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OAR Personnel


Effective November 15th, 2024, through Opportunity Aligned Resourcing (OAR) Personnel, hiring managers will be empowered to make personnel recommendations using consistent criteria across the institution to ensure resource allocations are aligned with University goals and opportunities, rather than historical budget allocations. Data to inform these decisions is now widely available through the university’s Budget Model Data Set, Program Analytics Dashboard, and benchmarking data, amongst other resources. Personnel resource decisions will be made through collaborative analysis and dialogue, with a clear and efficient workflow.


All units will use the OAR Personnel process for the following personnel resource decisions:

  • New Hires
    • Searches (both existing lines and new lines)
    • Temporary Emergency Hires
    • Search Waivers
  • Staffing Reorganization, Reclassifications, Retention Offers, and Salary Adjustments including faculty administrative appointments
  • Performance-Based Bonus Request

OAR Personnel applies to benefitted-employee types only, and does not apply to hiring of:

  • Student Employees (including graduate assistants, CPI, work-study, residents, other)
  • Temporary Hourly Employees
  • Adjuncts

  • Mission Fulfillment

    • How does this position support ISU’s mission?

  • Unit Plans

    • How does this personnel action support the unit’s strategic plan and priorities? 

  • Benchmarking Data

    • In comparison with its peers and higher education best practices, is ISU staffing over or under its peers in this function? If University staffing is over its peers, explain the need and rationale for additional investment. 

  • ISU Budget Model Data Set, Program Analytics Dashboard

    • What does unit data reveal about longitudinal staffing trends, progress toward strategic goals, and unit contribution models?

  • Responsibilities and Task Analysis

    • Are the traditional tasks performed by this position still necessary and do they add value? Does FTE align with workload? Are there opportunities for system or process improvement? Are there opportunities for shared service (either within the unit or between units)? 

  • Compliance

    • Are there compliance requirements associated with this position (federal, state, grant, contractual)?

  • Position and Salary Level

    • How does the proposed action align with market and internal equity considerations?

    • (Departments/units are encouraged to consult with their University Business Officer and/or Human Resources on personnel action details for this review).

  • Other Considerations

    • Are there other factors that contribute to the need for this action?

Department hires are unique opportunities to pursue the departmental 3-5 year strategic vision, as conceptualized by the department in coordination with college leadership.  The following questions should address the alignment between the requested hire and that vision as articulated in the department’s strategic vision.

  • Program/Department Plans/Goals

    • How will this hire advance the department’s plans/goals or advancements/innovations in the discipline as identified in your 3-5-year strategic vision document?

  • Productivity and Enrollment

    • What data is available to help assess student demand related to this program?  How will this hire help attend to that demand?  

  • Specialized Accreditation and/or Licensure Requirements 

    • Does this position fulfill requirements for specialized accreditation or licensure? Accreditation/licensure requirements must be included in the request.

  • Department Trends

    • How do longitudinal data trends support the proposed personnel action?

      • Program Enrollment Trends

      • PCN/Student Credit Hour Trends

      • Department Contribution Margin Trends

      • Program Student Graduates

      • Department FTE trends

      • Department FTE/SCH trends

      • Departmental Research Expenditures

      • Departmental F&A Contributions

    • If program-level data is not available for any of the above, please default to Department level data

  • Additional Criteria 

    • Funding Source

    • Position and Salary Level

    • Market and Internal Equity Considerations 

    • Adjunct Availability/Trends

    • Appointment type 

  • Other Considerations

    • Is there context related to any of the requested data in number 4 or 5 that is relevant and needs further explanation?  If so, please provide. 

    • Are there other factors that contribute to the need for this action?

The following steps outline the process department leadership can use to implement OAR Personnel actions. 

Each Vice President will create a timely and efficient process for completion of Steps 1-4 for their divisions. Communication leads within each Division will work with the VP and departments to ensure lines of communication are established regarding OAR analysis steps and authorization to proceed to Step 5, when appropriate. Data to support departments in OAR analysis based on staff/faculty criteria can be obtained through University Business Officers.

