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Grading in Moodle

Biolab > Training > Grading


A. General Information

  • Quiz banks are found in the Quiz Bank & Point Values spreadsheets of our Google Drive folder for each lab course.
  • Hand out quiz bundles during the first lab.
  • The students will use the same quiz bundle for the duration of the semester.
  • Quiz bundles never leave the lab with the students.
  • Hand them out before the students take the quiz each week. Collect them after the students take the quizzes.
  • All sheets need to be in the bundle. At the end of the semester, both bundles must be deposited in LS 202 Shred-it receptacle.

B. Rules for taking the quiz:

  • Random assigned seating is required during the quiz. The instructor has the right to move students to new seats if necessary.
  • No materials of any kind on the table, except for a writing utensil and the quiz sheet bundle.
  • Only a writing utensil, this quiz sheet bundle, and the knowledge the student has can be used to take the quiz.
  • Electronic devices (excluding the ISU lab computers and equipment) are NOT allowed in the lab.
  • If a student has an electronic device on or near them OR anywhere near their seat, the student will receive a zero on the quiz.
  • If the lab instructor observes a student looking at another student’s quiz, BOTH students will receive a zero.
  • Students must sit arm's length from each other during the quiz if space allows.
  • No student can touch another student.
  • No talking during the quiz.
  • The quiz sheet bundle must be folded lengthwise as the student takes the quiz and when they turn it in.
  • The entire quiz sheet bundle must be turned in after each quiz.
  • A student cannot make up a missed quiz UNLESS they have an absence excused in advance by the lab instructor for an ISU-sponsored event ONLY.

C. Pre-quizzes (1101L/2227L only):

  • The quiz is given during the first 10 minutes of the lab. 
  • If a student is late, they cannot take the pre-quiz.
  • The quiz sheet will be provided by the instructor.
  • Pre-quiz - ten (10) multiple choice questions (each worth 1 pt).

D. Post-quizzes (1101L/2227L only):

  • The quiz is given after everyone has turned in their task sheet, submitted interpretation documents, and cleaned up their workstation.
  • Post-quiz - ten (10) short answer questions to be answered in complete sentences (each worth 1 pt)
  • The quiz sheet will be provided by the instructor 
  • If a student does not stay for the entire lab period and does not hand in a completed task sheet, they cannot take the post-quiz

Student Syllabus Quiz Results

  1. Check the syllabus quiz on Moodle to see which questions the students missed and discuss those questions with the students during lab 1.
  2. Click on the Syllabus Quiz link under Lab Materials in the metacourse.
  3. Click on ‘Attempts: #’.
  4. Select your group.
  5. Scroll down and you will see a list of your students (column 1) followed by several other columns of information including 10 columns (one for each question) labeled Q.1, Q.2, etc.
    • Write down the question numbers that have at least one red X in their column for each of your lab sections.  During lab use the list from above and, under the open Gear icon, click on ‘Preview’’ to go over the missed (red check) questions with your students.
    • Please do not show the students the ‘Results’ or ‘Response’ pages.