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The On Common Ground Monologues Project Fall 2023-Spring 2024

“True belonging is the spiritual practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness. True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are.” 

― Brené Brown, Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone

The On Common Ground Monologues Project

On Common Ground Monologues is an annual event for ISU students to share their experiences. We will celebrate identity and, together, discover opportunities for improving equity and inclusion here at Idaho State University. 

This event is coordinated by the Diversity Resource Center. We are dedicated to fostering a community that nurtures and appreciates diverse identities while discovering what makes us all a part of the Bengal community. We welcome opportunities to partner with student organizations and departments on campus.  

This event is sponsored by Idaho State University's Department of Student Affairs as part of the On Common Ground Initiative with the support of the Office of Equity and Inclusion.

"We roar loudest when roar On Common Ground."


It was a moment of camaraderie on April 9th, 2024, when we celebrated our grand style
differences. The Christians broke the last fast with the Muslims in the class (ENGL 6624:
American Writers in Europe). To a few people, it was an eye-opener because they had not had
that kind of experience before. For the others, it was a moment of reassociation, giving them
another opportunity to celebrate with people of a different religion—Muslims! The moment was
well spent. We had chats on casual topics. We took pictures, and lastly, we broke the last fast of
this year’s Ramadan together.

This is the second time I have fasted Ramadan outside my country. But I have had a different
experience here. Thank you all for celebrating with us and for creating togetherness in diversity.
It means that wherever we find ourselves, we can be one regardless of our ethnic groups, cultural
identities, religious beliefs, and colors. I feel valued; I feel "relevant." Thank you all for being
part of our happy moment. Thank you for celebrating with us. In your presence, I felt welcomed. 

In the class today 
We made history 
History of togetherness in diversity 
Like a sojourner in a foreign world 
I felt like I was home
Because the citizens made the environment serene 
Serenity in diversity 
Diversity with togetherness 
We have come from different backgrounds
Far and near
To appreciate our God-given colors
Without horror
But with humor
Humor that unites humans
Oh, that was thoughtful
Yes, it was fun
The camaraderie?

It was top-notch 
Even if avuncular 
Prof. Hal is an archetype of unity 
Kierra facilitated it by suggesting we should hold the Potluck
And the suggestion became a reality 
The reality of togetherness in diversity 
Indeed, we are of different colors
But we honored the colors 
With valor

What a memorable time 
What a memorable day 
Spent together 
With warmth and love 
Thank you all!
With a debt of gratitude, 

Taiwo Salako 
April 9th, 2024


You do not have to be an expert writer or artist. No one will be excluded on the basis of skill or experience. We want your words and your experiences, and we do not expect perfection. 

In December 2023, Idaho State University will begin collecting submissions for the first On Common Ground Monologues publication. The publication for year one will be housed digitally. We aim to provide physical copies of the publication in future years. 

If you would like to learn more about what you can submit for this project, refer to our Submissions Guidelines page.

Please stay tuned for updates for the Fall 2024-Spring 2025 edition!