up the vaccine clinic and details the planning involved.

Read the full article on Page 12 of Pharmacy Careers May 2021 edition.


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