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Store with Google

Drive File Stream

You can find and open your files from Google Drive on your computer with Drive File Stream. You can save specific files and folders offline, including Shared Drives, view and organize your files in your computer’s file system without using storage space, open files on your computer, and back up and sync your files with your Mac or Windows computer.

Drive Mobile

You can access your Drive account on your mobile device

(Note: Your ISU Google Drive account has unlimited storage. Ignore any references to storage limits in these help articles.)

Google Data Storage Guidelines

  • FERPA protected data can be stored in Google, but HIPAA protected data and PII (Personally Identifiable Information) such as SSN and Driver's License #s, cannot.
  • Store work and class data that you want to access quickly from other devices, or that you want to work on collaboratively with others.


Store with Box

Find the link for general Box information here.

Box Drive 

Access all your Box files directly from your desktop, taking up very little hard drive space.

(Note: Contact the IT Service Desk if you plan to access, create or share HIPAA/PHI or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data BEFORE installing and using Box Drive.)

Find the link to install Box Drive here.



(Note: Contact the IT Service Desk if you plan to access, create or share HIPAA/PHI or PII data BEFORE installing and using Box Mobile.)

Box Data Storage Guidelines

  • HIPAA (i.e., Protected Health Information) and other personally identifiable information, such as SSNs, driver's license numbers, and financial account numbers, can be stored in Box. Contact the IT Service Desk who will assign someone to review your account and help set it up to store this type of data.

  • If you have export controlled data you wish to store and/or share, contact the ISU Export Control Officer at orexpctr@isu.edu to see if your specific data can be stored in Box.

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