Penalties for Academic Dishonesty
Academic integrity is expected of all students. Academic dishonesty, including cheating or plagiarism, is unacceptable. The Idaho State University academic dishonesty policy allows an instructor to impose one of several penalties for cheating that range from a warning up to assigning a failing grade for the course or dismissal from the University. ANY use of an electronic device or other form of unauthorized materials during an exam or other assessment will be considered cheating.
The following information has been taken from ISU Policies and Procedures Policy #4000. The penalty imposed by the instructor depends on the circumstance and will either be a resubmission of work OR a grade reduction.
- Resubmission: The instructor may require that the work in question be redone to conform to proper academic standards or may require that a new project be submitted. The instructor may specify additional requirements.
- Grade reduction: The instructor may lower a student's grade or assign an "F" for a test, project, or other academic work.
The instructor of the lab section is responsible for initiating an investigation of each suspected incident of academic dishonesty. When the instructor witnesses such an incident, has evidence of one or is informed of one by a witness, the instructor shall proceed as follows:
1 | The instructor may intervene and gather evidence to see whether further action is necessary. | ||
2 | If the instructor feels that a sanction of grade reduction is warranted, he/she shall discuss the incident with his/her department chair or assistant chair. If, after this meeting, the instructor decides not to impose sanctions, then no further action is necessary. | ||
3 | Once the instructor has met with the chair or after deciding on resubmission of work, the instructor must notify the student. Do not return the work in which you suspect academic dishonesty to the student, instead return to them a note stating that the work has a "grade pending" due to suspected academic dishonesty, provide the student a brief description of the evidence, and notify the student that they have 72 hours to schedule a meeting with the instructor. At this meeting, the student is required to respond to the evidence orally and in writing. This meeting is a "fair hearing" and the student can address the evidence and bring witnesses to support their version of the evidence. | ||
4 | After the meeting with the student, if the instructor concludes that academic dishonesty has occurred they may choose to: Require a resubmission of the student's work - no further action is necessary. OR Impose a grade reduction - The instructor must prepare an Academic Dishonesty Incident Reporting . |
5 | The instructor shall keep a copy of the report and send copies to; 1) the student, 2 & 3) the Chair and the Dean of the Department in which the instructor holds an appointment, 4 & 5)the Chair and the Dean of the Department in which the student is a major, 6) the Office of the Registrar, and 7) Vice President for Student Affairs, Patricia S. Terrell, Ed.D. A copy of the incident report shall be placed in the student's permanent file in that office. Submission of the report must include the Office of the Registrar's Academic Dishonesty Cover Sheet. | ||
6 | The instructor shall also inform the student of the procedures for appeal outlined by ISU Policy and Procedure. | ||
Updated: 03/10/2021 |