      1. Analysis based on OAR criteria. How does this action advance the department’s or unit’s strategic plan (3-5 Year Strategic Vision for academic departments)?
      2. Department leadership discusses departmental analysis including strategic vision, needs, and opportunities with unit leadership (Dean/Unit Director). If Dean/Unit Director supports the proposal to proceed, they will discuss with the Vice President. This step is intended to be a collaborative effort and may involve an iterative process with revisions made as necessary at the Dean/Unit Director or VP level. If a proposed action does not have Dean/Unit Director or VP support to continue, it will not move forward to step 3.
      3. When a VP approves an action to proceed, the communication lead will ensure the Dean/Unit Director and department leadership are informed of the decision. Department leadership should then consult with University Business Officers (UBO) and/or Human Resources on proposed personnel action details. UBO will conduct a strategic review of OAR criteria for the unit, funding source verification and recommendation, position salary, FTE, and consultation with HR and Budget as needed.
      4. Academic Units Only: Dean/VP brings documentation (using Academic Affairs Template) forward for Deans Council review.
      5. After completion of step 3 (and step 4 for academic units), units should follow standard procedures for preparing and submitting forms for review, approval, and processing. HR will review requests based on internal equity, market factors, and applicable ISU and State policy prior to approval.  Forms used for processing are outlined as follows:
        • Request to Hire
          • Searches (both existing lines or a new line): Complete and submit the Hiring Pre-Authorization Form. Once approved, the department submits a Job Posting Request (JPR) in the Talent Management System (TMS) accessible through MyISU
          • Temporary Emergency Hires: Complete and submit the Emergency Hire Request
          • Permanent replacement without running a search: Search Waiver Request (exceptional circumstances only)
        • Staffing Reorganization, Reclassifications & Salary Adjustments: Reclassification & Salary Adjustment Request
          • To initiate processing for staffing reorganization, reclassification, or salary adjustment, complete one of the following forms (depending on employee type):
            • Reclassification & Salary Adjustment Request: Non-Classified/Faculty
            • Reclassification & Salary Adjustment Request: Classified
              • For existing employees only, to request an increase to an employee’s salary (or group of employees) outside of the annual merit increases process due to reclassification, staffing reorganization, job changes, internal equity, market or retention
              • Faculty Administrative Appointments - changes or additions to faculty administrative appointments such as Chairs, Program Directors/Coordinators, etc. where administrative pay (including administrative stipends and/or administrative additional contract months) is being requested/applied as an addition to the faculty’s base salary
              • FTE/hours - increase or decrease in employee FTE (full time equivalent) where the base salary is not changing
        • Performance-Based Bonus Request
      6. Workflow Routing and Approvals
        • Supervisor/Hiring Manager - submit appropriate request forms as discussed with leadership to support and align with OAR criteria.
        • UBO - funding source verification and recommendation, position salary, FTE, consultation with HR and Budget as needed.
        • Dean/Director - Submit action for VP review and approval.
        • Vice President - review and approve/disapprove action based on OAR criteria. Communicate decisions and adjustments to division units and departments.
        • Budget Office – data verification, funding source, funding availability.
        • Human Resources - final review and analysis on compensation including internal equity and market, position criteria alignment.
      7. Decision Communicated
        • Hiring managers shall be informed about the results of their request, whether approved or denied. Decisions regarding hiring action approvals/denials will primarily be communicated by a designee of the vice president who oversees the unit/department.
        • This designee is responsible for ensuring hiring managers receive the necessary information and context regarding the decision and serve as the point of contact for questions regarding the workflow process and status.

Additional Information

Lunch and Learn Sessions

Sargent Conference Room, Student Union Building

Date  Zoom Link
November 11th, 2024 at 12:00 pm Zoom Meeting Link
November 13th, 2024 at 12:00 pm Zoom Meeting Link


OAR Personnel VP Communication Leads

Academic Affairs

Cali Bell

calierickson@isu.edu, x2171


Carrie Page 

carriepage@isu.edu, x3053


Becky Naber

beckynaber@isu.edu, x4064

Campus Operations

Patience Ternus

patienceternus@isu.edu,  x2953


Patience Ternus

patienceternus@isu.edu, x2953


Penny Stringham

pennystringham@isu.edu, x4541


Jaclyn Furio

jaclynfurio@isu.edu, x3008


Jenn Forshee

jennforshee@isu.edu, x2566


Paddy Sant

paddysant@isu.edu, x5907

Student Affairs

Dianna Cowell

diannacowell@isu.edu, x3818

Documents & Forms 
Step Documents


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