Biolab > Training > Technology
Vernier equipment is used in several lab exercises. The Logger Pro software and the Go!Link interfaces are used in conjunction with several sensors:
pH | Conductivity | Gas Pressure | CO2 | O2
- The storage buffer solution must completely cover the sensor tip when on its side or upside down. Keep the storage vial filled to the top.
- The sensor must be rinsed and blotted dry between uses.
- The sensor has a glass tip; it can break.
- The pH sensors do not need to warm up. They should instantly read around 4 because the storage buffer is at pH 4.
- Connect the Go!Link to your computer using the USB cable.
- Using Logger Pro, open the specific .cmbl file needed for the exercise.
- If the initial reading is not hovering around 4, skip to section B below.
B. Calibration
If you find that the initial reading is under or over 4 when you first plug in the sensor and open Logger Pro, then follow the procedure below.
- Go to the Tool Bar and select ‘Experiment’ > ‘Calibration’ > ‘Go!Link: pH.
- The ‘Calibrate’ tab will be open in the window that pops up.
- Follow the 2-point calibration procedure:
- Remove the sensor from the storage vial.
- Place the sensor in buffer standard 4.
- Click on the 'Calibrate Now' button.
- Type 4 in the cell of the 'Reading 1' section.
- Click on ‘Keep’.
- Rinse the tip with a wash bottle and blot dry with a Kimwipe.
- Place the sensor in buffer standard 7.
- Type 7 in the cell of the 'Reading 2' section.
- Click on ‘Keep’.
- Rinse the tip with a wash bottle and blot dry with a Kimwipe.
- Place the sensor back in the storage vial that is filled with storage buffer.
- Once the calibration is complete click on ‘Done’.
- The ‘Current Calibration:’ drop down will show ‘pH <Not Saved>’
- Go back to the Tool Bar and select ‘Experiment’ > ‘Calibration’ > ‘Go!Link: pH’.
- Once the window opens select the ‘Calibration Storage’ tab.
- Follow the calibration storage procedure:
- Make sure that the ‘Current Calibration:’ drop-down shows ‘pH <Not Saved>’.
- Click on ‘Set Sensor Calibration’. A new window will open.
- Click on ‘Set’, ‘Done’, ‘Write’.
- Unplug the pH sensor from the Go!Link and then plug it in again. If the Logger Pro reading window does not read around 4 the calibration storage procedure did not work. Repeat section B.
A. Use
Set the switch on conductivity sensors to μS/cm range required for the lab exercise.
- Low range 0 to 200 μS/cm (0 to 100 mg/L TDS)
- Mid-range 0 to 2000 μS/cm (0 to 1000 mg/L TDS)
- High range 0 to 20,000 μS/cm (0 to 10,000 mg/L TDS)
B. Calibration
- Go to the Tool Bar and select ‘Experiment’ > ‘Calibration’ > ‘Go!Link: Conductivity.
- The ‘Calibrate’ tab will be open in the window that pops up.
- Follow the one-point calibration procedure:
- Select the 'One Point Calibration' box:
- Place the sensor in the conductivity standard (vial with green lid).
- Click on the 'Calibrate Now' button.
- Type 1000 in the (uS/cm) cell of the 'Reading 1' section.
- Click on ‘Keep’.
- Rinse the tip with a wash bottle and blot dry with a Kimwipe.
- Click on the 'Done' button.
- The ‘Current Calibration:’ drop down will show ‘Con 2000 uS/cm <Sensor page 0>’
- Go back to the Tool Bar and select ‘Experiment’ > ‘Calibration’ > ‘Go!Link: conductivity uS/cm’.
- Once the window opens select the ‘Calibration Storage’ tab.
- Follow the calibration storage procedure:
- Make sure that the ‘Current Calibration:’ drop-down shows ‘Con 2000 uS/cm <Sensor page 0>’.
- Click on ‘Set Sensor Calibration’. A new window will open.
- Click on ‘Set’, ‘Done’, ‘Write’.
- Unplug the sensor from the Go!Link and then plug it in again. If the Logger Pro reading window does not read around 1000 uS/cm the calibration storage procedure did not work. Repeat section B.
