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College of Education Scholarships

The Idaho State University College of Education awards over $150,0000 annually in scholarships to our students. To apply, complete the optional College of Education Application in the Bengal Online Scholarship System (BOSS). This will match you to all available scholarships within the College of Education.

More information about scholarships can be found on the Idaho State scholarships website.

621 College of Education Students Receive Scholarships

In the Fall 2022 semester, the Idaho State University College of Education awarded every student a scholarship to defray the cost of their education. The funding ranged from $500 per semester up to a four-year, full-tuition scholarship to students. “Making students’ college education affordable and attainable is our top priority,” said College of Education Dean, Jean McGivney-Burelle.

Application for College of Education Scholarships

Access the Bengal Online Scholarship System (BOSS) now to apply for scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Students will fill out and submit a general application and a College of Education application in the BOSS. BOSS will then match you all scholarships you are eligible for. We encourage our students to apply to eligible scholarships.

  • Students must be fully admitted to qualify for scholarship opportunities.
  • Students must be an active “degree seeking” student to apply for scholarship opportunities.
  • Make sure your major is current in the ISU student system.
  • To be considered for any need-based scholarships, you must have your current FAFSA completed for the award year in which you are applying, prior to the scholarship opportunity deadline to be considered. (OPTIONAL -Not all scholarships require financial need.)
  • Letter of Interest – addressing why you have chosen to work in your field of study.
  • Two letters of recommendation from faculty, administrators, or supervisors. (OPTIONAL) 
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