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Commercialization Center 

Outside entrance of the College of Business Building

The Idaho State University College of Business Commercialization Center helps high-tech entrepreneurs pursue Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant opportunities. Contracted with Elevate Idaho, this unique collaboration of expertise and resourcing specialists helps recruit, train, prepare and support the Center in writing applications for submission. Elevate Idaho brings tremendous resources from experts in various fields with the purpose of promoting tech-based innovators, entrepreneurs, and small businesses.


Basic services provided by the Commercialization Center include market research, value proposition refinement, pitch development and grant writing.

Specialized Services

Includes the following:

The Commercialization Center provides potential SBIR/STTR applicants assistance with market research, value proposition refinement, pitch development and grant writing. During the consultation process, clients are also regularly referred to internal and outside partner organizations who assist with such things as technology validation, financial modeling, and regulatory advice. The Small Business Development Center, Elevate Idaho, Idaho Apex Accelerator and Bengal Solutions all provide additional consulting support for applicants. As such, there is no maximum number of services that Commercialization Center clients may receive. All funding resources are used to assist applicants and existing awardees. (Unlimited Servicing)

Each month, Elevate Idaho sponsors and supports the mission of the Fast Grant Award via monthly webinar classes about SBIR/STTR topics on the first Wednesday of each month. Some recent webinar topics from the current grant year include: effective pitching, innovation versus invention, SBIR data rights and cybersecurity, introduction to SBIR/STTR funding agencies and preparing a responsive proposal. These trainings enable applicants to better understand the SBIR/STTR process and gain the necessary skills to better communicate when marketing their technology and developing applications. (Contracted with Elevate Idaho with 12 classes total)

Upon joining the Commercialization Center, applicants with in-process applications are asked to attend a monthly masterclass for interactive training on the second Wednesday of each month. These classes help entrepreneurs practice and perfect a myriad of concepts such as pitching, target marketing/market segmentation, business planning, strategy development and pricing. Entrepreneurs are given a monthly exercise and are asked to do a five minute presentation to a mentor on the topic of the class (i.e. business pitch, market segment, pricing justification) and receive expert feedback. These courses help entrepreneurs as they put together their applications or revise rejected applications. (Contracted to the Commercialization Center with a unique masterclass each month)

On the third Wednesday of each month, a representative from a funding agency (typically one of the federal agencies which awards SBIR funding) presents to Idaho entrepreneurs to outline and discuss the intricacies of the agency they work for. The agency member presents for 30 minutes and has a 30-minute question and answer session with potential Idaho applicants. The face time with agency representatives in these classes provides applicants with critical knowledge and reduces entrepreneur anxiety about the SBIR/STTR program. (Contracted to Elevate Idaho with a unique class each month)

Every Commercialization Center applicant is provided a mentor to assist them through the program. The client and mentor meet monthly or as needed to ensure proposal development continues. The mentor has the freedom to equip their client through industry resources, discussions with entrepreneurs or academic research. For entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups, a special effort is made to connect them with mentors who are also from underrepresented groups (i.e. match a rural entrepreneur with a mentor who came from a rural area). Research has shown that entrepreneurs who are members of underrepresented groups often appreciate mentors with similar experience and backgrounds. Regardless of representation, these interactions provide peer support, a sounding board, and resources for entrepreneurs as they navigate the challenging process of completing an SBIR/STTR application. (Commercialization Center works with Elevate Idaho to assign mentors and monitors that regular mentorship is taking place)

Key Partners

The Idaho State University College of Business Commercialization Center is made possible through the award of a grant from the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program.

The Center has contracted with Elevate Idaho, which is a collaborative partnership of nine different agencies across the state. The nine agencies represented in Elevate Idaho include Regional Economic Development for Eastern Idaho (REDI), Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), Small Business Development Center (SBDC State Office and Region VI), Idaho Department of Commerce, University of Idaho Technology Transfer Office, Boise State University Technology Transfer Office, Idaho State University Sponsored Programs Specialist and Vice President for Research, Idaho National Laboratory Tech Deployment Office and Trailhead in Boise.

US Small Business Administration logo

“Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.”

Center Staff


Neil Tocher

Professor and Chair, Department of Marketing and Management

Email: neiltocher@isu.edu

Phone: 208-282-3588


Nikole Layton

Clinical Assistant Professor of Management and Director of Bengal Solutions

Email: nikolelayton@isu.edu 

Phone: 208-282-4067

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