A. Use
The white stem on the end of the Gas Pressure Sensor has a small threaded end called a luer lock. With a gentle half-turn, you may attach the plastic tubing to this stem using one of the Luer connectors already mounted on both ends of the tubing. The Luer connector at the other end of the plastic tubing can then be connected to one of the stems on the rubber stoppers. The stopper can then be inserted into a flask or test tube to provide an airtight container to investigate a confined gas.
B. Calibration
Calibration should not be required.
A. Use
- Make sure the switch on the sensor is set to LOW 0 - 10,000ppm.
- The CO2 sensors need to warm up for 45 seconds to 2 minutes. They are ready to use once they read 400 ±100 ppm and the reading is somewhat stable (doesn’t jump around too much).
- Connect the Go!Link to your computer using the USB cable.
- Place the CO2 gas sensor upright in a dry beaker and then plug it into the Go!Link.
- Using Logger Pro, open the specific .cmbl file needed for the exercise.
- Wait between 45 seconds to 2 minutes for the reading to reach 400 ±100 ppm.
- If the reading is under 300 or over 500, skip to section B below.
- Between runs keep the sensor sitting upright in a dry beaker.
- Do not blow on the sensor shaft.
- Do not get the sensor wet. It is meant to be used only with air.
B. Calibration
The sensors were checked to make sure they read 400 ±100 ppm. However, if you find that after you have completed steps 1-4 from section A, the readings are under 300 OR over 500 go through the calibration procedure.
- Hold the sensor upright.
- Plug the sensor into the Go!Link.
- Open Logger Pro.
- Wait 2 minutes to allow the sensor to warm up.
- After 2 minutes, hold the sensor calibration button down (found on the side of the sensor) until the spot below the button flashes a red/orange light
- After about 30 seconds, the reading should stabilize at a value of approximately 400 ±100 ppm. If the reading is under 300 OR over 500, simply press the button again to repeat the process. Note: If the red light stays on solid, you have held the button too long. In this case, wait for it to go off and press it again, releasing it as soon as it begins to flash.
- Close and Re-open Logger Pro.
- Wait 2 minutes and then check that the calibration worked and the reading is still 400 ±100 ppm.
A. Use
- Keep upright at ALL times.
- Place in a reaction chamber ONLY during a run.
- Between runs keep the sensor sitting upright in a DRY BEAKER.
- Do not get the sensor wet. It is meant to be used only with air.
- Do not blow on the sensor shaft.
- The O2 sensors do not need to warm up. They should instantly read 20.9 ±1.0%.
- Connect the Go!Link to your computer using the USB cable.
- Place the CO2 gas sensor upright in a dry beaker and then plug it into the Go!Link.
- Using Logger Pro, open the specific .cmbl file needed for the exercise.
- If the initial reading is under 19.0% or Over 22%, skip to section B below.
B. Calibration
The sensors were checked to make sure they were in the 0-20.9% O2 gas range. However, if you find that the reading is significantly lower than 20.9% when you first plug in the sensor and open Logger Pro, then follow the procedure below.
- Go to the Tool Bar and select ‘Experiment’ > ‘Calibration’ > ‘Go!Link: 1 Oxygen Gas’.
- The ‘Calibrate’ tab will be open in the window that pops up.
- Follow the 2-point calibration procedure:
- While holding the calibration button down (found on the side of the sensor) enter a value of 0.
- Click on ‘Keep’.
- Release the calibration button.
- Enter a value of 20.9% oxygen.
- Click on ‘Keep’.
- The Logger Pro reading window should show the calibration.
- Once the calibration is complete click on ‘Done’. The ‘Current Calibration:’ drop down will show ‘Oxygen Gas % <Not Saved>’
- Go back to the Tool Bar and select ‘Experiment’ > ‘Calibration’ > ‘Go!Link: 1 Oxygen Gas’.
- Once the window opens select the ‘Calibration Storage’ tab.
- Follow the calibration storage procedure:
- Make sure that the ‘Current Calibration:’ drop-down shows ‘Oxygen Gas % <Not Saved>’.
- Click on ‘Set Sensor Calibration’. A new window will open.
- Click on ‘Set’, ‘Done’, ‘Write’.
- Unplug the O2 sensor from the Go!Link and then plug it in again. If the Logger Pro reading window does not read around 20.9%, the calibration storage procedure does not work. Repeat section B.