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Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAFs) are used to create or update employee records. EPAFs allow for quick processing to support HR actions such as creating positions, process terminations, changing labor distributions, updating TORGS (time approval queues), etc. for non-benefited positions, and currently some EPAFs can be used for benefited positions (more details can be found below).

Next EPAF Training Date

We are upgrading our EPAF system (effective October 1st), and the changes include a new user interface. To know more about it, attend our upcoming demo session

Demo details: September 27th at 10:00 AM. Please contact epaf@isu.edu for registering for this session.

Next training Session: TBD

Since we go over the same content every month, these training sessions are not generally recorded. You can find the Training Video on How to use the EPAF Guides (conducted on July 24th, 2024) below under EPAF Originator Resources -> Training.

Please send an email to epaf@isu.edu for more details.


Different Scenarios Do we need an EPAF?
Student, Temp or Work-study new/additional job or termination EPAF submission required.
Benefited employee new/additional job Submit a PR form.
Benefited employee termination Submit an EPTERM EPAF and then complete the Seperation docusign
T- Org, Position Index for all employees (including benefited) EPAF submission required.
Proxy access issues or T-org approver change requests Submit a Banner Access Request (BAR) 


EPAF PR Banner Access Request (BAR)

An EPAF is submitted to create or update student, work-study, or TEMP positions. An EPAF is also submitted if you wanted to change the TOrg of any employee (including benefited) or if you wanted to change the position index of a benefited employee.

A PR is submitted to create or update all the benefited positions that includes all classified, non-classified and faculty positions. A Banner Access Request (BAR) is submitted for all the access related issues such as approver change for a T-Org, EPAF creator access, EPAF approver access, EPAF proxy access, Time approver proxy access etc. 


EPAF Category When to use Quick Guide
EPTERM Terminate benefited employee position


Separation Documentation DocuSign Powerform

TSORG Employee Timesheet Org/Time Approver Change (Applicable for all employees including benefited)


STASSN Student/Temporary Assign a Job or Job Change



STPAY Student/Temporary Job Hourly Rate of Pay Change



STTERM Student/Temporary Job Termination



STENTR Time Entry Method Change STENTR Guide
GRASSN Graduate Assistant Assign a Job or Job Change


GRTERM Graduate Assistant Termination GRTERM Guide
WSASSN Workstudy Assign a Job or Job Change


Here are the list of new Work Study PCNs

WSPAY Workstudy Job Hourly Rate Pay Change


WSTERM Workstudy Job Termination EPAF Quick Guide Terminating an Employee
INDXCH Employee Position Index Change

EPAF Quick Guide Employee Position Index Change

Access Setup:

To be an EPAF Originator, you need to request EPAF Originator access via a Banner Access Request (BAR) and mention the Organizational codes (Org codes) for which you need the access. Please contact your University Business Officer (UBO) to get the information about the Org codes. Getting access to the Organizational codes helps you to submit an error-free EPAF.

Things you need before creating an EPAF:

EPAF submission becomes easy and error-free if you have all the details correct and ready. Below is the checklist we recommend:

    • To set up a new employee, check whether they completed the new hire paperwork with HR and entered it into the Banner system - Search for the employee on the EPAF create screen by marking the employee checkbox or contact HR for the information.
    • For Position number and Account code, please refer to the below table.


      • Account Code Description Position Numbers (PCN) 
        6202 Graduate TA/RA G50000 
        6203 Employees - Temporary T50000 
        6204 CPI Students
        • S20123-00 (CPI Up to 20 Hours)
        • S20123-06 (CPI Over 20 Hours) 
        6204 Non-CPI Student (Non-Work Study) S50000
        6205 State Work Study Work Study PCN List 
        6206 Federal Work Study Work Study PCN List 
    • Index(es) or funding source assigned for the position and calculate the percentage allocation - The position Supervisor/Department should have this information.
    • In the case of a CPI student employee, find out whether it's for an undergrad or graduate level and also the allotted career center pay rate - Career Center will have this information.
    • T-Org number for this position - Here's is the T-Org Information For EPAF Originators CSV Report. Please contact epaf@isu.edu if you need more latest report.
    • Employee timesheets start date (Effective Date)- The position Supervisor/Department should have this information.
    • Job Begin Date and Personnel Date (actual start date) - check out the EPAF dates cheat sheet below in the resources for more help)
    • List of approvers for this EPAF. An EPAF Originator who is submitting the EPAF can be in the Approval Queue but only as an FYI but not as an Approver.
    • The current pay period start date and end dates can be found on the payroll

Sometimes, creating an EPAF can be troublesome. Therefore, the following guides are here to assist you and ease the process.

Please check the EPAF FAQ section for more information. In case of any further questions or queries, please email along with the screenshot of your issue to epaf@isu.edu.


The EPAF training video is available in case you need more assistance. By sending an email to epaf@isu.edu, HR EPAF Team can provide need-based EPAF training to EPAF originators, but we kindly suggest you check out all the EPAF resources available first.


Access Setup:

To be an EPAF Originator, you must raise a Banner Access Request (BAR).

Approver Guide:

EPAF Quick Guide Approving EPAFs can help you with any queries or issues while approving an EPAF. Please email any further questions or concerns along with the screenshot of your issue to epaf@isu.edu.

Setting up your proxy:

A proxy is a person who can view/approve/deny an EPAF on your behalf. It is always recommended to have at least one proxy for every approver, in case of an emergency.

By submitting a Banner Access Request (BAR), IT and HR can enable the EPAF access for a proxy but an approver must complete the proxy setup. EPAF Quick Guide Setting Up and Acting as a Proxy helps you with the proxy setup process. Please email any further questions or concerns along with the screenshot of your issue to epaf@isu.edu.


Access Setup:

You need to raise a Banner Access Request (BAR), to enable the EPAF access. Once it's enabled, the EPAF approver needs to complete the Proxy setup.

Acting and Approving as a proxy:

EPAF Quick Guide Setting Up and Acting as a Proxy helps you with the proxy EPAF approval. 

Please email any further questions or concerns along with the screenshot of your issue to epaf@isu.edu.

EPAF Frequently Asked Questions and Information provide you a quick access to EPAF related FAQs.

Please contact epaf@isu.edu for any other EPAF related questions or concerns.

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