Useful Information and Links
Job Search Guidance
Non-classified and Faculty recruiting have a nearly identical recruitment process. Non-classified positions are those that are created by the University, and they work at the University. The Non-Classified and Faculty searches are hosted through ISU's Talent Management System, supported by Cornerstone. This section will provide training documents, a flow chart of the search process, frequently asked questions, and our policy addressing for our Categories of Employees are determined.
Classified Jobs are state positions that work at the University. Classified employees are generally paid hourly, and all of our recruitment searches are hosted through ISU's Talent Management System, supported by Cornerstone. This section will provide training documents, a flow chart of the search process, frequently asked questions, and our policy addressing how our Categories of Employees are determined.
Below are helpful documents to guide you through the search process. Are there other training tools you would like to see here? Let us know!
- Applicant Review Process
- Behavior Focused Interview Questions
- Legal Interviewing
- Regrets Procedure and Template
- Search Committee Training
- Search Summary Form
Offer Letter Templates:
Close my search
To close your search, you must fill out a Search Summary Form, regardless of whether you are suggesting a candidate for hire or failing the search. To ensure your new hire has the appropriate permissions and is in our system, make sure to fill out a Personnel Recommendation (PR) for benefited employees. For student/temporary/part-time hires, fill out an Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF).
Hire someone in an emergency
Emergency Hires serve as temporary, one-year job placements to ensure that job duties are fulfilled for a specific position, while giving the department time to conduct an open, competitive search. In the event that a qualified hire cannot be made within the initial one-year Emergency Hire appointment, the current Emergency Hire may be extended by an additional year, subject to approval by the ISU Office of Human Resources. You can submit an Emergency Hire Request via DocuSign.
Hire someone without running a search
Search Waivers are requests to permanently fill a vacant position by circumventing the implementation of an open, competitive search. To ensure that the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX requirements are met, Search Waivers are given heightened scrutiny, and are only granted under limited circumstances. To receive approval for a Search Waiver, your proposed incumbent must be exceptionally well-qualified for the open position. You can submit a Search Waiver Request via DocuSign.
Request a new position/Position Control Number (PCN)
New Position Requests require the establishment of a new position (PCN) outside of the normal budgeting process. This form requires a rationale or justification for the new position, as well as the funding source of the proposed action. New Position Requests also require the approval of the Vice President. Complete and submit the Hiring Pre-Authorization Form. Once approved, the department submits a Job Posting Request (JPR) in the Talent Management System (TMS) accessible through MyISU.
Request Staffing Reorganization, Reclassifications & Salary Adjustments
To initiate processing for staffing reorganization, reclassification, or salary adjustment, complete one of the following forms (depending on employee type):
- Reclassification & Salary Adjustment Request: Non-Classified/Faculty
- Reclassification & Salary Adjustment Request: Classified
- For existing employees only, to request an increase to an employee’s salary (or group of employees) outside of the annual merit increases process due to reclassification, staffing reorganization, job changes, internal equity, market or retention.
- Faculty Administrative Appointments - changes or additions to faculty administrative appointments such as Chairs, Program Directors/Coordinators, etc. where administrative pay (including administrative stipends and/or administrative additional contract months) is being requested/applied as an addition to the faculty’s base salary.
- FTE/hours - increase or decrease in employee FTE (full time equivalent) where the base salary is not changing.
Request Performance-Based Bonus
- Request for a one-time, performance-based bonus: Complete and submit the Performance-Based Bonus Request and Payment Authorization (any benefited employee).
- Please note: Per State and ISU policies, performance-based bonuses cannot exceed $2000 per employee, per year.
For more information about ISU's equity and inclusion policies and initiatives, visit https://www.isu.edu/eo/.