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New PawPrint Locations

ISU’s Information Technology Services is excited to announce four new PawPrint locations on the Pocatello campus.

  • Reed Gym, Hallway outside Room 201
  • RFC Tech Cafe
  • Library Student Lounge
  • Life Science Lobby

PawPrint stations feature cloud printing, which allows users to send documents to a specific PawPrint location from anywhere with Internet access. The student then goes to that location, logs in, and releases the document to be printed, as demonstrated in this video. No need for jump drives or concerns over software compatibility.

The new PawPrint locations join these existing PawPrint stations:

  • Rendezvous, East Foyer near Room 222, Pocatello Campus
  • Pond Student Union Building, Room 309, Pocatello Campus
  • Business Administration, Room 217, Pocatello Campus
  • Bennion Computer, Room 118, Idaho Falls Campus
  • Center for Higher Education Foyer, Idaho Falls Campus
  • Main Entrance, Meridian Campus
  • Bengal Den, Room 828, Meridian Campus

To use PawPrint, log into pawprint.isu.edu, choose a printer, and upload your document. ITS anticipates adding additional locations in the future, as well as evaluating current locations with an eye towards ensuring they are located in areas most convenient for students.

If you have any questions, you can check out this article which further explains the PawPrint system, or you can contact the IT Service Desk, at help@isu.edu or 208-282-4357(help).

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