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Career Path Internships

In 2011, Idaho State University implemented the unique Career Path Internship (CPI) program enabling students to work as paid interns in their field of study. These internships can take place on or off campus, providing students with invaluable hands-on experience while enhancing their job readiness skills.

Many students working in CPI positions have even gone on to work as full-time employees upon graduation.

Every CPI position is designed to be a meaningful experience for students. The College of Business’s Professional Development program specializes in placing students in these coveted jobs.

All CPI positions are funded by the University and depend on class level:

  • Undergraduate: $13/hour
  • Graduate/post-bac: $15/hour

Individuals must be a current ISU student enrolled full-time to qualify for a CPI. The student must also be in good academic standing.

In addition to gaining in-field experience through a paid internship, students can also receive course credit. The forms below will allow students to apply for credit. 



Students can be employed on and off campus. Here are a few of the businesses that have employed CPI’s:

  • Micron
  • Idaho Central Credit Union
  • Melaleuca
  • Farm Bureau
  • Wells Fargo
  • Advantage Plus Credit Union
  • Aid for Friends
  • Bannock County
  • Nationwide Insurance
  • Pocatello Free Clinic
  • Pocatello Zoo
  • Citizens Community Bank
  • City of Chubbuck
  • Idaho Department of Transportation
  • Pocatello Regional Transit (PRT)
  • FishTale Creative
  • Idaho Food Bank
  • School District 25
  • St. Luke's Health System

CPI Success Stories

Wes Selman

“I really can't thank [John Ney] enough! My internship and experience at FishTale Creative really made my entrance to the workforce a breeze. Right out of college, I had multiple local offers but took an offer at a marketing agency close to my family in Texas. After a few months, I was managing the marketing strategy for multiple clients.

I am now at a digital advertising company named Simpli.fi. We were just placed on Incs top 50 places to work in the nation and I'm bumping shoulders with ivy league graduates at the forefront of digital advertising.

My internship helped me land that first job and now John’s personal sales class has helped me out tremendously at Simpli.fi. Being able to step out of my personal experiences and view situations from a client's standpoint who has a different mindset than myself has been incredibly helpful, which is the biggest thing I gleaned from John’s class.”

-Wes Selman, Class of 2016

Courtney Fisher

“I wanted to express my gratitude for being part of the CPI program with the College of Business. Wesley, my CPI, has been a huge asset to my business from the very start of his internship. The longevity of this internship over three semesters has been an added bonus.”

-Courtney Fisher, Owner- Fishtale Creative

Sajan Bajracharya

“Thank you very much for the opportunity that was made possible to work with Dr. Dennis Krumwiede as his Career Path Intern.

I have worked with Dr. Krumwiede for about a year and the amount of professionalism and work ethics that I have learned from his expertise has helped me a lot. In fact, I landed a job here at Idaho State University in the Finance Department as an Accountant Analyst.

The guidance provided by Dr. Krumwiede is extremely helpful for students who are thinking of entering the work field. I have had the opportunity to tour multiple companies like Spudnik in Blackfoot, Melaleuca in Idaho Falls, Farm Bureau and ON Semi in Pocatello, and the Solar Farm in American Falls. A tour of these facilities helped me familiarize myself with the work ethics of different companies and see how they operate. I have also had a chance to get my hands on a real project to derive a schedule and allocate resource costs under his mentorship. I learned that companies value a lot of what we studied in the Project Management class while handling multiple projects. I get to help in finding research materials, and I feel that I am involved and needed as a part of the CPI program. These tasks are not monotonous at all, and I got to learn about the industry and correlating factors through these research materials.

Dr. Dennis Krumwiede works with students on a personal level, and this has helped me develop my sense of honesty, integrity, personality, and moreover confidence. To be honest, Dr. Krumwiede helped me get out of the “Introvert Shy closet” to being a well-spoken and outgoing person. His ability to work with students to redefine and revamp their abilities is very impressive. I believe that more CPI opportunities like this will help develop a student's base to step into the work field. The preparedness of students will also benefit the College of Business with their population representing a strong candidacy in the work field.

Once again, thank you very much for providing the opportunity to work with Dr. Krumwiede as his Career Path Intern. I am very grateful towards the College of Business and Dr. Dennis Krumwiede.”

-Sajan Bajracharya, Class of 2017, Management and Finance.

Andrea Jardine

“In my CPI, I was able to work around my class schedule to gain hands-on marketing experience at Wackerli Auto. The program also enabled me to earn course credit for my internship. Once I graduated, I was hired as the Marketing Director for Wackerli.”

-Andrea Jardine, Class of 2016, Marketing Director- Wackerli Auto

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