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BAHM! - The Bi-Annual Honors Meeting


What is BAHM?

The Bi-Annual Honors Meeting is a 30 to 60 minute advising and information session required every Fall and Spring semester for every UHP Student.  BAHM is split into sessions specific to the year and Honors designation (Distinction vs. Degree).

Typical BAHM Sessions:

Session I: All First-Year UHP students
Session II: Second & Third Year Students Pursuing an Honors Distinction
Session III: Second & Third Year Students Pursuing an Honors Degree
Session IV:  Seniors Graduating in the Fall Semester
Session V: Seniors Graduating in the Spring Semester

Three sections of each BAHM Session are offered at varying days and times.  The time and date of sessions are announced with plenty of time to plan and RSVP to the session that fits your schedule.