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Junius Larsen

The Peter C. Kole - Junius Larsen Scholarship Endowment

Dr. Junius Larsen came to Pocatello in 1928 to teach chemistry at what was then known as the University of Idaho, Southern Branch. In addition to teaching he served as dean of arts and sciences from 1957 to 1963 and was among the pioneers who helped Idaho State University develop into the fine institution it is today. Although he was a scientist who taught various phases of chemistry, Dr. Larsen had a great love for the humanities, history, philosophy and literature. He enjoyed reciting poetry and was an accomplished mountain climber. In 1999, Peter C. Kole, a 1963 graduate of the College of Business, and his wife, Nancy, established the Kole - Larsen Endowment in recognition of Dr. Junius Larsen's kindness and attention to students at ISU.

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