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Tuition Reduction Information & Forms

Benefited employees of Idaho State University and their legal spouses may be eligible to register for instructional courses during any academic period. The Idaho State Board of Education allows us to waive tuition costs except for a $20.00 non-refundable registration fee per semester and a $5.00 per credit hour charge. Any special course fees including professional program fees, academic self-support program fees, online program fees, and course fees will be paid by the employee. Full benefit details and forms for the tuition reduction are available via DocuSign by using the below links. To be eligible for tuition reduction, the employee must be hired on or before the beginning of the academic term.

Dependent Child: The ISU employee dependent child tuition reduction benefit provides a 50 percent reduction of ISU resident (in state) student tuition and general fees for a dependent child of eligible ISU employees. Full benefit details and forms for the tuition reduction are available via DocuSign by using the below links.

Reciprocal Agreements: Employees of other State institutions may be eligible to receive the tuition reduction benefit at Idaho State University for the employee only. Please see your employer HR department for forms and instructions. 

  1. Apply to ISU
  2. Get Registered for classes
  3. Before the Add/Drop date of your classes fill out the appropriate tuition reduction form found above
    • DocuSign form will go to all the places it needs to go, no need to print or hand deliver the forms
  4. Pay for Classes

*If you decide to take more classes after you filled out your first form please fill out an additional form listing all the classes you are planning to attend. Pay close attention and select the appropriate form for the number of credits you are planning to take. Forms that contain more than 6 credits that are not on the correct form will be not be approved.

*Tuition Reduction Forms must be filled out each semester before that semesters add drop date. If a student is taking classes in more than one semester and does not fill out a new form with the new classes for the next semester, tuition reduction will not be applied. We can not back date forms to cover previous classes.

*Each form approval only covers the classes listed on the form

Programs Not Included

The tuition reduction program, reduces tuition fees only. There are a few programs at Idaho State University that do not have any tuition related costs and are supported by online program fees instead. These programs are not eligible for the tuition reduction program.

These programs that are not eligible can be found on the Student Tuition and Fees Distribution website. Please make sure you locate and select the year you will be enrolled and look for the section labeled ONLINE PROGRAM FEES to confirm your program is not listed and is eligible for reduction.

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