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What Are Your Marketable Skills?

In today's competitive job market, having a college degree alone might not be enough to stand out. It's essential to identify and develop your marketable skills to enhance your career prospects and achieve your goals. But what exactly is a marketable skill, and how do you find yours?

Your marketable skill is like a hidden gem waiting to be unearthed. It's the special quality or expertise that makes you invaluable to employers and sets you apart from the crowd. But how do you find it? 

Embrace your authenticity.  Your journey to discovering your marketable skills begins with embracing who you are at your core. It's about recognizing your unique talents, passions, and experiences that shape your perspective and define your value. Don't shy away from showcasing your authenticity. Your genuine self is your greatest asset in a world that values individuality and originality.

Be honest with your passions. What sets your soul on fire? What ignites a sense of purpose and fulfillment within you? Your marketable skills often stem from the things you're most passionate about.

Once you've identified your passions, it's time to roll up your sleeves and hone your craft. This is where dedication, perseverance, and intentional practice come into play.

Seek out opportunities for growth and development, whether through internships, side projects, campus clubs or online courses. Not sure where to start? The College of Business places a strong emphasis on building a career culture among students through their unique Professional Development program. This program is designed to guide students through preparing for a successful career from starting out as a freshman to finding a job as a junior, senior or graduate student. 

Every step you take toward mastering your skills brings you closer to finding what makes you tick and then being able to monetize that marketable skill. 

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