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Budget Office Resources

Budget Office Forms
  • Resource Allocation and Impact Summary (RAIS)
  • Budget Adjustment Request Form in DocuSign.  Please review the instructions below. 

    Instructions: Use this form to request both recurring and one-time adjustments to irregular, operating, and/or capital budgets. Before requesting adjustments, review all available budget resources within your unit. A few of the detailed items you will be asked to provide on this form include an amount requested, the budget type, a description of any new potential revenue associated with the request, a reason or rationale supporting the request, and a funding source (if known).  Please include supporting documentation as appropriate. You will be asked to provide names and emails for the following approval signatures: Unit Business Officer, Dean/Director, and VP or Designee.  After completing the form, it will be routed through DocuSign for approval signatures. The request will then be routed to the Admin Council for review/final decision. For routine budget transfers, use the budget transfer form and process. Please contact budget@isu.edu or 208-282-4277 with any questions.

Idaho State’s Revenue Enhancement Revolving Fund is designed to provide an ongoing funding source for creating and expanding revenue generating activities at the university. The fund was established through a gift from the Idaho State University Foundation.

All units and departments are eligible for funding of non-academic projects and initiatives that align with ISU’s mission and strategic plan to include continuing education, workforce development, clinics, and educational sales and services.

Maximum funding per initiative is $100,000 per year up to two years; $200,000 total.

Units must repay the fund in full within four years, with the following minimum repayment schedule.

  • Year 2: 25% of investment 
  • Year 3: 50% of investment 
  • Year 4: Full reimbursement

After the revolving fund has been reimbursed, income generated from the initiative will be shared between the unit and central university funds. This structure will be determined as part of the funding approval and will vary based on the type of initiative.

Examples of income share:

  • Operating income (revenue less direct expenses) shared 50/50 between the unit and central university funds
  • Percentage of gross revenue to central university funds, with thresholds for gross revenue percentage splits.

Units receiving funding will provide an annual report to the Revenue Enhancement Review Committee.  During the first three years of the fund investments, highlights of those annual reports will be provided to the ISU Foundation to highlight the donor investment impact.

Unit or department submits proposal

The Revenue Enhancement Review Committee, comprised of the CFO, Vice President for Advancement, Legal Counsel, and Provost, meets with submitters to discuss and review the proposal

The Review Committee ranks proposals based on the following criteria:

  • Ability to fully repay investment within 4 fiscal years
  • Long-term ROI
  • Mission alignment
  • Strategic Plan, *Academic Plan, and *Strategic Enrollment Management Plan alignment
  • Strength of concept
  • Alignment with ISU’s budget model

Funding awards announced.

*Currently in development

Standard Timeline:

November 1: Proposals submitted to the review committee

November-January: Proposal review

February 1: Funding awards for coming fiscal year

August 1: Fund reimbursement transfers

September 15: Annual report for previously funded projects