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Fastest Growing Health Care Occupations

By 2024, health care will become the lagest employment sector of the U.S. economy, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The report projects health care jobs will surpass employment in both the state/local government sector and the business services sector, making up 13.6% of the total workforce. This changes means the demand for health professionals will likely increase in the coming years.

The Kasiska Division of Health Sciences offers degrees in many of these growing fields. The three highest paying careers in the study's list of fastest growing ooccupations are Physician Assistants (+30.4% growth, $95,820 annual salary), Nurse Practitioners (+35.2% growth, $95,350 annual salary) and Physical Therapists (+34% growth, $82, 390 annual salary). All three of these programs and many more are offered at ISU.

Here is a breakdown of some of the over five million health care openings that will need to be filled (list compiled by Health Carousel):

  • 1,088,400 registered nurses
  • 1,040,400 health technologists and technicians
  • 311,200 therapists
  • 290,000 physicians and surgeons
  • 78,000 pharmacists
  • 75,000 nurse practitioners
  • 58,000 dentists
  • 50,000 physician assistants


Written by: Jake Dixon

Kasiska Division of Health Sciences - Learn more about the Kasiska family legacy and impact

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